Qualcomm Dragonboard One-Day Build

Qualcomm Dragonboard One-Day Build

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Qualcomm Dragonboard One-Day Build”.
Hi, I’m Mark Devane come here at the Qualcomm booth at maker faire Bay Area and I’m talking with Lawrence, who actually is one of the lead engineers behind the dragon board family of microcontrollers. Thank you. So I’m here to tell you that today, at maker faire we’re giving away dragon boards, we’ve got nearly a hundred dragon boards to give away over the weekend, and I’m going to tell you a little bit about a certain simple project that I built over one day. I did all of the development on the dragon board. I didn’t use external computers, i didn’t use external development tools, all of the development tools ran on the dragon board and i was able to create this game that you see running in behind us. So can you show us a little bit about what’s powering it in the and the back end, so i’ll talk about starting at the bottom? We have a simple rotary potentiometer, which is moving the paddle, as i turn the potentiometer that’s cabled through to a mezzanine card.

Qualcomm Dragonboard One-Day Build

This message has an arduino on board, so there’s a small Arduino program that is reading the potentiometer position, converting it to an ASCII string and sending the ASCII string down to the dragon board, which is tucked in underneath the dragon board then has a Python program. The Python program takes the ASCII string, reformats it into the right format for scratch and sends it to the scratch input connector and finally, we have the scratch program actually running the game and the scratch program reads the paddle position from the connector and moves the paddle Around and the scratch program is running, the ball around and everybody is programmed in scratch will recognize this one of the classic demos that you’re right write. Your first game is write a breaker vault program and so all of this development from end to end, starting at well but nine o’clock one morning and finishing about four o’clock in the afternoon. That’S how long it took to do this yeah so you’re, already developing your own game and, what’s what’s exciting, is this is one day? What are you going to do if you have 30 days 60 days, 90 days or a year, and I’m really a hardware engineer it? What, if you’re a real programmer know how to use all the tools I had to learn Python so that i could write Python script but move the data.

I had to learn the Arduino development tool since the system, so i could write the arduino program. I had to learn scratch. I’D never use scratch before.

That was all part of my one day. Wow, that’s great, well Lawrence! Thank you! So much for coming to maker faire, it’s great to be here at the Qualcomm boot and we’ll see it the next one. Excellent thanks .

Qualcomm Dragonboard One-Day Build