Mario’s what? He’s written a book!

Mario's what? He's written a book!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Mario’s what? He’s written a book!”.
Special announcement we’ve been buzzing about it, i’m real excited. I’Ve been doing magic for 15 years, full time. If you ever wanted to make a magic show at home a full magic show with everyday objects, things that you can find around the house. This is our announcement. Oh man, i’m so excited we have a book and it is coming out through make. It is called the maker magician’s handbook how to make your own magic show at home. It’S available right now for pre-order on amazon.

Mario's what? He's written a book!

You can place your orders now. It’S the maker, magician’s handbook, i’m so excited about this. This is 15 years of finding the best material that i could for kids to build your own magic show. If you ever wanted to be a maker magician someone who makes and loves magic and have a maker magician magic show check it out, you .