Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make Wind Instruments and Field Trip Friday with Maywa Denki

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Wind Instruments and Field Trip Friday with Maywa Denki

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make Wind Instruments and Field Trip Friday with Maywa Denki”.
Hey campers: it’s field trip time again wait. So the phrase doesn’t change every week. It’S just every time i say: field trip, field, trip, field, trip, yay field trip. Well at least i know how to endlessly control you like puppets i’ll, show you control? Okay: okay, let’s not get to teeth and claws.

Let’S head out to the field, where we’ll see what maywa denke has to say about the craziest musical robots you’ve ever seen. All my instruments is a mechanical, but now many people use electronic instruments, but i i like mechanical music. Thank you for staying here, concert english noodle for foreign shows and demonstrating instruments.

This is automatic bass, melodic established in 1993 me and my brother established wedding. This is a nonsense: machine’s company, maybe einstein, okay in japan, we make we do many many workshops for using my idea. I want to spread my idea in um, very famous music, my this. This is a pop music but uh little really crazy.

Music. The music is music me. I think the most nonsense machine is me, so i want to understand myself, so i make many many nonsense: machines wow they had so many crazy and nonsensical robots. I love it.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Wind Instruments and Field Trip Friday with Maywa Denki

They sure did now because mayo denki’s all the way in japan we’re going to do q a a little bit different. We want you to post your questions to the maker camp community by 8 pm pacific. That way, they can be magically translated and sent off and we’ll post the answers to your questions on the maker camp community. So keep your eye out for that.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Wind Instruments and Field Trip Friday with Maywa Denki

Also before our robot overlords. Take music away from us remember to post your songs for battle of the band by 8 pm pacific tonight. The showcase will air tomorrow at 11, 59 pm uh uh, hey campers.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Wind Instruments and Field Trip Friday with Maywa Denki

We had so much fun making stuff with you all week. We sure did and now that you have an entire week’s worth of instruments. I’M sure your parents absolutely love us.

Let’S take a look at what you did with yesterday’s ideas. Do so hey wow, you campers have been so busy posting, so many awesome things and it’s the end of the week. So we give out prizes to some of our most active campers. That’S right! It’S a pretty sweet one. It’S these shirts, yes, and the winners are, and the winners are gavin dinsmore and a barry we’ll be sure to send off these prizes to you as soon as we construct a catapult large enough to reach you. That might take a couple of months and you don’t want to miss out because it’s going to be the world premiere of our maker camp band using one of the names you suggested, yeah, that’s gon na be awesome, but i’m already looking forward to next week, where We’Re heading out to pasture farmstead we’re gon na be exploring the world of sustainability, traditional crafts and much much more and then, at the end of the week, we’re going to have a good old-fashioned maker camp county, fair, we’re going to be giving out prizes and blue Ribbons for farmstead related things see you next week, campers .