Cura 2.6 with Octoprint Integration

Cura 2.6 with Octoprint Integration

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Cura 2.6 with Octoprint Integration”.
Welcome back to the workshop, I’m Tyler and we’re going to have a super quick video this week as some people to holiday the middle of the week, the really popular 3d print slicing software cura released version 2.6. Recently, it introduced one of my favorite features that they’ve had recently integration with octoprint. If you’re not familiar with oxy print, it’s a web-based 3d printer print server. What that really means to you is that you don’t need to put your G code files onto an SD card and then walk them over to your printer anymore. Instead, you just upload them to a web server hit print, and it offers plenty of tools to help. Your monitor your print as it’s going pretty useful stuff, but now with curette, you don’t even need to visit the web page to upload your print. You can launch prints straight from your slicer.

That’S pretty cool even better is that you can run octa print from a raspberry pi, a low-power computer, that’s cheap to buy and cheaper to run now, if you’ve never worked with the Raspberry Pi before you’re. In luck, because it’s one of the easiest ways to get started with Raspberry Pi we’re going to walk you through it. So what will you need? Well, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi, just about any model will do, and here we’re using the Raspberry Pi version 2. Unless you have an Ethernet drop near your printer or you’re, using a Raspberry Pi 3 you’ll need a Wi-Fi.

Dongle you’ll need an SD card for your software in the operating system and the 2 amp USB power supply and whatever USB cable. You use to connect your printer, the computers to get octa print, go to octa-pie, octa-pie comm and hit the download. This will download an image of the operating system, basically an already configured OS. That’S ready to run to write it to your SD card. You’Ll need software. Like apple pie, baker, if you’re on a Mac or winter d2 disk imager, if you’re on Windows, look for links for all of these in the description below put your SD card in this next step will delete everything on the card so make sure there’s no important Cat photo still on there select the octa-pie disk image and write it to the card once the writing is complete open the card in a file browser it’ll be renamed as Boot. Look for the file named octopi network txt and open it in a text. Editor, look for this first set of field for a Wi-Fi network, delete these hashtags and then add your network details, save the file and then insert the card into your raspberry pi.

You have a spare web cam plug it into your pie and point it at the bed of your printer, or you can also use the Raspberry Pi camera plug in your printer power up the pi, and it should start booting immediately from any web browser on your Network go to HTTP, slash, slash, octa-pie, dot, local and connect to octoprint chances are you’ll, be presented with an opportunity to update octoprint go ahead, and let it do that when it’s done, you can start sending octa print up. There’S plenty of options here and the real fun stuff happens. If you’ve connected a webcam, you can use the camera to monitor your prints in real time and even record time lapses of your prints. Hopefully, you’ve downloaded the new version of cura during one of these waits to connect it to octoprint, go to octoprint settings and go to the api page copy. This API key in Keira go to manage printers, locate the octa print server and then hit the connect to Aqsa print button. There will be a field to paste in the API key you just copied so do that now there are plenty of printers that Kure will slice for, but if you’re setting it up for an ultimate ger, there’s a few more steps, you’ll need to do ultimate.

Cura 2.6 with Octoprint Integration

Kurz use a bespoke version of g code that doesn’t work with octa print, go back to your printer management page and hit the Machine Settings button. You’Ll see this pulldown for G code, flavor change it to RepRap, Marlin, sprinter and you’ll, see some code appear in the two fields below there’s two small tweaks you’ll want to make to this code in the left window change the amount of filament purge at the start Of the print from 10 millimeters to 25, then go up a few lines and copy this line that moves the print bed to the bottom end stops go to the window on the right and paste that line of code at the line above where it turns the Stepper motors off at the end of a print now you’re all set and all you need to do – is print. You should see this new button down to the bottom of cura that allows you to print directly to octo print off you go. Hopefully you find this video useful if you did make sure you hit that, like button, we’ve got a bunch more great stuff coming to you really soon so make sure to hit subscribe. So you don’t miss it. Thanks for watching we’ll see you in the next article incorrect code, please reenter .

Cura 2.6 with Octoprint Integration