360 All-in-one Camera

360 All-in-one Camera

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “360 All-in-one Camera”.
Thanks to kandao for sponsoring this video, so this is the kandao meeting line of products. They are super dope for a ton of reasons. Before i get into set of reasons, though i do want to say thank you to everybody, who’s been watching my videos over the years. It is a season of giving, and i want to give back to you – we’ve made this super easy. If you love tech and you love free money, i got something to tell you all: you got to do to enter to win a 500 american express gift card or if you live somewhere, america expresses it exists, 500. Whatever card you would like leave a comment. Let me know what you do with one of the kandao products, but be sure to leave your social handle in the comments. So i can contact you if you win so many people have entered. Not many have remembered to leave the social handles, be sure to do that.

Let it run for 10 days open anyone in the world. All the information, though, will be in the description and all that is possible because kandao is awesome and they’re awesome, because they are the best way to push past the limitations of the workplace by using tech that we all use all the time. Like cameras, speakers microphones, integrating them with smarts from ai to bring the best in video conferencing experience to you all right, so kandao sees their whole line, sometimes how people see their kids as good, better and best. So no matter which one you choose.

You are getting a good, better or best experience um, but they all offer some unique features that fit different situations better than others and in the era where pretty much everybody’s video conferencing and working from home. These are especially useful in today’s climate. So i think the biggest problem when it comes to video conferencing, aside from having to tell karen that she’s on mute or you can hear her yelling at her kids in the background, is making sure that you can obviously be seen and heard. It sounds like an easy thing to do, but just in your head think about how many times somebody’s told you over the past 18 months, that you are on mute um, you think you just set up a camera and mic and you should be good to go And if you’ve ever done, video conferencing, which i know you have uh you’ll, know that that is not always the case, especially when you’re in a room with bunch of people or bad lighting or like something reflecting off your computer and giving your normally decent skin complexion. Looking sal or sometimes see-through, that may be more of a personal thing, but definitely happens. So that’s where kandao’s meeting and meeting pro come in handy.

Basically, you just need to plunk these things down in the middle of the table and it’s going to take care of all of the rest. So both meeting and meeting pro have a lot of similarities, but some key differences as well, so the regular can down meeting it packs everything you need to sort of just get up and running and considering the size of this thing, it’s pretty impressive. How much is packed in here? I think the most important thing is it’s: on top the the camera, it’s obviously right, uh, it’s hidden and popped up to reveal 8k capturing in 1080p, streaming 360 degree camera, and this is really what makes the whole thing tick. If you ever use a 360 camera, you will know resolution is everything when it comes to getting a good image out of it, because images are being stretched to capture the whole room. The more resolution, the better it just means when you watch back on a tv or another screen, maybe it’s going to look clear and sharp, no matter where you move it. Essentially, it’s the benefits of 360 without the downsides of resolution uh, but the camera isn’t just there to capture the whole room goes beyond that too.

So the camera is powered by ai. So i promise it’s not going to try to take over your house, but it can detect whoever is talking and automatically focus on said person plus it got multiple microphones built in all around it, so the audio is going to sound, kicking uh for every person talking As well um and all of this will work with the popular video conferencing platforms you’re already used to so you don’t have to like set up a special kandao meeting thing you just potentially plug it in start the meeting and you are good to go all right. So that’s good kandao meeting is solid, but the meeting pro takes all of that and adds just a little bit of sauce. So on the surface, the features are pretty similar.

360 All-in-one Camera

You get two 220 degree cameras that can output 360 field of view, with 8k imaging systems. There’S also eight microphones built in so here everyone. Clearly it’s got the same ai to focus on who’s talking, but here’s where there’s even more um, so the biggest advantage with pro is that it’s all in one solution. This is running on android, so you don’t need a separate pc to turn your video conferencing software uh. You just essentially can plug this thing into a tv and then meeting pro will do the rest, so you can just use included remote to control it.

360 All-in-one Camera

If you already have a conferencing pc setup, this will work over usb, so you can use it there as well. You have the flexibility of both options so plug this into your tv, and you are absolutely good to go or a monitor and you are good to go. No pc needed to do all the heavy lifting there’s also hi-fi speaker system built in. So you can hear everything going on the other side of the call, which is arguably as important as the camera quality, but because of the camera and ai there’s. Also some cool video options happening here as well.

360 All-in-one Camera

So a 360 degree camera can focus on who is talking but can also output, multiple layouts, depending on the scenario. For example, you can get the full 360 view on top multiple angles on the bottom. You can also choose to show everyone in the meeting, then i’ll, detect automatically who’s. Talking even just show both sides of the room, using both cameras. So a bunch of things you can do with it and having the 360 cameras gives you flexibility that you wouldn’t get from a traditional just, you know wide angle, camera. So that’s the meeting and the meeting pro they’re, both really solid options for a conference room or even home um for bigger spaces, but the meeting s is built for tiny space.

It’S a more kind of private environment so, instead of a 360 degree camera it has a 180 degree field of view. So if you set it on one side of room, this will be able to see everything that you’re going to need, even though it doesn’t have the 360 camera. It’S still got the ai smarts, so kandao is calling it the kandao meeting ai 3.0 algorithm, which is a mouthful uh, but it is smarter and faster. You get different view modes. Like other cameras, you also get the zoom and lock functions, so you can focus on something particular in the frame like a whiteboard or something, and also much like the meeting pro. It’S also a completely standalone device again running android as well.

That’S all you need to do to get going with your meetings and that’s awesome, because it’s also meant to be a portable experience. Sometimes you don’t have a dedicated meeting room or dedicated pc. You can just take meetings with you wherever your meeting is taking place and you are done set and good to go, and since it’s all in one, you get the full duplex audio system here as well, which is going to mean eight beamforming microphones and a high Five speaker array, plus it’s got a mute button built in so you can quickly kill any audio for privacy and a cap for the camera as well. That’S important too! Generally, it’s a good thing to always have on a camera, but probably one of my favorite things here is a micro sd card slot built in so this is also on the meeting pro. Does let you record your meetings right on the device itself.

I don’t generally record meetings all that often, but it has happened so having this built in is just another nice feature and really making this kind of the ultimate all-in-one thing. So look i get it. I know conferencing and video conferencing might not be the most like exciting thing going, but it is important and we all use it. So if it’s like toilet paper, don’t think about it, it’s not there you’re gon na miss it. If you ever try to set up a great meeting environment, it’s not always as easy as it seems having something like the kandao meeting.

Meeting pro or meeting s does make this process a lot easier and simpler and ultimately, that’s awesome. Anything that could be improved. Making your life easy is tech and tech, well done, and tech with a purpose. So also kandao is right now running a trial, ambassador recruitment program or get a chance to become a global, kandao meeting product trial ambassador. If you wanted to learn more about that check out the link down below .