Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Adam Savage Invites You To SiliCon: Silicon Valley’s Pop Culture Con”.
Hello, fellow makers, adam savage here in my cave. If you know me, you know how important maker faire is. It is embedded in my heart. I spoke at all, but one of the maker faires uh and uh. I was very sad to miss that one.
I didn’t even know for many years my standard slot on sunday was referred to by attendees as the sunday sermon i mean i leaned even harder into that once i found out. But yes, maker faire is a deeply important part of my makeup as a human and as a maker, and it is one of the key reasons in which i have striven to make silicon the pop culture con. I throw in silicon valley the makers con each each pop culture. Con has a kind of reputation. San diego is the industry con dragon con is the cosplay con well silicon, which is august 27th and 28th at the san jose convention center in silicon valley of this year. Is the makers con and we’re not just paying lip service to being the makers con? No, we have a 5 000 square foot maker space in the middle of our floor. We’Re going to have tables and tools and packages of materials, there’ll be contests all weekend. Demonstrations there’ll be lessons.
You can build whatever you want, or you can learn how to build. A new thing it will all be available and also to all ages. I, like you, i miss maker faire.
This isn’t an attempt to be a replacement for maker faire, because nothing could do that. But it is my attempt to bring some of that love back into the bay area because it is sorely missed. Thank you guys, and i will see you there.