DIY Space Exploration: Nor Cal Mars Rover Project

DIY Space Exploration: Nor Cal Mars Rover Project

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “DIY Space Exploration: Nor Cal Mars Rover Project”.
It’S the closest to get to it’s the most hospitable in our solar system. Besides earth, it’s got an atmosphere, it’s got water, it’s got carbon, it’s got, metals, aluminum iron. It’S got all the stuff we need. My name is john cox. I’Ve got uh norcal mars. Society’S rovers marsh society is a international nonprofit organization that advocates the exploration and possible future settlement of mars. There’S a dr mckay down at nasa ames that got a hold of our chapter and asked us if we’d like to be involved. Of course we jumped at it. This is a terrestrial test platform. It’S a rover that we acquired with some help from nasa funding, and we keep it here and do all kinds of uh testing on it. The hardware and software we’ve got custom open source software on our rovers mars is our future as humanity we’ve got to go somewhere.

We can’t stay here, not forever we’re getting too big population’s growing. Our resources are running out. We have to move somewhere. If you have all your eggs in one earth basket, you’re asking for trouble when the space shuttle took off and when i saw it landed edwards air force base for the first time when i was five it, i think it uh it kindled a flame that was Already burning, i explore i like going over the next horizon, seeing what’s around the next corner, and so the next thing for human exploration is another planet. You .