Power EVERYTHING! Zendure SuperBase V

Power EVERYTHING! Zendure SuperBase V

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Power EVERYTHING! Zendure SuperBase V”.
This video is sponsored by xender. Does this ever happened to you driving an EV, and suddenly you find yourself out of juice and you can’t just go to a gas station or carry a gas? Can with you? What do you do you turn to a gigantic battery pack that can add around 50 or so miles of range to your car? All of a sudden keep in your trunk. Let me tell you about it so before I tell you about this granddaddy of all batteries and what it can enable I want to thank you guys. I’Ve been doing this now for a while.

Power EVERYTHING! Zendure SuperBase V

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Power EVERYTHING! Zendure SuperBase V

So let me know in the comments what you do with the zendor Super Bass V, what cool thing you had power but leave your social handle, so I can contact you if you win runner for 10 days, open anywhere in the world, all the information will be Down below so this Behemoth is the zendor Super Bass V, and it is one of the most powerful most adaptable and most unique battery solutions that I have ever used or tested, and I think saying, big giant portable batteries are becoming a dime a dozen. These days is an understatement: they’re all some form of really good and I’ve covered a few of them here on the channel and they’ll generally do the same thing, but the Super Bass V takes that as a Baseline and that’s things I didn’t think I would ever See C from a portal battery pack, so this suitcase size box is a 6400 watt hour battery on Wheels and it is on Wheels and it’s actually motorized. You can move it around anywhere and you can actually control it like a little RC car uh from the app as well and because it’s packed so big, it’s heavy.

Power EVERYTHING! Zendure SuperBase V

So these motorized Wheels make it really easy to move around or you know just race it around. Your studio, but it doesn’t stop there, it’s not just one battery. This is the whole ecosystem of batteries that you can apply to any part of your life.

So what we have is the Super Bass V here and you can add capacity to it with these satellite batteries and they stack right on top of each other. They actually add up to eight of these satellites, the system up to 64 kilowatt hours. I mean think about how big batteries are in electric cars. You have to realize how big that really is, and just for comparison.

That’S like 85-ish percent of like the battery pack size, that’s in a Tesla Model, 3., it’s huge and because it’s modular you can add or remove batteries depending on what your need or use cases are, it doesn’t stop there, though, Zender also makes a home panel, and This is a panel you can install obviously at home. Let’S do a few cool things like to charge the Super Bass V system from your home grid, which is important uh, but it also lets you level two charge in EV. So this can be your EV charger and your portable battery pack. It is insane all of that is cool, but the coolest thing about this is that it’s powered by some really cutting edge Battery tech inside so super race V is using semi-solid State Batteries.

Now the whole battery industry is eventually going too solid state, but it’s still a few years away, but the semi-solid state setup is going to give you 42 percent more energy per pound compared to regular lithium ion phosphate batteries which are really becoming the norm, plus they’re Safe and long lasting you can actually get up to 10 years of life out of these batteries and fusing these at home, they’re less likely to are catastrophically fail. They won’t catch fire or explore the same way. The lithium-ion phosphate batteries can occasionally do so you’re. Getting a giant Mungus safe battery system, it’s all in a modular package, so that’s what it is, but what can it do so being the biggest battery? Wasn’T the goal here? Super bass V also has pretty much every feature you can think of, and some that I did not think a battery pack would ever have so.

First is the ports for connectivity there’s a lot I’d run through them just very quickly here up front. You have a display, and here you can see everything that’s connected and how much input and output is being utilized. Plus you get alerts for temperature warnings or even firmware updates uh when accessory is charging what poor is currently being used. This play also shows you and everything you need to know at a glance, and if you want, you can also download the companion app to your phone and see all that information uh there as well below that screen. You got the Imports, so there are two usba ports: four USB type-c ports: four 120 volt 15 amp AC Outlets, there’s a 120 volt 30 amp Nema tt30 Outlet, there’s even a 240 volt 16 amp Nema 6 to 20 Outlet. If that’s not enough on the side, you have an Anderson output, car output and two dc5521 outputs.

I had to look up what all those outputs did, because I saw these ports I’m like it does not look familiar to me pretty much anything you can think of to plug in you can use these for uh and best of all it can use all the Imports at the same time, so you can be running a 240 volt and 120 volt Appliance at the same time off one battery and as far as I know as far as I’ve tested. This is the first product like this that lets you do that, so to charge it up. You got a lot of options, that’s where potential starts to kick in first, you can charge up to 3600 watts of AC power on the back. There are multiple charging ports depending on what your needs are, and you can use these to get maximum input. Another way is solar. It actually supports up to 3 000 watts of solar input for charging and, lastly, you can actually take this battery to a level 2.

Ev charging station and charge it there. Zendor sells an adapter that goes from their Zen T2 ports to the regular Electric Vehicle j1772 Port. It can charge to 3600 Watt hours of power, and I made the joke the beginning that this is like a gas can for your car, but if an electric gas can did exist, you had to fill it up the electric version of a gas station. That’S exactly what you can do here, but best of all you can combine solar and AC input to get up to 6600 watts of charging at once.

When connected to a satellite battery. I know I’m throwing a lot of watts and amps at you. If you don’t follow that space, it doesn’t matter just suffice to say you can use all these ports at once, and some of these ports are nuts powerful. That does mean in just one hour.

You can add up to 6.6 kilowatts uh to this battery. That’S something that has never been done before in a battery like this and that huge input capability means you can use this for a ton of different uses just for fun. We’Re actually using the zendor Super Bass V to power. This whole set here and we can pull out and show you what I’m filming with, but essentially for prompter stuff for lights, for audio everything is being powered by this battery pack.

In fact, this whole setup here is using about 400 watts and we could run this whole thing uh for a day. I think the most interesting way to think about using the system. Uh is for your home.

So here, where I live in Southern California, rolling blackouts are definitely a reality. A few years ago I took the steps to try to avoid that, and I added solar and battery back up to my house, give myself peace of mind, and I think it’s one of the best investments that I’ve made for my home Super Bass V can actually Be that battery backup system for your home now with the satellite you’re getting 6.4 kilowatts and all this sounds awesome, but with most things that are awesome, usually there’s like, I think you got ta, be aware of in this case. It’S the price uh.

If you decided to add multiple satellites in the home panel, you’re looking at well over fifteen thousand dollars, so it’s an investment. It’S also scalable. So you can look at your power consumption at your home, decide how much energy you actually need to store and for most people, you’re, not gon na need eight satellite, so the cost would come down dramatically. The power base V on its own on Kickstarter uh is just under four thousand dollars right now, so you can scale it up as much as you want, but that starting price around four thousand dollars what you’re getting is still relatively competitive. But if you were using this in your home, you can have all the same peace of mind that you’d want for an off-grid system. The home panel connects to your home’s electrical system, so in the event of a blackout, power will just automatically switch to Super Bass.

V, you won’t notice sort of any issue uh at all. This also means you can use the power in the batteries during Peak power times, so you can save money there as well. What I really like about this, though, is they can come with me.

So if I owned an RV, I’m going on a camping trip, my home backup solution can transfer with me for the week and I can use it off grid, whereas my current home battery system is obviously stuck to the house. There’S a lot of cool ways. This could be set up and for the price you get a lot of potential out of it.

Another way you could use this is emergency EV range extender. So, no honestly, I’m not sure if it’s actually the best way to use this battery, but it is possible and it actually works. If you get this battery in the trunk and ran out of juice, you can actually add around 6.4 kilowatts to your EV. So, for example, for model 3 that would get you around 30-ish miles of range, which isn’t nothing. I don’t think that’s the best option, but it’s the first fruit that I’ve seen that actually works and is EV equivalent to you know just a gas can for ice Vehicles plus the big stumbling block. Here, I think, is going to be price and it’s really going to depend on how you want to use it.

If you’re pricing this in comparison to Tesla power walls and solar, then it’s going to make sense. It actually may seem like a bit of a bargain, but if you’re looking for just an external battery pack, it’s certainly on the expensive side for that world. But if you want a pack that can power your house can power, your car is modular. Can give you any output that you might need, do it safely? Do it quickly and do a really good job at it? There is nothing else out in the market like this, and if that is your use case, if you are off-grid or want to be off grid, you know exactly where you have to look.

If you want to learn more about the zendor Super Bass V. Of course, we have links down below .