Upgrading My Friends Setup! – Setup Makeover Season 2 (EP 2)

Upgrading My Friends Setup! - Setup Makeover Season 2 (EP 2)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Upgrading My Friends Setup! – Setup Makeover Season 2 (EP 2)”.
What’S up, guy from Texas welcome back to part two of these venom gaming room projects, which is a series a part of my setup makeover episode, one we’re focusing on building Harry’s PC, which, by the way it looks really awesome. It’S secured. It’S complete. It’S in the car ready to go. This episode, we’re gon na, be focusing on taking the stuff to Harry’s house and give his room a complete makeover.

What do you venom spice to it? Also guys Harry, does not know that I’m actually doing this. It’S gon na be a surprise to him. I lied to him over the phone when I told them, I’m gon na, be going over to his house and shoot my new series that I’m starting on the channel, where I basically go into people’s houses and give tips on how they can improve their setup. He has no idea that we’re gon na be giving him a complete venom makeover for his setup and his room, so I’m actually really excited I’m a little nervous but mostly excited. I hope everything goes according to plan and, most importantly, I hope he really likes his new setup. All right, so the desk wouldn’t be using, is actually this it’s from Rosie, it’s an all black gaming desk.

Upgrading My Friends Setup! - Setup Makeover Season 2 (EP 2)

This actor is gon na fit this team really nicely, but I think it’s actually it’s also the biggest thing obviously going to be taking with us, but oh Jesus yeah, it’s too heavy. I don’t know. If I can do this by myself. I might I might need your help on this one. Actually, no, what let me try, I can do it. Let’S do it. You got ta, try this at home. Look at that perfect, alright, now for the monitors, obviously you guys can tell we’re doing a triple, monitor setup. I actually took it out of the box and set it up here, because if I were being all three boxes, there was no way I would have space inside the car, so I took them out just as make some space, alright guys, that’s pretty much everything I Was actually surprised, I was able to fit everything in one car but yeah now it’s time to make the trip down to North Hollywood, where Harry lives and Surprise them on an awesome, venom, themed gaming setup. I do this hey: what’s up dude one time, no see so Harry thanks again for taking some time off your work to come here and you have to leave a few hours early, but you pretty much already have an idea. Why? I’M here right? It’S a new show, I’m starting where I go over to people’s houses, and I give them tips well, first off the dredgers set up, and then I give them tips on how they can improve their setup and Harry’s kind of the guinea pig or the first person. The show, obviously, if the show is successful it depending on you guys I’ll, continue it but yeah with that said.

Upgrading My Friends Setup! - Setup Makeover Season 2 (EP 2)

I heard I think it’s time, for these. Take us to your room sounds good. Let’S go here’s my room, here’s my setup, all right, I’m! Actually, I’m digging the the altar in sting wallpapers all right.

Upgrading My Friends Setup! - Setup Makeover Season 2 (EP 2)

Okay, this is actually not a bad setup, did rocking to 1080p. My I’m against this is 1080p. Oh, that was older.

So I don’t think that’s about like five years old, but this is no that’s personal. Oh, no, it’s a 1440 by 900, ladies and gentlemen, not by at least you got a dual monitor setup here now. Obviously, I’m not gon na get too much into cable management. It’S a disaster in its own. I don’t think Lee wires.

But honestly, I would say this is a clean set up. You put together, you kept it very clean, there’s, no like crap or dirt, or anything on the desk. So except for, like milk stains from my cereal milk stains. So Harry tell me a little bit about what you use your setup for obviously, aside from the usual gaming, well yeah gaming, I do and then I use it for work to like auto cad, rhino and whatnot. What do you do? What are you doing? Um, okay uh! Well, I am an architect and I work as a at an engineering company currently so a lot of like planned sections details a lot of stuff and there’s. If there’s one thing about this setup that you would upgrade what would it be one piece I kind of had idea what it is fine, but we’ll stick. What this I knew was gon na be monitor.

So that’s it. Let’S put that aside. Obviously, what else? What else would it be probably the keyboard yeah? Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t as far as like the spacebar will not and it’s what weeks, sometimes so yeah dude I mean. Overall, I got no complaints, obviously there’s some things that can be improved or upgraded how’s.

The PC DOS take a look at this beast. I know you did. I know you sent me over to spec list, it’s rockin a 4790k and you also got the gtx 980ti, which is actually pretty good for 1080 gaming has a PC giving you any issues like in terms of lagging or stuttering, or anything like that.

For the most part, not really but yeah, so occasionally it does, but overall, like 95 % of the time, it’s pretty good and there’s a huge explosions and games and stuff. Sometimes it kind of drops their frames a little bit. But what came what games? Do you play usually well right now, it’s mostly fortnightly. If there’s something you would upgrade for your p on your PC, what would it be with one main component, um? Well, probably graphics card, I would say I did so. I told you about my new series. Obviously, how come here give you tips on how clearly you need a lot of tips? Okay, just set up, but the real reason I’m here is actually I’m gon na completely redo your setup. What I’m gon na completely give you a brand new setup. That is why I’m here, I’m gon na give you a venom, themed setup from scratch and a new PC get bad guys.

I hope you can say whatever I’m gon na blur it I’m gon na blurt. If you curse but yeah you can no but see. I got all the stuff in the car ready go it’s kind of a surprise, oh when I come here and that’s why the whole show I was talking about was BS well obvious that misty too, but yeah dude. Everything here you see is literally gon na be gone desk, monitors, PC, everything’s, gon na be souped up so and you’re not gon na see it until obviously it’s all complete.

Thank you. Well, don’t think yeah we’ll see we’ll see if you like the setup or not all right. Let’S do it so trying to just remove all this, so you got your monitor, upgrade you can just over here.

Look okay! Imagine ya get the text source experience when it comes to Kayla man right, you just got to keep it clean once once everything’s on one of these all rights, now [ Applause, ], alright, guys so after two full hard days, the setup is finally complete. It is such a badass setup, I’m very envious. Honestly, I’m not even kidding.

I’M jealous I’ve created a setup, that’s better than mine back at home. I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself, but yeah everything is just it’s beautiful but, more importantly, I want to know what Harry thinks about his setup. He hasn’t seen anything he hasn’t been in his room for two days. While I was building it for him, so I’m gon na grab a little quick and see what he thinks.

Yeah, you .