Completely Unique: NIU KQi2 Scooter

Completely Unique: NIU KQi2 Scooter

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Completely Unique: NIU KQi2 Scooter”.
Thanks to new for sponsoring this video, so one of my favorite things about the the time we live in is electrification of pretty much everything it’s almost like company is making everything smart, but instead just connecting to wi-fi, you can now have a ton of fun with Your new ev and new is a company that is sort of taking that and then leveling it up. So i made a video you might remember uh about new a few months ago, year-ish uh talking about another scooter model that they make. I liked it enough to partner up with them again talk about their latest model, ladies and gentlemen, meet the kqi 2 pro. This is a super dope. Electric kick scooter that is made to work with whatever lifestyle you have, whether it’s cleaning to work or just like having fun on weekends.

Completely Unique: NIU KQi2 Scooter

This is sort of made to fill that section of the market. This is a scooter for everybody that can do everything and with gas prices, at least here in california, approaching seven dollars, something that doesn’t use gas seems sort of even better than before, and if you’re live in a really urban area, a big city where they have Those rental scooters that are left out in the rain left out with dirt dust. You don’t know who’s touching them, it can get gross. Having your own could be a really good way to go.

Completely Unique: NIU KQi2 Scooter

Now before i get to everything the kqi 2 pro can do. I’Ve been running these now, for i mean, seems like almost six months, and i love doing it give away time. I want to give you cash money and say thank you for watching the videos. Thank you for your support.

Completely Unique: NIU KQi2 Scooter

Thank you to new for for sponsoring this video super easy to enter, leave a comment down below about what you would do with your kqi 2 pro, where you would go, leave your social handle and put that up in giant letters leave your social handle. So i can contact you if you win open to anyone in the world, we’ll run it for two weeks, but all the information will be in the description news been around for years: they’re, actually, a publicly traded company and it’s sold in 50 countries with over 2 Million users they’ve become a really trusted name, not only in electric kick scooters but other electric vehicles as well. So the first thing to answer here and the biggest question that i’ve got talking about really any of these scooter or cars. Uh is how fast, and how far can it go? So there are two models for the us and the eu market, so the specs are like slightly different uh.

The us model goes up to 17.4 miles per hour and the eu model goes to 25 kilometers per hour, so basically just under 20., uh and i’ll admit it. If you say 17 miles per hour, it doesn’t sound like uh you’re, setting a land speed record, but when you are on a scooter that feels very very fast, so it’s obviously faster than walking and it’s generally faster than riding a bike. But now you’re doing it without breaking sweat, so the coolest things about any electric thing is instant torque that you get like when you pull on that throttle. You don’t want that on a scooter that you are standing on uh, so it actually releases the torque pretty gradually uh, so you’re not going to get thrown off.

It’S not a like a jerky ride at all. It’S actually really comfortable, uh and smooth. So that was question number one uh, the next one is: how far can you go? The answer is a precise 24.8 miles or about 40 kilometers, and that is a very long distance and honestly, it’s a long time to be standing and riding this thing. So i’m guessing it’s more than enough to help you with your commute or sort of get you where you are going once you get there.

You can also get back to oh, it’s pretty important generally with the kqi2 pro you don’t have to worry about range at all charge overnight in the morning. You can hop on get going wherever you need to go. Obviously, the range is going to vary based on a ton of factors like the terrain. So inside is a pretty nice size, 365 watt hour battery. If it’s cold, it won’t perform as well, and it’s really hilly not able to go as far that’s like a obvious stuff right. So general things apply to really all modes of transportation, but especially evs. Probably the best way to quantify the output of this. If you go all out at full throttle like max go for 30 minutes, how far that’s gon na take, you is going to change, but you go for quite you can go quite a distance at him at a time and if you do end up draining that Battery uh, you can go from empty to complete in about seven hours, so you’re, probably gon na, want to charge this thing overnight.

There’S no like fast charging for scooters and with batteries. They do obviously degrade over time, which is something that kind of all ev owners are kind of keenly aware of the battery, though, on the kqi 2 pro should last you a really long time. You could fully charge this thing 500 times before. You start to notice.

Really any dip in battery performance and for the average rider that’s around three to four years. On top of that, new slapped, a really hefty warranty on this thing that covers all your major parts, including battery for two years, which is pretty impressive. So all of that is built into this relatively portable package, and that is exactly what new is going for uh. This is meant for someone who wants to get somewhere quickly, they’re, not using it as their only mode of transportation, uh, it’s lightweight at least for a scooter coming in at around 40 pounds. So it’s not too hard to take upstairs with you or pack in a car, plus it folds to make it even easier when it does like unfold. It comes in at 48 inches high, but with the two-step folding mechanism, it can actually compact down to 20 inches.

So you can easily kind of throw it in the trunk of a car um or store it kind of out of the way while it’s charging. This is awesome for, like a last mile, uh style commute. So i think another area of concern when you’re just standing on a thing: that’s moving is safety uh.

So first the tires play a big role in that uh they’re awesome here, uh they’re tubeless and provide a lot of grip. The wheels are small, so that can make things like turning uh and going over bumps a bit harder. They still allow the ride, at least how i felt to feel sort of stable and safe.

That’S really important when you’re again on a moving platform and when you want to stop as may be important, two options. So there’s actually a drum brake up front that you can pull whenever you need and the other is regenerative braking again ev staple not only help. You stop, but also it’s going to help with the range of battery since you’re, putting energy back in it and those two together. Let you come to a stop surprisingly fast, but even though you come to a stop really quickly, you don’t have to worry about being flung over the handlebars as a combo of the drum brakes and the regen brakes really help reduce the skidding and also going along With safety is the lighting on this thing as well: uh the reflectors on the side that can sort of help you be seen also a brake light in the back.

That shines really bright uh when you are riding and in front there’s a headlight to terminate the road uh in front of you, and all this can be controlled with a surprisingly awesome led display that is built in uh functionality. Wise. The screen is great lets you control all the functions, the scooter uh, but i will say it’s on a bit on the dimmer side.

Uh, it’s one area i like to see improve. So if you’re, you know riding in broad daylight in the sun overhead, it’s gon na be a little hard to see that screen. I talked about the distance and speed you could go. You could actually adjust the output of the motors to either conserve energy, or i mean let this thing rip: uh, there’s an e-save mode, sport, custom and a pedestrian mode. Always let the scooter adjust the situation that you are in overall, though uh the build quality and the ride of the scooter is great all right.

So that’s the scooter itself, but, like everything, 2022 uh, it comes with an app lets. You do a few cool things. Uh the app lets you lock the scooter for extra layer of security protection, so the motors won’t work.

Even if somebody tried you can also do things like get stats and how you’re riding and sort of what you might want to change to get the best ride possible uh. What’S great, though, is you don’t need to use the app at all? You can just ride the scooter thanks to that led display, but you can make the adjustments uh on the phone. If you want uh new makes some other models that might like better suit.

Your needs too, there’s a kqi three pro and sport uh pretty similar to the i2. They offer a little bit more range and speed, but the point is new makes a scooter that’s going to fit whatever you are looking for. If you are in sort of that scooter looking mode whichever one you decide to get, you can have a blast with them uh they are fun fast and useful uh.

For me, it’s mostly a fun thing with scooters out riding these with my kids. Uh is awesome. It’S fun to sort of feel some wind uh in my hair. The studio is about 30 miles away from where i live, so it’s not really a primary mode of transportation for me. But if you take public transportation, you got to go an extra mile after you get to your stop or you work close to home. This could be a vehicle replacement or just want to let it rip on the weekends it’s great. For that too, new is a name, that’s reputable trusted and makes a quality product and, if you’re the market for a scooter, you owe it to yourself to check them out. .