Mirobot at Maker Faire UK

Mirobot at Maker Faire UK

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Mirobot at Maker Faire UK”.
Teaching kids about technology programming, engineering people particularly love the fact that it seems to be drawing spirograph she’s, making sure that if any products, new Jocasta reaction really from especially last year had the Kickstarter master pilot I spent the last year went really well enough. From the last year, basically talking about people getting loads of paper, the finished product, it’s had all the dick puppets cut out and much better and easier to build, not to use the testing in my second gate starts to because basically eating Kickstarter as part of my Funded development platform – really, you know usually if it be testing 500, really engage people having you tested and then using it again to launch the finished product so not just treating it as a platform to launch engaging people in the home process of developing the been fantastic Ash I mean the the people who helped me build the first one. I’Ve had all kinds of useful feedback from them. There’S a Google booth set up tips on how to make it work better. They’Ll have to sell particular things and the feedback I’ve had over email has just helped me who, like all the all of the issues that that version had and made this version work a lot better.

The main challenge really was me under estimating or over estimating. You know how children were able to so. The kind of defining moment for me was when I went into a schools, build 10 robots, the 30 kids and they all had exactly the same problems building it. I went home that night and ripped apart the design rebuilt. It basically from scratch, and so, although it’s superficially the same, it’s completely different and all of their habits have been so now, instead of eating packs to go together, snaps together, very easily and each bit felt in the previous field. So it’s a lot easier to go.

You no longer need an extra hand to build it’s completely open hardware and software everything is open, so you can download. The chassis are laser-cut them yourself. You can download the PCB files, have them made yourself and you can modify the Arduino code HTML. It’S entirely up. Some of the changes will be compatible and I’m looking at releasing a kid that will allow you to use the new VAR Wi-Fi module on the old hardware, but the the new chassis is completely different.

Really so it’s a it’s an only thing. So the one of the big changes in the second version has been a switch at the Wi-Fi module and I’m moving there too, using the ESB modules, which means up being able to write only on my own firmware to go on it. So it’s running a web server throwing a WebSocket server. It can actually talk the arduino bootloader protocol and upgrade the arduino of the web. My advice for young makers really is just get stuck in there’s, so many projects to get you started pick one use it to build, something else modify and it’s the best way of learning is to stand on other people’s shoulders. You .