Launch Pad – Spinn Coffee Machine

Launch Pad - Spinn Coffee Machine

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Launch Pad – Spinn Coffee Machine”.
Are you guys caffeined up because we’re sping coffee and we’re very happy to be here? I want to say first of all, things maker come from bringing us over, and I want to give a shout out for the people back home in Amsterdam search team in m9. Tova and MSM we’re here anyway, spin coffee, we’re making a connected coffee machine and we’re using centrifugal force to brew a cup of coffee. It’S a completely new way to brew coffee and, as you all may know, the world loves coffee. It’S very hard to make your own coffee at home in the perfect way, though coffee after water is the most consumed beverage and after oil, the most traded commodity. So there’s a huge opportunity there. If we look inside the coffee industry, actually we’re using very old techniques and methodologies to brew a cup of coffee, if you look at the pressure techniques out there, for example, we have the espresso the Aeropress. We have the French press, for example, and the majority of the world is still using drip over. So the filter, coffee kind of ways. We came up with a new way to brew coffee, using centrifugal force and to spin a better version of coffee because it tastes great guys.

This is the machine, it’s all right over there. You can check it out. It is an all-in-one machine. So what we did? We developed a certificate force brewer that is spinning where there are fresh beans in the reservoir.

Launch Pad - Spinn Coffee Machine

There is a grinder below the reservoir. We grind the fresh beans, it ends up in the centrifugal force, spinner and it starts spinning. There’S water coming into the spinner and based on the centrifugal force it drains the coffee out of the system.

Launch Pad - Spinn Coffee Machine

So the beauty of the system is that we can make it single serve from multiple, serve and a whole pot of coffee from fresh beans. But also we decide how fast the spinner goes. So if you ramp it up, we can make a perfect espresso because of the pressure buildup. We can also make a French press. We can also make a drip filter if we go for a coarse ground with a lot of water and a low rpm.

We make a perfect filter coffee and it’s all based in this one machine. So it is patented technology that we do back in 2007. We have granted patent on three continents and nespresso actually bought a non-exclusive license. In 2009 they launched a virtual line machine it’s out in the market now with those round pots and not know a few you’ve seen it, but that’s our technology we’re gon na.

Take it to the next level, because we think there’s a great opportunity to enlighten people with great coffee, also in their homes. You have to realize that the average American spends like five dollars a day on coffee out in a coffee shop, because it’s too hard to make a great coffee at home right. Well we’re gon na change the world. It is to connect the Machine and its auto replenishing, because in the reservoir there is a sensor and when you get below a certain threshold and go automatically order beans for you from your local roaster.

Launch Pad - Spinn Coffee Machine

So what we did we make. We made a marketplace for local Roasters. You know guys like Stumptown, coffee, blue bottle, hopefully into the gentian and those type of guys that make beautiful coffees and we aggregate all their data and content in one beautiful app where you can browse through the different coffees. And you can put the covers to your bean list.

You see an example here on the slide. There is a bean list where the business is used by the machine to automatically order when you get below that certain threshold. So it is Auto replenishing and it’s connected in your home, the next step of our machine. Hopefully we can open up for the Roasters that then can make the perfect brew for the spinner, because it’s connected, we let them use their own recipes in our machine that are out in households but everywhere, basically in the world, and that’s what we’re aiming for.

So our business model is both based on the machine and beans, so the revenue comes from the machine, but also on the marketplace and the revenue that we’re making on every order that the machine basically places and we’re going to use the coffee subscription model there. So we raised 800 K so far we’re building the prototype, we’re at PCH highway. 1. Now we came from the Netherlands in November, we headed up the company in February.

We were here in San Francisco and we’re now on our routes. You actually get the machines out there in about a year for that, obviously we’re raising more more money, but this is what we’ve done so far, so we have a great team three amazing guys. So one is the business guy. One is the coffee guy and one is the product guy, and then we have the whole team back in in the Netherlands for the moment and Anka Vern.

That is preparing the machine and we’ll get the second version of the machine here in San Francisco. Hopefully, twenty of twenty main, but there is this first version of the centrifugal force brewery. I can show you later on the table mmm, so we’re reinventing the coffee. Basically, it’s called. We call it smart coffee because it’s connected it is using centrifugal. Force is completely anyway, and I hope that you guys will walk in a Starbucks in three years and asked for a double spinner latte. Thank you all right. Thank you.

Roderick stay up here for a moment. Gon na get some questions from our judges. Wait: you’re really reinventing coffee here, yeah get it going we’re thinking about 25 bucks a month. So there are different ways on how to actually do this. It can be a hybrid model where you pay part of the money for the Machine and then part for the beans, but we’re aiming well. I’M not gon na tell any real we’re working on the bomb now, but it should be available, for you know normal households in the United States. I’M confused whether you want this to be a household product or an industrial product cause. You talked about, Starbucks got it.

That’S a great question, actually so we’re going after a residential market first, but we’re also thinking about building a bigger Brewer, for example, for b2b use. If you look at this event, for example, how hard it is to make great coffee here, we can think about a big centrifugal force brewer that may can make a gallon of great coffee in a minute. Basically so, but for the moment we’re looking at the residential market and the small home office market, where the residential market has a small hopper, you can see the reservoir of the machine over there and then the the b2b version or the soho version will have a Bigger hopper, where you can check in 3 kilos or coffee correct. So if you look at the new machine virtual line, you know the traditional small capsules, the pots probably and that’s patent has expired two years ago.

That’S where there are a lot of different other companies. Now, using the same hardware, form factor basically and Nespresso came out with a new machine which is called the virtual line with new parts. It looks like a UFO and that that is spinning as well and that’s using our technology, so they they bought a non-exclusive license. In 2009, for my partner – and this is the result of that technology in the machine – so this is the world nutrition leader that actually tells a very broad audience that there is a new way to grow coffee using significant force. They don’t use it very much in their marketing, but we think that centrifugal force brewing can be the next step in you know.

We know espresso, we know Aeropress, but now we’ll have spin coffee as well. So it’s a couple of other factories that are pretty important for coffee, like water temperature. Things like that, do you guys have any funky, PID controller correct, so the beauty of the system is that we can manage all those different parameters, so we can control the heat of the water.

The amount of coffee grind that we grind and how fast the spinner goes. So how high did the pressure build up is so we talked to a lot of roses out there and a lot of baristas out there, and they are really astonished and amazed by the results of the coffee that comes out of our spinner, because we basically can Decide on all those parameters, we can decide how long the coffee is actually extracting in the brewer chamber, for example, so we’re working together with a lot of coffee specialists on what the best recipes are in this machine. Unfortunately, now we’re working on the prototype now and we hope we’re at PCH highway 1 now and we’re looking at shipping the product if everything goes according to plan, if we’re able to get the money together to do this, then we’ll we’ll ship in a year.

Probably more critique your questions guys come on really, I say, probably almost out of time, any more questions all right. Louder. Thank you! So much it’s been coffee.

Everybody .