Maker Camp 2015 – Explore Animation

Maker Camp 2015 - Explore Animation

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – Explore Animation”.
Don’T move berk? How much longer do i have to do this not much longer, i just got ta get the next frame. Wait that that’s not even a real camera. Why am i doing this? Because today we’re doing animation and visual gags are pretty much? What we do now, oh, why didn’t you tell me this is just for a segway film festival’s next week, burke, we have so much to do. Focus, wait why we, we did the cardboard masks. Well, i did you phoned it in this is trying to make you look good. What about our sketchbooks with all the storyboards on them? Oh yeah, i wrote a pretty good story. It’S gon na make blade runner look like short circuit.

Maker Camp 2015 - Explore Animation

So basically, if you didn’t get that you’re going to want to ask around it’s, it’s inside a little vhs tape with it’s, basically a black box, little spindly bits just google. It trust me, it’s worth it well. What are we supposed to do with all these things? I’M not sure i can make something why yeah you can make anything really. Yes, you can make all sorts of films pretend you’re a giant kaiju stepping on buildings.

You can make an absurdist comedy or you can answer big questions like what would happen. If finn and jake were just bearded bird people anything’s really possible and it’s entirely up to your imagination to figure it out. So yes, anything well yeah, that’s true, but i mean i can’t because i don’t have opposable fun, yeah yeah, she’s really sensitive about that. Well, um, what what if you used your your teeth and a selfie? Stick? Oh, that’s a good point. Now i can finally shoot my kurosawa biopic thanks paloma and burke, that’s a wrap tour coming up. Next, we have quick tips with emily. She’Ll show us how to make zoe tropes flip books and also a stop-motion makey. I’M really excited, because a lot of these projects are like the basis of animation.

It’S like a history lesson with a modern twist so be sure to draw your own conclusions. Take it away emily well burke, i really feel like we should have been animators well yeah. I really appreciate your frame of mind if only we’d sketched things out sooner.

Why i’m just shuddering at the thought? Well, the fact that we didn’t is really upsetting. Well, alas, perhaps in a different timeline: oh come on: that’s not even an animation term. It’S on the line market, zero, dude, no market; five, no market, zero berk! This isn’t 52 pickup.

Maker Camp 2015 - Explore Animation

There are rules. This is a pun off .