T’Challa’s Spear from Black Panther

T'Challa's Spear from Black Panther

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “T’Challa’s Spear from Black Panther”.
Whoo, where my black hat for sure today selector only mean one thing: whoo all right guys here it is T Challa fair. I had a lot of fun doing this build and so, as usual for my videos, what I do is I talk about how I finished the actual arm print. I started off modeling it in cinema 4d. So, for the hand, is the cylinder and just did some minor extrudes, and then I also use the subdivision on tool. That’S within cinema 4d to kind of give it that shape at the end here for the actual spare head, it was just a cube.

It was extruded at the points here and it was brought up to a point at the edge and I used the subdivision to within cinema 4d to give it this shape. So when looking for reference pictures, I’ve seen there was this fabric material that was utilized for the actual mid part of the handle, and I did some research online and I couldn’t find the exact material that they were using. After doing some research and looking online for fabric, I couldn’t come up with anything, so my initial thought was to actually buy a rug that had the line texture that I was looking for and then go over it with the airbrush to add the gold accent marks. But recently hot toys released a picture of their black panther that they’re coming off in 1/6 scale.

I was able to see some of the details that they had for the actual sphere itself, so my initial thought, after seeing it was that I could model it. So in terms of printing, I printed the handle at 80 % infill and I printed the spare head at 80 % in flow as well so for the mid portion. I printed at 10 % info just because I wanted to save on filament. So when I designed this, I designed it to fit a wooden dowel that runs down the middle of it, and my reasoning for doing that is for support and stability for the actual spare my process after printing is to sand the products till I get a smooth Finish once I have everything smooth I go ahead and hit it with primer filler. So two things the primer filler does is one it helps. You see any imperfection that you may have and two it aids in filling in some of the print lines that you may have left behind. So once I get the initial quote of primer filler on I go back and I look to see what imperfections of where I have to stand at and then I go ahead and do another pass of sanding so for this particular build.

T'Challa's Spear from Black Panther

I started off with 220. After I hit it with primer filler and then I was able to move up to 400 and it gave me a smooth finish, hit it one more time, primer, filler and then I was at a point where I was satisfied with how smooth it was. So, for what sanding I just used, I believe it was 1,000 grit and 2000 grit wet sanding, and that gave me a nice smooth finish once I was done once I finished wet sanding.

T'Challa's Spear from Black Panther

I hit it with one more coat of primer, and that was the final coat of primer before I moved on to paint so a funny thing for this with spray painting, I accidentally came across a spray paint that actually worked really well. My initial thought for this was just the airbrush some chrome silver paint on this, but I ended up running out of paint when I did the spearhead so digging around in my garage, I found some chrome metallic spray paint that I had laying around for quite some Time I decided to try it and boy was I impressed with the results that I got in terms of the mid handle so to achieve the look that I got. I did two passes of sanding and I still wanted some texture, because I wanted this to initially look like fabric and I didn’t do as much standing as I did on the end handle and the spare head. So I spray painted about three coats of matte black on the mid handle.

T'Challa's Spear from Black Panther

I used a product called rubbing buff to create the gold accents on the actual handle in terms of how I got the actual design. On the mid part, I masked off the entire handle. I used blue painters tape and cut thin strips and after I cut the thin strips, I laid it out in the design that I wanted. That gave me a guy to cut into the masking tape that I already had on there.

So this way I cut along the blue lines and then was able to peel it off, and then I use druggin buff and after I peeled everything off. I was able to get this look that I got on the actual handle stuff now, there’s one more part to this bill that I haven’t done yet and that’s to add a feather to it. This is actually being shipped off to Canada. So before I do that, my wife will actually braid this leather lace and then I will do a white feather tip to the end here and then that will complete this bill fully. So here’s a good look at it, alright guys, so that does it for this bill. I thank you guys so much for tuning in.

I would like to thank Mike for hosting this video. They have allowed me to share my videos on their platform. You will be seeing some more videos coming from me in the next few months, so I thank you guys so much for tuning in if you would like to see more bills like this and some of the things that I’m doing you get head over to my Youtube page at the broken nerd, if you want to keep up to date with some of the projects that I’m working on, you can follow me on twitter at the burner at 83, and you can follow me on instagram at the Broken Arrow 83. Once again, I thank you guys so much for tuning in peace and aloha.

God bless [ Applause, ] testing out some new lightning .