Maker Faire 2013 3D Printing Stage: Introduction of 3DaVinci

Maker Faire 2013 3D Printing Stage: Introduction of 3DaVinci

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Faire 2013 3D Printing Stage: Introduction of 3DaVinci”.
I’D like to thank the people at maker faire for giving me an opportunity to introduce you to three da vinci, and what i’d like to do is talk about why we came out here today. We’Re all the way up from huntsville alabama, but it was uh important that we make it here to maker faire. I also have a video to show you from our uh our crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo, and it explains a lot about the people on our team and i’d like to then talk to you, some about the the technical aspects of the software and uh. You know for the uh for the geeks here: it’ll be uh, that’ll, be the interesting part, so how how three da vinci started was uh. Just like a lot of you, i went to a fab lab and and it’s having a good time and then i uh took the kids home and we were gon na.

Maker Faire 2013 3D Printing Stage: Introduction of 3DaVinci

Do something uh, but we downloaded some software and it i just had a really hard time with it. So uh i had to had to uh uh, take some tutorials and be able to get up to speed, and i got to thinking about it. You know what makes this so hard and uh. You know i thought about and i thought about, and i realized that you know i’m thinking in three dimensions, but i’m trying to work on a two-dimensional screen with a two-dimensional mouse and uh the the application there.

Maker Faire 2013 3D Printing Stage: Introduction of 3DaVinci

It’S a uh, it’s a three: it’s a two-dimensional, represent representation of a three-dimensional environment and for something that comes back out in true 3d, and so there’s a lot of back and forth that goes on here and i want to try and understand how do people perceive Things, how do humans understand uh what they’re looking at and how they want to manipulate it and uh? So that’s when i came up with the idea for uh for three dimension. I decided that i want to build a company so that uh, so that people can bring their ideas from their head to their hands and so that you’re not constrained by technology, but using it to your advantage and so that you can create things and so uh. We decided to build three da vinci and make it specifically for for uh 3d printers and your average person uh. You know you kind of you can kind of think of it.

Those who’ve been around for a while. You remember command. Remember dos and you know he had command lines and you would you’d put in ipconfig, slash all or dash dash all, and you know slash release, slash renew that sort of thing it was.

Maker Faire 2013 3D Printing Stage: Introduction of 3DaVinci

It was very fast and was much more efficient and when people when, when they came out with windows – and you could just do that by by uh, going through menus and finding it people say well, you know what do you want to do that for that’s so Slow well yeah, it’s slow, but it works and you understood it and i think that’s kind of what we need now. So what i’d like to do is show you, this video explain to you a little bit about uh about our team and what we’re trying to accomplish, and it’s gon na go. It was working just a minute ago. Hang on a second, it’s thinking really hard come on it was. It was working just just uh.

I think the computers had something run in the background. Let’S just give it a second. So it’s a it’s a computer problem, not a, but doesn’t this always happen when you try and embed video in powerpoint yeah, if i can even get it respond now? Okay, i can’t even escape no hang on this. It’S thinking, let it think i just woke it up all right.

There we go here. We go it’s it’s just running slow. Well, i apologize no matter how much preparation you do. You always seem to end up with these problems. Yeah just yeah, just let it go! Okay, well, let me go ahead and start and tell you what you’re going to get with the with the application when it’s released and uh, because it’s built specifically for 3d printers you’ll have a drop down menu up at the top you’ll click on that and you’ll Select your 3d printer, whether it’s a replicator or a cube, or one of these small ones from forum labs or something you’ll, you’ll select your printer and you’ll get a build plate. That’S that size to that volume for that specific printer. So if it’s uh six and a half by eight, then it’ll be that size. If it’s, if it’s for the gigabot and it’s you know 15 by 16, then then it’ll be that size, but you’ll have a plate specifically.

For that, then you will it’ll, have a functionality where you don’t have to worry about it being watertight and uh and uh you can you can it’ll uh automatically work and you can you don’t have to the wall? Settings will be correct, so you don’t have to worry about trying to print something. That’S too thin for your printer now uh once you once you uh, get that going. You’Ll have you’ll select from primitives or or other things you drop, that on the plate and you’ll do solid modeling. Just like you would in something like google sketchup, but then you’ll.

You will have the ability to switch to sculpting mode and where you can put dents in it, mold it shape it, treat it like clay and – and there aren’t any other applications right now, where you can do both then you’ll be able to uh you’ll also have The functionality of putting this thing on a pottery wheel and having a spin and you’ll be able to shape it. Just like you would if you had a piece of clay on a pottery wheel, and this thing has just died on me. No hang on a second here. Maybe it just finally gave up okay! Well, i guess we’re just not going to have that going.

You can go ahead and take it down yeah, just just unplug it, okay, so the uh! The program is going to be built in unity. Uh now mo some of you may know, unity is primarily used for video games and uh uh. The reason we did that is because it’s uh it’s it’s useful for what we want to do. It has a uh, a software developer’s kit and a large user community. There’S a lot of people out there already programming in unity and what we’re hoping that is. Is that we’ll have um people that want to do things. Besides, 3d printing will be able to build plug-ins to fit in with this, so we’re going to have a baseline software with uh, with with uh, with our code, we’ll have a little bit of open, open source software and then we’ll have software built by outsiders. Uh open source code developers and for uh to to contribute to the program, we’ll also have a software developers kit, so an api with uh all the things that you need, so that, if you want to you, can build your own private, uh, plug-in uh.

So think. Like a company, if they want to make something that that will plug into three da vinci, then they can write their own code. It won’t be exposed, it won’t, be open, source and but they’ll be able to to run it and it’ll be available. So i’m sorry i’m thinking and uh, so once it so we hope that the uh that the our our ultimate goal is that we’ll that will get people to uh to adopt 3d, printing and mass we’re hoping that this this will be. What really sets off the 3d printing revolution, because once you eliminate that barrier so that your average person can print to it, then uh, then then things will then uh 3d printing can can take off i’d like for you to uh, to try and uh contribute to Our our crowd funding campaign at indiegogo. You can search for 3d printing and find three da vinci it’ll, be there connect to us on social media. You can follow me on twitter at william clemens. Also, you have the clemens coding company on facebook and linkedin and we would appreciate your support.

Uh we’d like for you to stop by our booth. It’S uh it’s in the maker pavilion in the back uh on on this side, up against the train. Tr, the defense with the train tracks about halfway back we’d, really like to get your suggestions and ideas, we’d like to really talk to you about uh, what you use now and how you like to build things and how you think about it and uh. That concludes my presentation.

Thank you for your time and i apologize for the technical difficulties. Yes, uh yeah, i’m glad you asked that i kind of skipped over that right now, where we’re at is: we’ve we’ve spent the last month and a half working on requirements and writing a little bit of code where you can see a plane kind of moving around We’Ve been working real hard on the layouts for the uh for for where everything’s going to go, we’re also working on a new scheme for mouse movements. No we’re going to do more of an agile approach, we’re we’re planning on releasing our first version february, 1st uh. So that’s that’s about two months of development, one month of testing to get a minimum viable product out there uh we expected to have a lot of the uh. The basic stuffs with the primitives and a few of the molding tools. Uh you’re gon na see there’ll be a lot of blank stuff for um for things that are coming so you’ll you’ll have menus where you can see uh, you know, you’ll have like fasteners, but you’ll drill down into it and you’ll be you’ll. Have maybe a threaded bolt and nothing else, um uh, but there’s, but that’s that’s just a placeholder for all the other stuff, that’s coming out there. What we want to do is really find out what people like what they’re using it for and try and update our stuff uh with with that uh, so uh, you know, the the expectation is that we get the first version out uh february 1st any other questions.

Okay, well, thank you for your time. You .