Level Up Your Rig Ep3 | Ultimate PC Upgrade w/ StoneMountain64 ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

Level Up Your Rig Ep3 | Ultimate PC Upgrade w/ StoneMountain64 ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Level Up Your Rig Ep3 | Ultimate PC Upgrade w/ StoneMountain64 ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO”.
What’S up guys seventh tech source and welcome back to my new series on the channel level up your rig, I’m actually in Vancouver Washington right now visiting David, who has a gaming channel? Almost two million subscribers we’re gon na go meet up with them check out his PC and see what we can upgrade huge thanks to Samsung for sponsoring this video and sending out their 97 the Evo to help me level up David’s rig. Alright, let’s do this alright, so David! Thank you so much for having us pleasure to have you here, no problem here to actually upgrade your PC so going to take us to your gaming room and show us what you got right back here. Let’S do it so this is the studio, got the lights, the green screen and, of course, computers. I actually have to set up here so one over on the right, the other back in the left corner there, the left computers for these, it’s for my streaming setup, and then I have the gaming PC with my main, monitor and second one here right back there Wow, that’s the one hell of a setup you got there. Quad displays got a mic with a boom arm, two keyboards yeah, very nice.

Level Up Your Rig Ep3 | Ultimate PC Upgrade w/ StoneMountain64 ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

It mostly all just runs off with the main one but yeah my main gaming computer back. There has a Titan XP in it. I 760 900 K and I mean I use it mainly for gaming, obviously, but also for editing video going through and recording going through all my live streams and putting on text and everything. What type of program do you use to edit your videos? I use Adobe Premiere, Oh mainly as well as Photoshop, and all that. So this is the PC. Do you have a name for your PC? I don’t I don’t.

Level Up Your Rig Ep3 | Ultimate PC Upgrade w/ StoneMountain64 ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

My wife always comes up with names for everything, but I’m not I’m not as great at interesting. Okay, so it’s nice and tucked away back there, we’re actually gon na go to disconnect it. So I can take a closer look at it and see what exactly we can do to upgrade just by looking at it no offence. I think you might need some cosmetic upgrades as well, so that’s kind of why I’m here this is something that I’ve pieced together like over the last seven years of creating content.

Level Up Your Rig Ep3 | Ultimate PC Upgrade w/ StoneMountain64 ft. Samsung NVMe SSD 970 EVO

If, like I, I get a piece here, I get a piece there. I recently moved so like I just upgraded a couple things: it’s like you. No, I haven’t been able to just set up and put together one cohesive piece of piece of setup, cool, yeah. Well, we’ll see what we can do hopefully meets your mystery tastes awesome but yeah. Let’S do it. Let’S do it all right.

Let’S take this apart, take you downstairs and give him a nice upgrade all right and you got fall down the steps and destroy the PC. Nice pop this off and see what we’re working with exactly okay. First thing, I notice. Actually one of the PCI cables is kind of sticking out halfway.

I don’t know, actually he just popped out, so I want to put this back in. It does look like he maintains his PC really well compared to the last person. It was so much dust than there so props to David. For that.

But more importantly, this piece is missing out on something very important: fast storage, so I’m gon na hook up David’s PC with the samsung 97 in the evo m2 SSD with speeds up to 30 400 megabytes per second read and 2500 megabytes per second write. It’S gon na give the PC the extra juice that has been missing out on so what the 970 bow its gon na. Allow David’s PC to not only boot faster but he’s gon na, be loading games and applications faster, and it’s gon na help him on the productivity side. He did telling me he edits videos on Adobe Premiere, so the 97 evil is definitely gon na help him with his overall productivity flow. So, aside from the major storage, upgrade he’s also gon na get the text source treatment. So there’s gon na be a huge upgrade in the aesthetics department. I did pick up some custom. Cable extensions from cable mod, also gon na be moving his parts to a brand new case. So with that said, I think it’s time to begin the upgrade. Let’S do this alright guys, so the PCs finally completes. I left the best part for David he’s going to come and peel off the plastic. So you can see the inside.

I’M gon na grab a ball quick. Let’S see what he thinks. If I close my eyes. No thank you. You can keep them open cuz. You can’t really see you. Okay, Wow, look at that KC! Whenever you ready do the honors all. I got ta peel it off Wow music to my ears boom.

What do you think this case is sick? I know that you had your motherboard and your RAM sticks had some white accents on there. So I wanted to keep the color scheme consistent, so I picked up black-and-white cables and also obviously case to match that with the the white LED, so once you power it on, you can see some really nice glow inside the case with those dude. I didn’t like the case curve like this, that this, like it and how clear it is to see through as well, is not something that I’ve ever even seen in person before like showing off the interiors and everything oh yeah.

More importantly, your PC is now equipped with the 970 Evo and I’m happy to report that it’s noticeably faster in almost every task from booting your PC to loading games and editing. Videos is going to be a lot quicker as well. Projects are going to load faster, but, more importantly, the 97.

The Evo is going to keep up with the Adobe Premiere, which means less lag and overall, better workflow. So what do you think Matt how’s the game play date. This is Chris the load time. Switching between the games opening this up was fantastic.

It is running beautifully, you nailed it. Man I mean. Are you noticing any stutter or lag now now? This is, this has been running super clean for me, nice looks like you’re getting well over 100 fps and 2k resolution. That’S that’s pretty good yeah! That’S uh! I loved switching up to this and being able to crush it on this.

Is this is perfect political thing about the 97, the Evo is you spend less time waiting between cutscenes and loading different missions? Let’S say: if you do complete a mission in the game, you can quickly advance to the next one instead of waiting for load. So that’s one of the benefits of the 97, the Evo as well all right David now that we’re. Finally, here you get to see the PC in the flesh. What do you think any final thoughts Steve? I am hyped about it. First of all, thank you very much for coming out here putting this together. I know it was a lot of work to change out the case and the lights and everything, but this is incredible.

Installing the 970 Evo, I’m really looking forward to seeing like the productivity boost that it has for me with my editing as well as with, of course, gaming booting everything and going putting everything through its paces over the next few months is what I’m really excited to See and just you know, put it put it through the tests well enjoy your new PC. Thank again, absolutely thank you guys for watching. If you guys want to see more series like this, make sure to drop a like and also leave your feedback down below on david’s new pc, what do you guys think about it and if you guys want to check out the 97, the evo m2 SSD I’ll Drop a link to it down below so make sure to click on that it’ll help you level up your rig as well, thanks again for watching and I’ll see you in the next article, you .