Giving a Subscriber a Brand New Setup – Setup Makeover

Giving a Subscriber a Brand New Setup - Setup Makeover

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Giving a Subscriber a Brand New Setup – Setup Makeover”.
All right today is a big day I get to impact someone’s life and I get to completely redo someone set up entirely from scratch. Gon na make a nice snug fit, so the PC doesn’t move around in the back. Otherwise, this whole trip would be a waste. It’S also the biggest series I’ve ever started on the channel. There is so much that went into planning this that took more than four months to complete [ Applause ]. I think we got everything here.

Let’S uh, let’s go change someone’s life yeah. I think when I first announced the series in that channel and started accepting submissions, we got almost a thousand applications. We got over 900 applications in and we have to sift through every single one of them and pick one person that not only deserved and you set up but also needed a new set up. The coolermaster team narrowed it down to ten finalists and from that ten we all went through and we had to pick one person that stood out the most and out of that ten Philips submission was the one that stood out hey tech source. I just saw your video on the setup makeover, so this is my video submission applying.

Giving a Subscriber a Brand New Setup - Setup Makeover

So what inspired you to apply for a makeover from tech source and called coolermaster? One of the reasons was, I wanted to get a new computer to be able to give mine away to my fiance. It’S not. She doesn’t have a lot of money and she’s needs a new laptop. So if I was able to give her mine, it would provide her with another avenue to do her.

Giving a Subscriber a Brand New Setup - Setup Makeover

Schoolwork, I don’t know, I necessarily deserve a makeover, I’m sure there’s plenty of people who deserve it more than I do or more needy than I do. You know one of the things that helps me. The stress from my week at work is gaming and I really enjoy it, and it helps me just a couple of some of the things that I have to see. I would also be working on my degree towards criminal justice trying to get a masters in that. So that’s a mission, pretty much checked all the boxes. We were looking for the first one is: he has a purpose for this setup.

Giving a Subscriber a Brand New Setup - Setup Makeover

He likes the game and he goes to schools, so he can use it for schoolwork as well number two. He has a goal in life. He wants to get a masters in criminal justice and number three, which was a very important quality, is giving it back. He said he was able to give his macbook to his fiancee once he does get a brand-new set up and he does have a brother and sister, so he is going to allow them to use the setup for either gaming and schoolwork as well, which we thought Was really nice all right, so the plan for today is to go over to his house, set everything up in one day get his reaction.

Maybe ask a few questions about the setup. If you liked it, what do you didn’t like about it, wrap it up and then come home right now? Gps is saying that it’s gon na be a little over two hours to get there, which is pretty good actually, because I think we got lucky on the first contestant considering that is only two hours away. I was just thinking what, if somebody else lives in a different state or lives like six or seven hours away. That would have been even more difficult.

So is it the second time we’re actually going to Phillips house the first time we went there? We told him. We needed him for an interview, because we were interviewing the last ten contestants which wasn’t true by the way, and we only said that as an excuse to go over to his house and check it out, check out his setup and everything. And we actually recorded that entire day. Here’S a quick flashback, alright guys.

So after an hour drive, we finally made it to Phillips house and apparently he lives in the middle of nowhere. There’S like nothing inside but a bunch of grasses and trees, and his ass is right there on the left side. He still doesn’t know that we’re here, so I’m gon na go surprise him.

Let’S go check it out. That moment, we’ve been waiting for, hey, hey. What’S going on dude good this for you Wow? Yes, I’ve been really nice, sighs, hello, Edgar nice to meet you, how you guys doing good awesome, I’m sure he’s uh he’s told you about us a little bit! Well, that’s the random strangers coming in here hi! I heard about you nice to meet you Edgar, that’s my camera, guy Bob and coolermaster team right there, sorry man nice to meet you finally person. You like you, look just like the just like I you are in the videos.

Now they haven’t changed one, but that’s good, that’s good! So awesome dude. I guess we’re gon na check out your setup first in room. If you want to show us, you know, after that, we’re gon na look a quick little interview. Ask you some questions and things like that. This is it yeah awesome, wireless mouse, cool cool. I mean as soon as he said that he was gaming on that MacBook.

I think, like a piece of my soul, just disappeared from my body, so awesome cool. So you got your MacBook there. What what year is that MacBook? 2015? Ok, nice cool, so yeah man! This is your setup, walking a laptop basic wireless mouse. That’S pretty much! It yeah! That’S pretty much! It not much else to decorations man! It’S what’s going on there! This video organized and the drawers are gon na be missing. Apps like bunch of papers, yeah cool, awesome, I’m gon na be as honest as possible.

That setup was. I was trying to be as polite as possible in person not to give him a hard time, but if Phillip submitted that setup to set up words, that would easily be a great contender for the worst set up edition aka the potato edition hands down. Needless to say, he definitely needed a setup makeover, so the first time we went there, we actually created this fake interview where we were auditioning, the last ten contestants to basically choose the final one within that ten Phillip had no idea that he was in fact the Chosen one so we sat down, we asked them a bunch of questions and then the final question was the big one. One final question: how do you feel? How do you feel being the chosen one for the setup makeover van you set up Mac from scratch? Give your laptop to your fiance good, upgrade you new monitors everything.

No! Am i getting pranked here anything guys, I’m the same like as you man. I don’t win anything out: no lottery tickets! No, like those those sweepstakes they do zero, never gamble! No! No gambling guys! You heard up and fill up right hand, don’t do it, so you losers. Congratulations. The next step is to figure out we’re gon na get you honestly.

His excitement got all of us excited to see someone so genuine win a huge prize from Texas. You know I do a lot of giveaways on the channel and sadly there are people who just subscribe or like videos just to participate and win. They don’t really care about the channel or supporting the channel and that’s fine. I get it.

You know there’s really no way to validate. If someone is a loyal, subscriber or a supporter of the channel, that’s just the nature of doing giveaways on YouTube. That’S why it felt really good to reward a loyal subscriber. That’S been watching my videos and supporting the channel for a long time.

I love awarding loyal subscribers more than anyone else, people that, like the video even before it starts to drop comments and just really support the channel, those other subscribers that I love doing. These types of videos, with the only thing I’m concerned about right now is everything goes according to plan. I have this vision in my mind of how the setup has to look like, and I hope that comes to life when I put everything together, I’m just hoping that the final product matches what the design was, or at least very close to it. That’S that’s the only issue, I’m just hoping that Phillip really likes to setup.

I would say the hardest thing about all of this is creating a setup that Phillip would enjoy. Other thing, I’m concerned about is leaving something behind, obviously we’re driving over two hours. So I made sure to double-check every single component, but knowing me, I always forget something behind so whether it’s something really small or stupid, like a screwdriver or maybe even the monitor, mount RGB strips whatever it is. Would you expect, of course, I forgot some stuff for my interview with Phillip I’ve gathered some information and what type of setup he would enjoy and so far I know that he likes the colors white, blue and purple he’s a huge Star Wars fan and he likes Space for lots and lots of storage and, of course, a badass gaming PC because he loves the game.

I mean I don’t know how he would game on a MacBook in the first place, but I know he likes again. So, needless to say, the possibilities are endless. So we got to work, I hit David, who is the master of 3d printing and actually helped me out with the Wolverine setup, a ton and apparently he’s great at 3d designs as well, so he decided to throw around some ideas. Originally, I wanted to start off with a dual monitor setup, but the symmetry just wasn’t there and the layout just looks weird.

To me I mean the position of the shelves, so the speakers were in a terrible spot and I just wasn’t happy with the first draft. So I threw in an extra monitor now it was looking like a badass setup, but I thought to myself: this guy is coming from a MacBook. What the hell is he going to do with three monitors, then I decided to add a nano leaf on the top of the set up to. You know just add some spice and color to this setup. So David put together a few designs and at this point I’m like what on earth am i doing I feel like I’m creating another ultimate desk setup. I told myself. I don’t want this to be overkill. Obviously I do want a nice upgrade for him, but at the same time I wanted to be sufficient. You know I want him to utilize everything in the setup. So if I give him like three monitors and he’s only using one kind of a waste and that’s kind of the wrap that I was going with for this first setup, so with that in mind, I actually decided to go with a different route.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy the first part of setup makeover. The finale will be on the channel next Saturday, so make sure you subscribe with notifications enabled and if you’re doing a series so far tossing you like would be awesome and if you guys don’t like the series, please leave a dislike with your criticism in the comment Section below, thanks again for watching I’ll, see you guys very soon. .