BotFactory and Squink at MakerCon 2015

BotFactory and Squink at MakerCon 2015

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “BotFactory and Squink at MakerCon 2015”.
Hey i’m donald bellow from makercon 2015., i’m here with nicholas from bot factory who just presented at launch pad. How was the launch pad presentation presentation was amazing. We’Re really glad to be here thrilled to be in california. You know to present squink or electronic circuit printer uh.

BotFactory and Squink at MakerCon 2015

You know a lot of great presentations, so i was pretty amazed by the level the other candidates do you know it was. It was really a great experience all right and then tell me about squink. First of all, how is, i think, probably the funniest name of all the products, that’s on stage. So congratulations on that. Hopefully, people remember right.

BotFactory and Squink at MakerCon 2015

We should have a separate award just for funniest name yeah. That would be a good idea, yeah and then tell me about the actual device, so yeah, so squink is basically a think of it as a 3d printer. So it sits on your desk and prints and assembles a complete circuit in about 30 minutes for around five dollars, and the way it works is that you have interchangeable heads that you just swap to print then glue and finally assemble the components on the board. All right now, this is something you’re already selling you’re working to get it to market, so we were on kickstarter last summer i got a hundred thousand dollars and that’s what gon na start it so right now we’re about two weeks away from shipping, our first machine.

BotFactory and Squink at MakerCon 2015

So pretty excited all right. I’M excited for you thanks for joining us here at launch pad, and i hope you have a great rest of the show yeah thanks for having us all right for makercon 2015, i’m donald .