Google Pixel 6 Final Review

Google Pixel 6 Final Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel 6 Final Review”.
Thank you to Opera for sponsoring your portion of this video there’s a lot going on with the pixel 6. Google packed a ton of new things into this phone, and after now, months of use a lot of software updates. A lot of bug fixes even some bug introductions. I’M kind of wondering is this phone still worth it? Oh, I think most of us gave Google like a bit of a pass.

Google Pixel 6 Final Review

Maybe it was just me. Oh, the pixel 6 came out even though sort of the pixel series is years old, this generation, more than any other, felt like a complete Fresh Start. So there are a lot of new things in this phone that Google had never done before.

Google Pixel 6 Final Review

So the pixel 6 has great hardware and Design kind of a new one on the design front. There’S high-end camera Hardware to go along with the incred ible processing, go completely new in-house design. Tensor chip powering this thing. So all of that together made this really exciting phone, one that I was jazzed to use and kind of really excited and wanted to have in my pocket.

Google Pixel 6 Final Review

But I seems to be the theme with Google. Six Pro wasn’t exactly a home run when it first came out. Parts of it were great, others still needed some, let’s say like a dressing. I think where Google did absolutely hit it out of the park, though, clearly is with design and obviously Google wanted an iconic.

Look that was instantly recognizable as a pixel and with that visor uh they achieved that design is subjective. I happen to like it a lot, but even if you don’t like the design, you know that you are looking at a pixel, there’s no mistakeness for anything else. I also think the design, at least for the you know six seven months has aged pretty well, so the only part of the design that I still don’t love is the curved edges of the screen. They look nice, but in practicality, it’s tough in the hand.

This is a trend, I hope dies out soon, but we are stuck with it on the pixel. Luckily, though, the screen is awesome, so 120 hertz, vibrant and sharp everything you want from the spider thing I want from display, and I think the material you design language is the absolute perfect pairing for the screen. I’M excited to see it evolve with the next version of Android, 13. uh and speaking of Android 13 and updates. That’S weirdly been hit or miss in the six seven months, the pixel 6 Pro, because, obviously it’s a pixel. I know I’m going to get use of updates.

That’S awesome with the updates on the pixel have been very strange. Oftentimes sort of they’ve been late to hit the phone and when they do, they don’t really fix all the things, and sometimes they even made it worse. That was more of an issue early on, especially with the pixel 6 Pro, but Google does seem to have figured it out in all fairness, foreign, the biggest issue I had since the beginning of the phone’s life, a Zen screen, fingerprint sensor and listen. I know some of you have had no issues at all.

Some have, it seems to be very, very split. The best case scenario. It was worse than the competition, and I was hopeful at software updates – would fix us over time, but I do have to say it didn’t happen completely. At least for me. If you go online, you’ll find people again very clearly split down the middle. Some will say, the scanner is great, others say it isn’t.

I’M on the is inside. If you are on the great side, then awesome for you, you didn’t have to deal with any of these problems, but even after time the scanner is still slow and still more unreliable than anything. That’S came before it, and I’ve done all the stuff like putting your finger in multiple times and all that kind of stuff still has not fixed the issue. It is, in all fairness still faster than like typing in a password. It’S not on the level of sort of really any other fingerprint scanner out there, especially on Flagship phones, something I am definitely hoping will be fixed with the pixel 7.. So one thing that you’re probably going to do on your pixel, whether it’s a six or seven, whatever you decide to get uh, is the browser and for probably the best browsing experience going.

You owe it to yourself to try Opera and they make amazing browsers for mobile, but I did want to talk about their desktop browser, so the big, I think, hurt a lot of people have to trying a new browser you’re set on what you like you you, Like what you’re using is getting all of your stuff into the new browser Opera makes it really easy things like like bookmarks and even some safe passwords can all migrate over to make your experience. Look how you are used to that’s awesome. If you are using a lot of social media apps, the chat functions built in operationally has a way to integrate that directly into the browser, so you’re not going between multiple apps and windows. It is all in one spot.

They make it really seamless and really easy. There’S also a built-in VPN, so if you want to keep whatever you are doing sort of a layer of privacy between that and the rest of the world, it is built into the browser and like the browser itself, is completely free, making things a lot easier as Well, uh: if ad blocker is your jam, you can toggle that, on or off with Opera pin board, you can collect pictures Links, music files and really whatever you want. I use it to create a Google pin board featuring sort of some stuff about the pixel 7 and pixel 7 Pro to keep my head straight with, what’s coming along with some Amazon Affiliates links and sort of accessories to sort of round out uh. What I was doing there actually I’ll link to this pin board down the description too, if you want to check it out and kind of see how easily they are to create and how they can be shared. If you want a browser, it’s going to be powerful. Do everything you need not kill your battery life and give you service and more peace of mind on the Privacy standpoints yield to yourself to give Opera a shot? If you want to check them out, we will link to them down below what does not need to be fixed, though, is that sweet camera I’m like? I think this is why most people buy pixels uh. The camera is still one of the best on a phone. You can get out there.

I love the four time telephoto Zoom, the quality of the camera is out standing and usually with phones, secondary cameras, kind of man, but I think Google did a really awesome job with this one and it’s gotten better over the software updates. The photos are sharp, clean and look really similar to the main camera sensor, so hats off to Google. For that now there are some that would say the pixel camera needs a bit more these days. I can kind of see that perspective, but on a whole, other pixel camera delivers what I’m looking for from a camera, and that is consistency every photo I know, is going to be some version of good and most phones.

These days are getting. You know really good at certain things, but they’re not always good at everything, and I think the pixel is really good at everything, and it still is, you know a notch, above to my eye, I can tell a pixel photo: is a pixel photo and if you Like that look, I mean you’re going to just fall in love uh with the camera here. So at this point I think talking about sort of most processors and phones is pointless. Uh the E15 and the iPhone is excellent.

The snap Dragon 8 gen 1 is excellent. After a few months, sir, if you don’t expect and don’t get any detergation of experience, that’s like the very least thing you can expect from a flagship processor. Tensor here is a bit different uh as a first time sort of we’ve had it in a phone, and it was impossible to know how it would age and months later we’re getting an idea so and by aging, obviously a very small sample size here. I think the big story will be in you know: 12, 18 and 24 months and Beyond, but it’s hard to quantify what a processor feels like. I can do benchmarks and tell you a synthetic score.

You can compare to other processors, but it does not explain what the phone is like to use in your hand, opening first party apps third-party apps multitasking battery life, how you individually use a phone. The best way I can describe it is this a very, very, very rarely notice the performance of this phone, and I mean that in like the best way possible, when I do notice performance dips, it’s hard to pin it just on the process. I mentioned the fingerprint reader earlier that is slow, but doesn’t seem like a processing issue.

At least I don’t assume it is sometimes I experience frame drops in the interface or games – that’s probably more optimization, rather than issue with tensor’s capabilities, but on a whole the phone still feels Snappy and Powerful. I don’t think about tensor anymore. I think about processors and any other phone, so from that perspective I think Google did an awesome job with their first in-house processor, and this made me excited for what comes next. I do think tensor is helping hugely though out with battery life.

So, in all fairness, a 5000 million power battery is big and could easily last all day here it’s still not Battery King, but it’s much better than pixels of years past. I don’t have to worry about whether or not my phone’s going to last me through the day uh and since the pixel 6 was such a big change in the mindset of the pixel line. It’S kind of making me wonder what the future of the line is going to look like. It seems like an annual question here lucky for us.

Google did the hard work for us and basically already told us what’s next, the pixel 7 is official uh and luckily appears to go in the same direction as the six, and I think that is fundamentally important for what we see in the pixel 7 looks to Be a refinement of the pixel 6.. That is exactly what it needs to be. I’M crossing my fingers at the pixel 7 will bring some form Face, Unlock uh back, I think. Actually, Google did an awesome job with that in pixels past.

That being said, is the pixel 6 Pro still worth buying, I’m gon na say no, not right now, most definitely not for full price. Since we know the pixel 7 is coming uh, it’s well worth the wait. Once the seven is out, you can decide whether or not to get that or a pixel 6, where presumably will be a much more affordable price uh. But Google also announced pixel 6A.

I love the a series and 6A looks to be sort of the best. A ever obviously, it’s the newest one same tensor chip, big screen, great design. Almost all the good parts of this pixel 6 are present in the 6A.

So at the very least, it’s worth waiting for the a to come out before you make that decision, I’m a huge fan of the pixel line. I want the pixel to succeed. I’Ve also been probably the hardest on Google over the years, because I always thought the pixel could be more and I think the six and the 6 Pro were huge steps since fulfilling that pixel vision and now, with the watches, coming and tablets coming back.

There is a pixel ecosystem to get excited about, and the phone, whether it’s the six six Pro 6A or seven or seven Pro, is a key part of that and having that main part, be good to Great is awesome, I’m optimistic and I’m hopeful – and I think That pixel 6 said incredible foundation for what’s gon na come .