A Shapeoko for Every State

A Shapeoko for Every State

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Shapeoko for Every State”.
Hey everybody from makercon, i’m here with zach kaplan from inventables. Now zach you just made a big announcement. Uh tell us about it yeah! So we’re going to be giving away a free, shapoco, 3d carving machine in every state in the union. And how does someone get a shaboko if they want one, so you can go to inventables.com 50 states and you can apply, and so literally one in every city, america, so 50 of them? It’S for it’s for places like community centers, maker spaces, libraries any place that will have free access or can give free access to their community um. That’S what we’re looking for! What other kind of criteria are you looking for we’re looking for places that they have a little bit of experience making stuff, so they have sort of a community already built in, but they want to expand that and they want to reach out in the community and Really grow their ability to do digital manufacturing locally. Now, a little while ago you announced easel is that going is that is that a product that it’s moving along? It’S developing more people using it now yeah yeah, so we have um people in the beta program. Um lots of great feedback.

So far we have thousands of people who have signed up for the general release and so part of participating in the 50 states program. Is you will get beta access to easel, so your community can start using it for free? That’S fantastic! Now, when when does someone find out if they want to apply to the 50-state program, where do they go? When do they find out? What’S the timeline like sure so, um the they go to inventables.com 50 states. There’S a big apply button, so you fill out the form and then um there’s a time frame posted on the site for when we will close applications, we will review the applications and then announce the 50 winners. Well, thanks for being here and we’ll have more videos from makercon all day today, .