Catching Up With Pirate3D on Life After Kickstarter

Catching Up With Pirate3D on Life After Kickstarter

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Catching Up With Pirate3D on Life After Kickstarter”.
Hey makers – i’m anna kazunas, france, digital fabrication, editor here on the floor of ces 2014, and i’m here with pirate3d. The makers of the buccaneer 3d printer um, so tell us a little bit about your printer, all right, hi makers. This is ibn from pirates 3d and this is the buccaneers 3d printer. So if you know we had a really successful kickstarter campaign last year and that’s like 1.4 million from 3 200 backers, so we’re actually going to fulfill our first like kickstarter batch in april and then the remaining like 3000 in april. Oh sorry in january and then in april right uh, the buccaneer is actually capable of a really nice brand resolution up to 85 microns per layer and it’s a very consumer-friendly device.

So it was built with an intention to reduce the the friction of adoption of 3d printers, so it’s supposed to be as easy to use as possible. This is a self-contained system, so you can connect to the buccaneer by wi-fi without any drivers and whatsoever. So so it’s easy to use. It’S simple: it’s uh affordable! So what is the price point for the the printer after the kickstarter? It is relatively affordable right now we have pre-orders priced at 497 on our website, but after after the pre-orders, like probably in may june uh after we hit the shelves, the price point will be around 897..

Well, this is a significant price high. I can understand that, but the problem is that we’re actually working with the distributors and when you start working with the distributors, you realize that there are shipping costs. There are import taxes, chunks of margins, sub-distributors want to take so yeah. So some of the challenges of going from maker to maker pro right exactly so by the way yeah.

This guy is not assembled by hand as many other 3d printers 3d printing companies. Do. We actually assemble everything in singapore and produce everything in singapore, with cnc and as little human labor as possible, so that everything’s automated great well, it’s been great talking to you.

I just want to ask you what i’ve been asking everyone i’ve been interviewing at ces is making going mainstream? What’S your take on that, it’s definitely going mainstream. But the point is we’re all very, very excited to know what people will be doing with 3d printers when it’s not just 30 000 units per year, but 300 000 units per year, because it’s a whole different game. Great was so great.

Catching Up With Pirate3D on Life After Kickstarter

Talking to you, thanks for your time, .