Ledger Hardware Crypto Wallet

Ledger Hardware Crypto Wallet

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ledger Hardware Crypto Wallet”.
Thanks elijah for sponsoring this video, so maybe it’s just my feeds, but i can’t go on twitter, tick, tock or instagram. Without hearing something about crypto shiba, you know to the moon, doge to the moon. We’Ve got bitcoin hitting all-time highs, ethereum hitting all-time highs. Crypto is just bonkers right now and chances are you are holding some on exchange. I certainly know i am i’ve gotten into mining.

Recently. I’Ve talked about and i kind of brought up the question: how do you keep your crypto safe um? This is really important because a lot of people are are new to crypto and maybe think of it like a bank or holding a stock. If you hold the percentage of bitcoin, you think of it like holding a share of whatever your favorite company, but a lot of times that crypto is being held on an exchange, whether it’s coinbase, it’s public uh, even robin hood, uh, kraken, there’s a bunch of others And those are great places to buy crypto, but those inherently have some problems and security problems so first, like any online account, they are subject to potentially being hacked. Maybe you don’t have to factor turned on which you definitely should. Maybe somebody learns your seed phrase and often times especially when it comes things like robin hood that don’t yet have widely available wallets. You don’t even own that crypto they’re just kind of giving you access to that certain amount and that’s where a hardware wallet is something that is really important and, like it says it’s a hardware wallet something you physically have in your hand, that holds your crypto, which Is for the most part, completely unhackable, and also you can again you can hold it.

Ledger Hardware Crypto Wallet

You are in control of it, meaning you can control where it’s put put in the safe, keep it in the drawer and it’s not out on the open market being held by sort of others, leaving your you know pretty valuable, uh crypto exposed. This is legitimately the crypto wallet that i’ve been choosing to use and that the guy who’s making this video behind the camera courtney has chosen to use uh for almost a year now uh. It is incredibly reliable, small and, most importantly, really safe. So first there’s a screen which makes it really nice to be able to see what you have. It has support for well over a thousand different coins and they make transferring things to it really easy.

Ledger Hardware Crypto Wallet

So the hardware wallet is there to store all of your assets, but a live app, i think, is where a lot of the cool stuff is happening and it’s kind of a one-stop shop. It’S not only can you buy thousands of different coins with the ledger live app, you can actually exchange coins with para swap or changely, and also use the discover section with rainbow.me and xerion give you access to defy and nfts. The idea here is to make it like easy and safe for everyone to physically store crypto assets. At the same time, like connect people opportunities to exchange all of those things inside of one app so you’re getting security and freedom, you can actually go through and buy crypto there as well to different providers like wire. Quantify that as soon as you do it they’re going to appear right in your wallet, so you don’t have to transfer or pay the transfer fee.

Ledger Hardware Crypto Wallet

That generally goes along with it uh it’s all in one place. That’S awesome! I didn’t use that too much to buy a new crypto. I generally already have my crypto, but when i do want to buy things that i want to just easily store on a wallet they’ve made that whole process encapsulated and really simple. They made it relatively affordable at 120 when you think about all the crypto you have.

That is a very, very small price to pay to keep your information safe and secure, there’s usb type c port on it. So you can obviously connect your computer if you need to authenticate or if you want to send things that way, you have the option uh to do that as well uh, but it’s also bringing something new to the table that initially, when it was launched, um was A bit controversial and that’s bluetooth support, so you have bluetooth that you don’t have to be able to plug it in to send crypto to a friend to send your crypto off to an exchange. Whatever you want to do now, obviously you can plug it in you. Probably want to do that to charge it, but bluetooth will give you the option to take it mobile with you and with their mobile app. You’Ve got full control of your crypto. If you just keep it in your pocket, but obviously with bluetooth.

There are inherent concerns and, if we’re talking about a hardware wallet to keep your crypto safe from hacking, the first thought most people have is like crap. Bluetooth is very easily hackable uh. Why would i want to do that? So obviously i am not a hacker or anything like that, but i am somebody who’s relatively sort of into crypto and take security very seriously.

So with this bluetooth, what you’re not getting is your keys being exposed? What somebody would need to get access to your wallet? So let’s say you and i go out to dinner. I use bluetooth on my nano x to connect to my app and send you 30 bucks for dinner. Thanks for the drinks, what no one’s going to have, who might be trying to get access to this is the keys to get access to to my wallet that is never exposed. Essentially, all you’re getting is a yes or no coming through bluetooth, that wouldn’t matter anyway, and when you send crypto, no matter what you’re doing it’s going to a public ledger. So your wallet address is going to be available. Certainly it’s anonymized and then, where you’re sending it to is available, but your information that can get anybody access to your actual wallet is still kept secure and never transmitted via bluetooth, which personally i like now, you may have issues with bluetooth for for another reason, as Far as i can tell, as far as i know, there’s never been a successful bluetooth hack on any of the nano ledger x’s, which means a lot. There have been hacks on a lot of exchanges. We’Ve certainly seen that over the years where exchanges can go down or passwords can get lost, that’s where i’ve kind of gravitated to something like the nano x and it’s not perfect. The screen could be bigger.

The two-button navigation can sometimes be a bit confusing, but for what it does and the price and the features and the convenience. It is absolutely the best going out there. It’S kind of a one-stop shop. So if you want to check out the nano x – and i think you should, if you are even remotely interested or already have a toad dipped in the crypto space link to it down below .