National Maker Faire: Intel Cornell Cup

National Maker Faire: Intel Cornell Cup

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “National Maker Faire: Intel Cornell Cup”.
I’M Dale Dougherty at National Maker Faire, i’m here with Dave from Cornell engineering, how you doing Dave. Oh I’m doing fantastic, fantastic event here. How are things going in your booth? Oh, it’s exciting. We had a line that was so long to see our exhibit it was. It was amazing to see how excited people get about this stuff who’s.

Our little friend here this is r2d2 he’s our lab assistant. He can actually go around our lab autonomously. Bring us different tools, he’s fantastic. We even had freshmen developing path planning on this guy, so it’s been a warfel learning experience for a lot of people, so why is Cornell here at the National Maker Faire? Oh, we totally support the maker movement. The fact that anybody has a potential to really make a difference through making through engineering through technology, there’s so much opportunity and it’s wonderful how the making community really works together to embrace that we love being a part of it and tell me about the Intel Cornell Cup, it’s a fantastic competition, really focus on professional design, meaning that you can build anything that that you want as long as it’s got, you know intel atom in it and it’s, but it’s about how does your entry really meet a need? How does it solve that challenge, and then how do you take the performance metrics on that for to measure solution to any problem like that and then be able to prove to someone that? Yes, your idea is one of the very best out there for meeting that need.

National Maker Faire: Intel Cornell Cup

So so it’s an open competition. It’S a very open, open competition, get health care defense. I know sports recreation, highway safety, all different kinds of projects that involved in it it’s one, and so you have a couple students from Cornell here right.

Yes, we do. We have some great students here. Even Tonya’s here is our CST team lead, that’s a part of it, we’re so proud of all of our students, a wonderful interdisciplinary collaborative event.

Okay, Dave thanks for being here. .