It changed EVERYTHING: Dreametech Dreamebot D10 Plus

It changed EVERYTHING: Dreametech Dreamebot D10 Plus

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It changed EVERYTHING: Dreametech Dreamebot D10 Plus”.
Thank you to dreamy for sponsoring this video. What can you do in 45 days? You could take up meditation if i lose a few pounds, learn to ride a bike or a new skill, there’s a lot that can happen in that time. But now one thing you don’t have to do is clean your house, because the dreamy bot d10 plus can take care of it for you for up to 45 days before i get into all the dreamy goodness i just want to thank you guys want to thank Dreamy for working with us over the years and do a giveaway, because you guys are awesome – amazing, 500, equivalent uh gift card of your choice, open to anywhere in the world running for two weeks. Here’S the deal, though, leave a comment down below what you would do with your dreamy, clean robot, but leave your social handle.

If you don’t leave your social handle, i cannot contact you. Just big letters leave your social handle. Now, let’s talk about some robots, so i’ve talked about dreamy in the past and they are creating some of the best cleaning appliances on the market uh. In fact, they hold over 150 patents that are implemented in their products from stick vacuums, mops and robot vacuums, which, by my mat, is 150 more patents than i hold, and you can see all of that innovation and that history of innovation in this guy. It is the dreamy bot d10.

It changed EVERYTHING: Dreametech Dreamebot D10 Plus

Plus, it’s got a plus on it. You know it’s gon na be good uh, it’s the latest robot vacuum from dreamy, so it is just. It is packed with stuff that it can do to really. You can be lazy and it’ll. Do the hard work so with the d10 plus, you are getting the vacuum and dustbin where it empties the vacuum itself is just a cleaning powerhouse uh. It has 4 000 pa of suction uh. In fact, all jimmy vacuums have like about that amount, something that most other robot vacuums do not, and that means you’ve got the cleaning power to literally clean anything.

It changed EVERYTHING: Dreametech Dreamebot D10 Plus

I’Ve talked about it for a while, but i got three kids a dog and i’m not the cleanest dude in the world uh. So that means dirt hair. Just general grime uh is a constant part of my life and the d10 plus has been able to handle it all without any problem. I think the biggest compliment that i can give this vacuum. Something like i don’t say often about vacuums. I kind of feel as confident that this will get the same level of clean as a stand-up back wheel and again, that’s where the 4 000 pascals of suction come in other robot vacuums that i’ve used had around half that suction power, so the dreamy d10 plus, While it can go over your home multiple times in a cleaning session, i don’t feel like. I need to do three or four passes to actually ensure i get a good enough deep, clean, like i have with some other older robot backs. If i set this to do one or two passes it will clean my floors, rugs, carpets, everything and just really well in the past, you want to get a robot vacuum, always recommended. You have a stand-up vacuum as well sort of use the stand-up vacuum once a week to get the really good deep clean and let the robot sort of clean up the rest throughout the week.

And while i still think a stand-up vac is a good choice for those quick cleanups. The d10 plus is now doing a much deeper clean on my house throughout the week which, in my case, uh, is clearly needed, and i can tell these looks after the vacuum runs. I can see the dirt and debris that it picks up uh and usually it’s a lot more. I realized was there, which i said my kids are gross.

I’M not gon na lie, i told them they’re, just their kids are gross. So now, aside from the vacuum, you also get the dustbin. This is where the 45 days of hands-free cleaning comes into play so inside the bin. There’S a 2.5 liter sealed bag that the vacuum empties into.

It’S also utilizing dreamy, bot’s dual boost technology, which is a way more efficient way of emptying. So basically, instead of just like sucking out the gross stuff from the vacuum into the bin, it can use blowing and suction to make sure all the dust is released, and it does all of this in 10 seconds. So it’s not going to like bother or disturb anyone.

The vacuum docks empties in that 10 seconds and the vacuum starts charging for its next round of cleaning. It’S literally that simple! So, in order for all of this stuff to work and work well, uh the d10 plus has got to have a brain, be smart and it is – and it does so like a lot of robovax on the market. This utilizing a lidar scanner on top to map out your floor plan.

Give you the best cleaning pad we’ve seen that before it can make a high precision map in about eight minutes. So the setup here is really easy and the learning process is really easy. Once it’s got that map it’ll start cleaning sort of in a row pattern, so it ensures it doesn’t miss a spot. I’Ve had some issues in the past with vacuums where they’ll miss sort of whole sections.

It changed EVERYTHING: Dreametech Dreamebot D10 Plus

So it’s been nice to see that, like that’s, not happening here, kind of going along with that uh inside is a 5 000 million power battery um. But if it does run out, while cleaning it’ll go back to the base charge itself and pick up exactly where it left off again, so it’s not going to miss anything, and all of this can be controlled and dialed in it’s like most things nowadays, uh in An app – and this is where you can see the map of your home – that the vacuum’s created and you can also set a bunch of parameters which i think is actually really cool on how you want the vacuum to clean. It also works for up to three floors, so you don’t have to sort of remap the area every time, and i think probably one of the most useful features here is no-go zones and oftentimes. There are places that i don’t need or don’t want to be cleaned, and i can set that in the app without needing to physically adjust anything. The app is smart enough to do all of that. Virtually, on the other hand, when i do want area clean, i can set sort of the time of the cleaning and whether i want it multiple sessions or i want the vacuum to automatically just do all the hard work and figure it out on its own, and This is more practical for my daily life, something spills or cms.

I want to be cleaned. I can just ask alexa or google’s assistant to control the vacuum with my voice, the smarts, the vacuum itself paired with the features of the app kind of give me all the control. I need for a really optimal and easy cleaning experience. I think one of the most important things here about the d10 plus is the price so robot vacuums. They are a dime a dozen. Nowadays, there are tons of companies making them, but when you get to the really good ones, the ones you want to buy, the prices go way up.

The d10 plus it’s like 500 bucks for everything we talked about here – that’s 45 days of cleaning for a really affordable price. You take all of that factor in with a really easy to set up app, a vacuum that legitimately works and will work for up to 45 days before you have to really get involved at all. It’S a recipe for something that is helpful, useful and an awesome use of technology and in a world of crowded robot vacuums. You kind of owe it yourself to look at dreamy, because they’ve got a lot of really cool things there. If you want to check out any other product line, or you want to check out anything else, they’ve got or the d10 plus we’ll put all the links down below .