3D Scanning With the Pop2 from Revopoint

3D Scanning With the Pop2 from Revopoint

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “3D Scanning With the Pop2 from Revopoint”.
Welcome to make workshop, where we check out tools, toys and tech built for makers today we’re going to play with a 3d scanner. This is the revel point, pop 2 3d scanner. Before i get any further into this, i just want to point out that this is a kickstarter. I believe it’s already live you’ll find a link to it down below, but you know with kickstarters. You need to be careful.

3D Scanning With the Pop2 from Revopoint

Do your own research and realize that there are no guarantees on kickstarter. It’S not a store, there’s a chance that the kickstarter may not deliver, there’s always a chance. Now that being said, revelpoint they already manufactured it. They’Ve already done a successful kickstarter with the first version.

So um, you know they’re they’re, probably going to deliver just fine, but let’s actually look at the product. So this is the revo point: pop 2 3d scanner. It’S a structured light; 3d scanner. Much like you might remember the old kinect being but much higher resolution.

3D Scanning With the Pop2 from Revopoint

This scanner can get down to 0.1 millimeters. I believe they said, which i’ll show some examples in a little bit is pretty detailed. I was very eager to check this out because 3d scanning is an area that i see a lot of room for improvement in i’ve used a connect version one for many years, and it leaves a lot to be desired as far as resolution goes, and so when I saw something like this that offers a much higher resolution. I was eager to give it a try. Like i said earlier, this is version two of their 3d scanner, so they have improved on the previous one. You can find a whole bunch of video reviews of the previous one, all over youtube.

3D Scanning With the Pop2 from Revopoint

Look for the revo point pop one 3d scanner, or something like that, and this one, like, i said, improves on that. So what do they improve? What can it do? What are the capabilities? 3D scanning is tough because it’s uh, you know not as magical as people might assume or hope. It is if they’ve never used a 3d scanner. However, that being said, this is a huge improvement over what there was before here’s how it works.

You hook it up to your computer or possibly your cell phone, we’ll get back to that bit in a bit. You hook it up to a machine. You put an item out here in front of it and you can scan it by moving the scanner or turning on a turntable here to move your item around it shoots beams of infrared light and does all kinds of magic to scan your object. Then you end up with a point cloud, which is all the different points that it has estimated and you convert that into a mesh which can then be used.

You know in game engines or in 3d printing some cool things about this scanner. They uh. Of course, the the package is really well done, like i said it seems like they’re, actually they’re a company, that’s already manufactured all this. They seem to be doing a good job with their manufacturing.

It came with all the cables i needed, no matter what computer or phone i was going to use it with. It came with a second tripod that included a battery in it, for whenever i was using this mobile, it came with this tripod this turntable and this plate. I’M not sure how many of those are add-ons so uh you might want to check their site before you assume that it’s going to come with all those things for you. Some of these could be add-ons that they just sent me. You know in hopes that i would share it on the video some of the cool features the software has a bunch of different settings, so you can kind of determine different optimal settings for things like it has a setting for full body scan lower resolution.

Quick scan super high resolution scan and one that actually, if you watch the videos of the the other previews, it has difficulty with hair and uh dark things. So there’s a hair and dark things setting it’s still not perfect. It’S far from perfect but, like i said, all 3d scanners are far from perfect right now. One cool thing that this scanner does is it uses logic to determine the the item.

Even if you move the item, like let’s say, for example, we wanted to scan this statue and then we also wanted to get the bottom. You would scan it like this turn it over and it would automatically realize you’ve turned the item over and continue adding to the scan. That’S finicky. It doesn’t always work perfectly, but when it does work, it’s really really cool, because it allows you to, of course, get a full 3d scan of the entire object. I personally use this connected to a computer the whole time it does have the capability of connecting by wi-fi to your phone, but it’s kind of complicated you have to like change the name of your phone itself and open up a hotspot and connect to that. Personally, i didn’t want to mess with it.

I may mess with it more after this, but already that’s kind of a pain beyond like what a normal bluetooth connection would be. Your normal wi-fi connection would be um, and then there is a cable to connect by usbc, but that’s currently not available for things like the ipad uh, so i’m eager actually for them to get that connected, because that would be optimal um. You know using it on the ipad with the usbc. That would be great. Let’S look at some of these scan results. Here’S one of the first things i tried scanning and i chose this uh for good reason.

First off, look at this: it’s a really creepy sculpture. My son did when he was younger. Those were real teeth, real fingernails, he was a creepy. Kid might still be a little creepy, but i chose this specifically because it has a few things that will really trip up a 3d scanner. Those fingernails on the top are usually too fine and you’ll see that this scanner did have some issues with those i could have maybe scanned it better and in higher resolution, and these teeth are shiny.

Shiny objects, typically throw scanners for a loop. They have a hard time with shiny objects. As you can see, the scan turned out pretty well as we suspected those fingernails on top didn’t come out quite right, but it did it surprisingly. Well on the teeth.

It actually had a harder time getting the the cavity behind the teeth, no pun intended, so that was pretty impressive check out some other scans. I’Ve done here. I scanned my son’s face in both high resolution and lower resolution.

Let’S look at those a little bit now. I’M turning off the shading here so that you can see the details of these scans and, as you can see, it really struggled with reflective things like his eyes now in their kickstarter video. They scan someone’s face and it comes out perfect every face. I scanned the eyes the pupil of the eye. Just didn’t come out, but i’m sure you know if i had if i used it for more than a day or two before i made a video, i’m sure i could come up with the workarounds that are needed to get those perfect results and i plan to Keep playing with this: let’s look at another one here. This is a a raccoon skull. I found on my property and i used this one.

I scanned it in different orientations to test out the different orientation test and look at this side by side here. It’S pretty impressive check out the electronics page in the maker shed and get your favorite maker a kid or two. We have micro bit raspberry, pi, arduino and all kinds of other cool kits gadgets and tools, there’s something for all skill levels and if you get over 75 dollars and you’re in the us, there’s free shipping too check it out at makershed.com, oh and be sure to Subscribe to the newsletter and get weekly deals, one use case that i found interesting is: i want to design a a set of accessories for accessibility, helping disabled gamers play video games, but i couldn’t find a good model of an xbox controller. So i scanned one the scan wasn’t perfect at all, but the dimensions and overall shape were right, so i can use that to model what i need to model all in all. I would say that it’s a really cool piece of tech. Just don’t get your hopes up too high of having like a perfect scanning experience, because nothing against revo point.

Actually, i think they did a fantastic job. Just in general, 3d scanning is kind of a mess. It’S kind of a pain because you’re dealing with light anytime you’re dealing with light and trying to measure light reflecting off of things. You end up with issues.

You’Re gon na see problems in photogrametry structured light, all these different kind of 3d scanning technologies, and you should experiment with all of them to see which one fits your needs. The best like i said this is a kickstarter um you’ll find a link to the kickstarter down below. It looks like they’re charging between 400 and 600 dollars for the unit, i’m guessing the more expensive one probably comes with. You know the upgrades like the turntable and stuff like that.

I hope you enjoyed this video be sure to give us a thumbs up. It really helps us out a lot and i’ll see you on the next one. You .