Building the Bowgun Kit From Maywa Denki

Building the Bowgun Kit From Maywa Denki

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Building the Bowgun Kit From Maywa Denki”.
I just got back from maker faire seon in seon china, and it was incredibly cool and while i was there, i had the pleasure of getting to see maewa dinky perform now. This is a musical group from japan, i’ll put a link to their performance down below, but they build all kinds of wacky musical based inventions, most of them mechanical in some nature and totally whimsical one of the things they had that i thought was super fun was The bow gun – this is a ridiculous little instrument. I guess that you blow in and it barks, and i thought it was hilarious. They had them on stage, they were performing with them and i bought one of the kits to bring home and assemble, and i thought it would be fun to do a video building their kit.

Now the instructions are in japanese, i believe, and so that may cause a problem it may not. I don’t know, let’s build it and see everything survived the trip home just fine, the kit was all still together. Nothing was broken.

That’S fantastic! There was a few discrepancies. The straw is not a glass tube like it shows on the box, it’s just a straw and there were supposed to be two different types of sandpaper, but it seemed like the same two pieces of the same type. It really didn’t make a difference, though. Everything still worked, just fine the pieces fit a little bit looser than i would have liked. But you know it’s no big deal. They don’t need to fit like super snug, and there were some parts where the japanese and the instruction manual would have helped explain some things, but i just figured it out like using stickers to keep tape from sticking to things.

Building the Bowgun Kit From Maywa Denki

The diagrams were good enough that i figured it out. There was really only one real problem that i encountered we’ll see here. In a moment, everything went together the glue the rubber bands were helping hold things in place, while the glue dried and a little dog’s just adorable, putting the little balloon piece on the straw is extremely difficult here you can see me fighting with that, but the only Problem i ran into is the little wire that connects the trigger to the bottom of the jaw was just too short, i don’t know what was going on there. I must have installed a piece wrong and ended up that way. So i just used a twisty tie. You know just a little wire tie and cut it to length, and that worked just fine you’ll see that here in the finished shot in just a moment. So there it is. There’S the uh final bow gun from maywa denke.

Building the Bowgun Kit From Maywa Denki

I think it’s adorable and, as you heard, it doesn’t sound like a dog that much and that’s kind of beside the point. The design is hilarious, the sound is hilarious and, and most importantly me, wadenki’s performance was hilarious. Uh. This is fantastic.

Building the Bowgun Kit From Maywa Denki

The the language barrier wasn’t an issue at all, as you saw, i only ran into a couple of problems that i ended up being able to solve fairly quickly and easily just by you know, looking at how it was made. But overall i would highly recommend this cute little kit. The bow gun from mewadenki alright see you next time be sure to like and subscribe to this website. For more you .