Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make Galaxy Slime & Shrinky Dink Tips

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Galaxy Slime & Shrinky Dink Tips

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Maker Camp 2015 – How to Make Galaxy Slime & Shrinky Dink Tips”.
Hey campers: it’s faro future week and today we’re going to work on. Oh, what are you working on paloma, i’m making galaxy slime? I found a really cool recipe out by rebecca rogers campground, oh yeah, the campgrounds that we used kite photography a week ago with the rest of the campers yeah after we were done. That day, i went over to the campgrounds and i investigated like a good maker. Should huh so you found a recipe, the galaxy slime yeah. It’S like a weird recipe. I’Ve never seen before. It’S got all these like different steps, and i don’t i’m not a physicist, but it seems like rebecca raptor really likes. Tachyon pulses. What that’s really weird, how how did you figure all this out? Well, i went behind the cabin out there and there was this hole in the ground with a box in it, and there was like a shovel next to it.

It looked like she had started, burying it but stopped halfway. It’S almost like she wanted me to find it. What is the the the color that you’re making that galaxy slime is? Is that the color that was in rebecca’s instructions, i mean you can make galaxy slime a ton of different colors but yeah? This is the one that she. What why are you making that face? I i didn’t tell anyone this paloma, but when, when you matched me to detroit, i i found that exact color galaxy slime in my pockets, like that color that one right there, how i look.

Listen: i’ve magicked a lot of people and that’s never happened to anybody that i’ve transported paloma. Are you sure, you’re the one that sent me to detroit rebecca raptor, hey campers, uh, we’re gon na check out some quick tips with shrinky, dinks and uh, we’ll we’ll send you to that video. While we solved this mystery, wow shrinky dinks are a really great way to reuse old plastic yeah.

It’S so cool to see the different ways that you can color it and cut it into different shapes: hey uh, plummer uh-huh, why? Why is our potato power plant oozing? The galaxy slime honestly, i hadn’t, really thought about it. I it’s like seeping out of it like. I, don’t really think it’s supposed to do that. Maybe it’s a reminder that we’re supposed to teach the campers how to make some yeah that’s got ta, be it that’s! Got ta be exactly what it is great, let’s check it out. Galaxy slime is an interesting project for kids or adults that we discovered on

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Galaxy Slime & Shrinky Dink Tips

The slime is fun for kids to play with and has a wonderfully weird texture, but the real appeal is its stellar. Deep space coloration to make your own galaxy slime you’ll need clear glue, liquid starch watercolors or food coloring and glitter. You also need some bowls to mix it in to create the interesting swirls that resemble a galaxy. You’Ll need three separate colors of slime, which you’ll combine together later, pour approximately equal amounts of glue into each of the three bowls. Add watercolors and glitter to the glue and stir well until it is fully mixed. Dark vivid colors will help create that galaxy.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Galaxy Slime & Shrinky Dink Tips

Look now. You’Re ready to add the starch, but go slowly because this is the tricky part, add small amounts of starch to each of the glue mixtures, making sure to mix it thoroughly before adding more. If you add too much and combine all the starch at once, you’ll end up with a lumpy rubbery blob, stop adding starch once you’ve reached the consistency that you like and that’s it. You now have slime to create your galaxy simply blend all the colors together start with a swirl of colors and then knead and work the slime until it resembles a cosmic cloud you can play with the slime.

Maker Camp 2015 - How to Make Galaxy Slime & Shrinky Dink Tips

However, you like you, can make galaxy boogers and it even bounces have fun with your slime and let us know what other things you do with yours. Welcome back campers wow that galaxy slime sure looks a lot like ours, except it doesn’t have the weird growing property that ours seems to have yeah. Ours sure is growing just about everywhere, all over the camp and through the walls yep. What has rebecca just been making a ton of it pouring it all over the camp? I don’t know.

I have no idea whatsoever. However, i do notice that this particular blend of galaxy slime actually looks like the universe. It’S very weird, weird anyway, yeah yeah you’ve made your own galaxy slime. I did.

I made this super cool stuff before i made rebecca’s recipe, but this is super cool. I put glow-in-the-dark paint in it, so it glows in the dark and it’s awesome. It’S a little tougher than that galaxy slime and i think, maybe next time i’ll put a little less liquid starch in it. But i kind of like it like this because it’s easier to play with and it doesn’t get everywhere and it’s really rubbery and stretchy. It’S just fun, yeah, it’s! Oh that’s! Pretty cool and yeah. You can use all sorts of colors. I mean you know we’re not just limited to that.

You can basically make any color. You want with galaxy slime yeah. You could combine colors and make your own custom.

Color add different colors of glitter and make something really special and unique. I think that it would be really cool to even combine this project with other projects from the week to make something really super special yeah just be sure not to get it on your carpets. At home, be very careful about that.

This stuff doesn’t come out easy yeah. The roulette maker camp is no mad parents, so don’t put it on your carpet or your clothes or anywhere, where you wouldn’t want it to get stained and treated. Wood is okay, but even be careful with other wood, and it also has a really cool other property.

I’M going to brave the tachyon pulses here and if you roll it up into a ball like chewing gum and put it on the end of a straw, see if i can get it to work here, you can blow a bubble. So, let’s see a good seal on that see it made a bubble, but you could even with more patience and practice. You can get this to be a huge bubble and it’ll even stay there for a little bit. So i want to see pictures of your bubbles on the maker camp community, page yeah, the bigger the better yeah so customize this play around with it and remember. If this project’s too easy or too challenging, you can go to, where we have a ton of projects to play around with now. Let’S see what you did yesterday do wow campers, keep it coming remember.

We have only a couple days left to maker camp. So if you want to submit something, get it in now, what’d you figure out today paloma. What did i figure out? I figured that rebecca’s been transporting us and she’s been doing it for a while. Oh okay! Well, if you like what you’ve seen here, please upload your photos and videos to maker camp community, where you too could become internet famous and probably do something a little bit better than left shark. Wait! Wait! That’S why our potato wasn’t working! It’S fusion based! We should’ve had days worth of power, it must have been rebecca and the maker cam community be sure to have your questions and comments for paloma, a person who saw the sign and it opened up her eyes. Wait you. You said that before use hashtag makercamp for your twitter, instagram g plus c, plus plus c minus c, sharp pearl cobalt, fortran wait. I said that before yeah wait.

I said that before yeah what’s happening. Yes, it worked. .