Best TV Upgrade of 2022! Govee!

Best TV Upgrade of 2022! Govee!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best TV Upgrade of 2022! Govee!”.
Thanks to Govi for sponsoring this video, so I’ve been covering a lot of TVs on the channel lately because, like this Tech is evolving fast and it’s one segment, they absolutely love. Plus it didn’t hurt that I needed a new TV and I’ve been watching every TV, video uh I could find, and now that I’ve got my new set on my wall on LG G2, I’ve been looking for the most like immersive experience. I can get my best ways to do. It surprisingly, has nothing to do with the TV panel at all.

It’S actually what goes behind it before I get there, though, I do just again want to say thank you guys for the support for being awesome. Uh, the love that we got on that Apple Story – video was just incredible. I’Ve been doing this for a while.

Now I want to keep it going and want to do a giveaway. Thank you guys for watching the content on the channel. We’Re gon na give away 500 gift cards or wherever you want uh wherever you are in the world, I made it really easy.

All you got to do is leave a comment down below. Let me know what you would do with the tech that we’re going to talk about here in a second and leave your social handle. So I can contact you.

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Best TV Upgrade of 2022! Govee!

All the information that will be in the description okay, so this is Govi uh. It’S an LED package powered by Govi and visual technology. That sort of lets you use lights, to take your TV and movie and gaming experience.

Best TV Upgrade of 2022! Govee!

It’S like a whole different immersive level. All right so having lights behind your TV, I’m like it’s not new, but the quality Govi is providing here is what sets it way apart uh. So it’s made up of two main components: you’ve got the LED lights that attach the back of your screen.

Best TV Upgrade of 2022! Govee!

You can show any color, you want. You’Ve got a camera that looks at your TV screen and sends the image to LED lights to match your corresponding color, that’s going on on display, and it makes it feel like. The image on the screen is more immersive and almost popping off without having to wear glasses, that give you a headache, get a 3d effect and when you are sort of building a home, theater or a gaming room, you want to take that whole environment to like A Next Level – and this is really one of the easiest and honestly the least expensive ways to do it.

While that is great, I think the question is: why choose Google, especially if the brand you’ve never heard of for some of the competition, and it comes down to Quality, not only the quality of the product, but the quality of the image and the lighting that you Get so Govi will be the first ones to tell you they will puff up their chest and say that they’re in visual technology is the first patented color match check in the whole industry and that patent comes in two main categories. So, first, how the camera uses an algorithm to capture the screen, then how it’s able to work on nearly every screen on the market so to capture the screen. The algorithm is actually dividing the screen into several squares after taking a reading and then color matching calibrating the image. So the colors are as accurate as possible, and this is a huge Advantage because it means the background lighting will match.

What’S on the screen and if you’ve never had that experience it’s hard to show even, but it creates just a awesome, unmatched sort of TV experience and the past, you would be able to match colors to a generic red, blue or any other color. But it wasn’t perfect, it was just an approximation of what was on the screen, so this makes it as accurate as it can be, and not only to match the source image, but even how your T represents it so like, for example, if you have a TV, That’S bit sort of more warm. The Gobi technology can detect that and match the color to it. It’S really cool to actually see it happen. It also means you can install this on pretty much any TV you’re gon na get the same high quality results regardless of brand or size. So accuracy is one thing but sort of equally important is the refresh rate and that’s been a common sort of issue with products like these. In the past, there’s often a delay that breaks the experience, basically kind of makes the whole system just not be worth it with the zone. Division technology, though not only the system not have resolution limit, it can work with even 8K screens if you want, but also supports over 120 hertz.

So there is no limit at all to what can be shown on the screen. But one of my favorite parts of the zone – division Tech – is how it can match the scene so bear with me here to demonstrate this. I’Ve got sort of one of the biggest competitors out there.

So Philips Hue. Everybody knows them they’re the hugest biggest player in the game. So when I’m playing a game, I want this to be as immersive as possible right.

So when I’m playing an FPS game, Govi individual will focus on the center of the screen and capture the gunfire. If I’m playing a Simulator game like Forza, a govian visual will focus on the outer edges and sort of make, the screen seem larger and more immersive and like just check it out right here like. I think this leads to a better overall image compared to the competition. I think it’s a good idea to talk about this now, it’s probably weird to set up a camera in your living room, but this does not actually like see your room now, in fact, due to copyright laws, camera can actually see what’s on the screen at all. All it looks at is the color and how that changes. So no privacy worry here at least the camera Tech is also really important, but equally important is the quality of the LED lighting itself.

Led strips have been around for ages in order to get a high quality representation. You need high quality LEDs and that’s sort of what this rgbic strips provide. They give you intelligent calibration, hence the IC. At the end, that allows you to control each led to display different colors simultaneously and independently so and for reference.

Govi has 10 icy chips per meter of Lights, while Hue has eight uh plus Gobi is launching new products soon, that has 20 IC chips per meter, and the system calculates over 50 000 pixels every second and displays those through the LEDs only with color, but with Saturation softness gradients and brightness. So again, the image is as accurate as much possible plus it makes the image less distracting since it kind of Blends in with the image on the TV. So this is not new technology, but how it’s being implemented and shown makes it seem brand new and like. I hope that I can show from a YouTube, video and Camera. How awesome this actually looks in person.

But if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to give life to uh, maybe an older set or to step up your set that you’ve got right now, whether it’s for gaming TV movies, whatever it adds another dimension to the content that is really cool. I think honestly has to be sort of seen to be fully appreciated. So there’s obviously a lot you can do at the Govi lights inside uh outside you can do a absolute done, so you can give under lights for your car.

If you want to channel inner Tokyo Drift, uh gobi’s got you covered, they’ve got string lights, which gives you full RGB control. They’Ve got floodlights they’ve got lights, that you can put kind of on your patio string lights and you need to turn your house from. Like a boring house, like normal kind of white lights, to like pretty banging RGB lights going, if you want to show up your neighbors or maybe take them off a little bit and have them pulsate to your music, Govi gives you an option. But Jokes Aside, if you just want to add a little bit of personality to your outdoor light or your car, uh govi’s got an awesome array of products to make it simple to do and look really cool in person.

If you want to check Govi out pick one up for yourself, uh we’ll put a link to it down below again. I think it’s really worth the click and see if it fits in your house. .