The fastest sawhorse in the west – A quick look at jobsite sawhorses

The fastest sawhorse in the west - A quick look at jobsite sawhorses

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The fastest sawhorse in the west – A quick look at jobsite sawhorses”.
Welcome to make workshop, where we check out tools, toys and tech designed for makers today we’re going to look at saw horses like i said today, we’re going to be looking at some saw horses now. This is what i currently use, and admittedly this is about as simple as it can get. My kids made these for me. I love them, but i wouldn’t mind having something a little bit nicer and a little bit easier to put together. So, instead of checking out these we’re going to check out these, this is a bora speed horse and its main claim to fame is this.

What we have here is basically both ends of the spectrum. Here you have the cheapest and most simple you can slap together saw horse, and here you have kind of the higher end of a job site, saw horse and you’re going to see that reflected in the price. A pair of these is going to run you about 160 at your local big box, store those. I think i built them for about 10 bucks, maybe actually my kids built them, but i bought the wood.

The fastest sawhorse in the west - A quick look at jobsite sawhorses

So, let’s talk about some of the features you could expect to see on any job site saw horse and then what makes these so special. This is not a sponsored review. I just thought they were kind of neat, so we’re checking them out. There are a few somewhat standard features that you’d find on most job site saw horses, it kind of be rigid, because people go nuts if they wobble too much, and this one is definitely rigid. Most of them are going to have some way to clamp a 2×4 in here to extend it to make a table, that’s pretty common on job sites and then there’s also this cool little fold down shelf that you’ll see pretty commonly that allows you to put sheet Goods on this to be able to cut them easier, if you don’t have a big flat surface to be able to work with your sheet goods if you’ve ever messed with having flat goods leaned up against a saw horse, you can know that the leverage doesn’t quite Work out right, if they tip really easy, these little legs allow it all to be up onto the center of mass for the saw horse and it works out much more solid this way. So what separates the speed horse from the other ones out there? Well, the main feature is that quick release leg mechanism – it is fast. This is going to be super convenient. If you’re, you know setting up and you happen to realize, you need a sawhorse when you’ve already got stuff in your hands or whatever i mean. Frankly, it’s just nice not to have to mess with the legs. Half the time being able to pop that out is super easy super nice.

Now i’ve got pretty big hands and it’s a bit of a stretch for me to be able to do that with one hand, unless i use my middle finger, pardon the way that looks, but i can get to it with my middle finger and i can hold This pretty easily it’s not real heavy folding legs up is also an area that they focused on. It doesn’t matter which side you fold in first either way you approach it. They go in just fine which is kind of nice not having to remember. I don’t know if you use the kind where one side has to go up first, when you grab the wrong one, that’s kind of a pain, it’s nice, because when it’s all folded up, it packs down pretty small but again you’re gon na find that on most Job site uh saw horses, but man. This is super convenient when you’re holding a piece of lumber and you reach over and you grab one of these and bam you can set it down, makes it nice and easy. So that’s the borah tools, portamate speed horse. Again, it’s got that quick release mechanism that drops the legs super fast super easy.

The fastest sawhorse in the west - A quick look at jobsite sawhorses

That’S probably the main unique selling point that separates this from a lot of the other job site saw horses, and then you know on top of that 1500 pound capacity for each one. Nice sturdy construction grip tape on the top pre-drilled on the top, and the sides for actually screwing in your lumber to you know, make temporary structures pretty cool again. This is not sponsored by borah tool.

If you want to go find out about these specific sawhorses, you can find them at You know i’d recommend any job site. Salt wars, really, if you’re doing like a a school maker space where you barely have any space, and you need something that can pack away into a closet. And you don’t have the space that maybe somebody with a full shop has to store something or, if you’re, doing like a mobile maker, space or construction out of a van uh. You know a job site makes sense there. That’S what they’re built for thanks for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what tools, toys or tech.

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