Quick Tip: How To Replace The Polarized Film On an MSLA Resin 3DPrinter

Quick Tip: How To Replace The Polarized Film On an MSLA Resin 3DPrinter

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Quick Tip: How To Replace The Polarized Film On an MSLA Resin 3DPrinter”.
Hey there, this is going to be a super, quick and dirty tip video for you, i’m filming it on my phone. This is kind of a behind the scenes, but it was a stressful situation and i got to share how to fix it. So other people aren’t, as stressed as i was, this – is 3d printing related. So let’s say you have a fancy resin based 3d printer and you get a hole in your fep film and some resin leaks through and it cures on the top of your lcd. It’S a nightmare, uh scrape it off as carefully as you can, but then, after that you might have some scrapes or scratches or even chips on the surface below check and see.

If your printer has a polaroid polarized film, on top of the lcd, i’m not going to go into the science and details behind it, but basically your lcd screen needs that polarized film, on top of it, or else it won’t cure just the area you want look It up figure it out doesn’t matter. What i’m going to tell you about is how to replace that, because it’s not as simple as it sounds. First, first, you have to carefully scrape off the existing polarized film. I don’t have any footage of that.

I’M sorry! I was stressed when i did it, you peel it and you get a nice clean, razor blade and you scrape it and you be careful not to scrape the glass surface of the lcd underneath it it’s a nightmare. Then you’ll have some glue. Residue and you’ll have to go back over with acetate, acetone or alcohol and clean that off, and then you, polish up the surface with some microfiber cloth and then you’re stuck with an lcd and an l and a printer that is worthless. So you have to get polarized film to replace it.

Quick Tip: How To Replace The Polarized Film On an MSLA Resin 3DPrinter

There’S not a lot of documentation on this i’ll, put a link to the film that i use below, but it’s not perfect uh because it doesn’t have adhesive anyway, here’s the tip! You can’t just throw it on there. This is polarized film. If i put this on top of it and rotate, it see how that changes. That’S polarized, film, okay, i’m documenting this just in case it works.

Quick Tip: How To Replace The Polarized Film On an MSLA Resin 3DPrinter

I had resin leak through my vat and get on my screen, so i had to remove the polarizing sheet because it was damaged, so i’m putting a new polarizing sheet on there and i’ve had lots of failures and trying to get this right. So i’m going to show you what works and how to do it, assuming that, this time it works, so you get this stuff in whole sheets. You can see. I’Ve cut it and it’s cut at a weird angle here and because that’s because you can’t just lay it on there and cut it, what you have to do is set it on there and rotate it, and you can see see that once you get it to The right place the darkest place, then you cut it to size and you apply it very carefully without bubbles, you make sure everything is pristine and clean and also be careful, because this is very intense uv light.

Quick Tip: How To Replace The Polarized Film On an MSLA Resin 3DPrinter

You should wear eye protection if possible and turn that off whenever you’re not using it, but you do have to use it to find the perfect orientation of the polarizing filter before you apply it and that can be a hassle. I’M going to show you again what it looks like see. This is wrong. That’S what you want and some are better at blocking light than others.

The first ones i got were too thin and didn’t block enough light. So it still cured everything. This one is doing much much much better i’ll, put a link to this specific sheet down below assuming it works so after you’ve cut it to shape you’ve got the orientation right.

You need to fix it. If it’s got a adhesive, then you can very carefully lay it down and try to avoid bubbles. It’S going to be a nightmare you’re going to get bubbles, you have to peel it off and do it again. I did it three times and then i found out that the film i had was the wrong film and it still didn’t work. I finally got the right film, but it doesn’t have an adhesive good news. Is you can just tape it on uh? So i’ll put a link down below to the film that i used but be careful and look close because some of them say not for 3d printer and they mean it because it doesn’t block enough light. But this one did, as you can see successful print. I was super stressed, i had an absolutely worthless printer that also happened to belong to a sponsor upcoming videos, keep your eye on this channel and it wasn’t working and now it works, and it’s beautiful. It was all my fault, and so i was stressed, but i fixed it and now it works great, be sure to subscribe for more tips and tricks and stuff like that.

You .