Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Printing Toys with Modio”.
I am uh wayne lowsi, i’m a uh career, uh toy designer and uh, i’m from providence, rhode, island. Our project is uh madio, it’s a 3d printing app where you can actually go in, create your characters, modify them and uh 3d print them it’s available in the app store. The apple app store launched on this last tuesday. The reaction’s been great. The booth has been full all day: there’s uh kids, putting together pre-printed parts. We’Ve got app demos going on.
We’Ve got a bunch of product that kids have been able to check out and uh. We’Ve got a sweepstakes going on where kids can uh uh get one of ten uh prints that uh we’re giving away. They just need to come and play the app, and then we give a uh a code once you’re finished.
So you take a snapshot of your guy it’ll, give you a code, and then you put the code on the sweepstakes forms that we have here at the table. .