It’s worth it: Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra

It's worth it: Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It’s worth it: Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra”.
Thanks robo rock for sponsoring this video, i want to say thank you for clicking on the video to learn about a vacuum means you support the channel and you like new tech, and i want to say thank you we’re doing this. For a few months. We are giving away a 500 us dollar gift card open to anyone in the world. Leave a comment down below about what thing you would clean with your new robo rock vacuum, but please leave your social handle in the comments, so i can contact you if you win runner for two weeks open to anyone in the world, all the information will be In the description, let’s talk about some vacuums uh. I have covered a lot of robot vacuums over the past few months and years because, honestly, i love them they’re an awesome way to sort of bring tech into my life, but also add convenience, and every time i get a new one in my hands, i’m generally Become increasingly impressed about how nuts fast this industry uh is moving, you look at the cell phone world kind of stagnating. The robot vacuum world is going at a mile a minute i mean a few years ago. These robots were relying on sort of bumping into walls.

Uh to know where to turn uh, but now we’ve got full lidar scanners and mopping functions built in it’s probably a matter of time before you can subscribe to full self driving on these vacuums, and a lot of innovation can be directly traced back to roborock. They were the early leaders, they continue to be the leaders in the robot vacuum space and where they go, the industry really tends to fall when they released their new flagship. The s7 max v ultra. Listen, i wanted to give it a shot uh, it features all the things you love from roborock um, but with some pretty essential updates.

So i’ll talk about the s7 max v ultra in a sec, but the star, the big jam, the big daddy here uh is actually the dock and they’ve called it. I think the awesomely named rock dock, but then they had docking station at the end. But you remember rock dog uh: not only can the s7 max v ultra empty the vacuum automatically, it can even empty and refill the mopping liquid. So you literally have to do nothing. You set it up put in the fluid and it can go and take care of your whole house.

While you sleep while you play video games, while you eat snacks on the couch or while you are just not home at all, you come home. Your house is clean and your mom, your dad wife girlfriend whoever is like impressed with you like wow, you take life seriously. Your place is clean, you’d, be like oh yeah. You know, of course, what i do, but really fist bump to your robot vacuum. So again, i think, having both of these features, the mopping and vacuuming is a pretty big game changer so before the robot could mop the floor, but every time you wanted to use that feature, you’d have to set it up and then let it run then immediately Clean it afterwards now it’s just totally automated and i think it’s really unique compared to other docking stations in the market.

It's worth it: Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra

It’S got a three liter clean water tank which might not sound like a lot, but you see it there’s a lot of water and a 2.5 liter dirty water tank. Ah – and i know your floors are gross, this water gets black and nasty fast uh. It lets that robot mop actually clean up to 300 square meters, depending where you live. That is also 3 200 square feet per fill so for most applications.

Um. There are multiple mopping sessions before you ever got to even think about it, so the robot is connected to the water tank, a washing module, scrubs and wipes the mop, and it goes from left to right uh. So the mop is clean every time it goes to clean your house.

It’S a pretty big deal. You don’t want to mop with a gross dirty water, dirty mop, head uh when it comes back dirty water enters into the dirty water tank and the process is just repeated uh and you only have to replace the water when it runs out not after every session. So that’s cool, so in theory one station – you can go days if not weeks, without ever thinking about the robot mop and vacuum, but your house will be getting cleaned the whole time and again you get credit for it, which is surprisingly important to me so docking Station aside, of course, you still want to vacuum and have it be great, since it’s a robo-rocks flagship product um, the robot is pretty much packing everything you can want.

It's worth it: Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra

Even some stuff – maybe you didn’t know you wanted. So, let’s start with the lidar system. Uh, it’s obstacle recognition, it works really. Well.

Not only will it map your entire house uh, but now it’s a new set of cameras that enables what they’re calling reactive ai 2.0. So it’s got object recognition. So it cannot only detect what the object is in front of it, but also avoid it. It can mop the floor right. We talked about it, but it moves to a new location. The mop automatically lifts out of the way i’m going over different surfaces to get the best clean where you need it, but also won’t get confused where it shouldn’t clean, which is kind of cool.

The mop head’s also going to like vibrate like nuts, and when i say nuts i mean 3000 cycles per minute. So it’s i don’t know how to say it like politely but like it’s getting in there and cleaning the dirt on your floor and again it will mop, go back to the docking station to clean itself, and if that wasn’t enough, robo-rock has gotten even better. The partner actually with unilever’s omo brand, to create a cleaning solution for the mop. It’S free of perfume, safe for pets and kids. It helps get rid of gross stains. It’S optional. If you want at least you have an option specifically made for the system. If you choose to use it, i live in a house with two boys.

Uh one is eight, one is six and my daughter who is two and a half going on much older than that uh. We have a very floppy uh golden doodle dog and my wife, and i so to say our house is less than clean. I think would be an accurate statement.

My wife and i are busy. We try to keep as clean as we can, but life gets in the way we got dog hair everywhere. We got the boys refusing to clean up after themselves how many times we remind them: toys on the floor, food spilled after meals, um, it’s a house that is lived in um, so for us having something like this that we know we can set at night can Just go and take care of our floors can go around the land mines the kids have left or occasionally land mines. The dog has left and keep our house clean when we get up in the morning has been awesome, and i i like knowing well i’m sleeping the vacuum is: is working. That’S where the example that’s worked for us, but you can kind of customize it customize. The experience to get the best for for you, here’s something that i never once considered from a vacuum. You can make the robot navigate to specific points, and then you can talk through the robot and you can even see a live camera feed. This is kind of cool thing, for pets might freak them out. The fact that the robot actually does this is cool so like if you’re away at work – and you want to see what your dog is doing or you want to talk to somebody and really freak them out and have a vacuum on its own.

It's worth it: Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra

You can do that and then talk through your vacuum, and you can you can pick if you want to turn that feature on or off it’s a showstopper at least each year. Robot vacuums get smarter, they get more innovative and serve less. Input is needed from the user and that’s awesome cause generally. My user input is, is error and roborock has been leading that charge, we’re not quite to the point we can set it and forget it. We are getting close and robo-rock’s mission is to get to that point.

Um the s7 max v ultra is a really big step in that direction and not stopping there. The sex is actually being brought down to the more affordable options in the line. Like the q series – and i think even better, these will now all be dock compatible going forward.

So, even if you opt for a different model, a lot of the cool dock features you’re still going to get. But if you want the big daddy, that can do it all uh the s7 max v ultra uh is your jam i’ll leave a link down below where you can pick one up or learn more if you want even offer monthly payment options uh through a firm. So if you opt for that, if it works better for your wallet, you’ve got that choice as well. This is kind of a crazy thing to talk about it’s a robot vacuum. You don’t think about things that much when you think about how much time it can save you the job that it can do and how you can use it when you are not there. Roborock brings a really compelling package to the table. All coupled with an incredible reputation and they’ve been really leading the industry for years.

So if you’re in the market for robot vacuum or think you want to learn about it again, link down below .