The Worst Water Cooled PC I have Seen

The Worst Water Cooled PC I have Seen

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Worst Water Cooled PC I have Seen”.
I’M I’m making this video, but what the hell, why not so what’s happening guys today, I thought we could build a water-cooled PC, but instead of me building it I thought we could spice things up and let my cousin Bob ug honors. What’S up, that’s it! What’S up it’s a lot of you guys, probably know Bob from the older videos, my longtime subscribers he’s the main reason we started the channel and did you just drop? Don’T worry it’s not essential. We basically started the channel we made videos together, for I don’t know how long like a year or two years. How long was it you and I was still in high school 2012 – it’s about two years – maybe a little bit longer two and a half to two and a half years that we were pumping videos and he left me about myself and I took over, but a Big great job, you know part of you look at me now MA two million subscribers, so Bob is a complete noob when it comes to building a water-cooled. Pc he’s never done one ever in his life, but he does have experience building a regular, air-cooled PC. How many PCs have you built? Would you say in your life, probably around five or six five or six pcs? So I would say you, you know you’re pretty much intermediate when it comes to building pcs. You know how what a CPU goes and how to plug stuff yeah. Once you build a few, it’s the same. First, it’s just you know pretty much the same yeah just different parts: okay, basically I’m not gon na even help Bob, I’m not gon na, even be here doing the build process. So once he’s done putting together, the PC he’s gon na reveal it to me at the end and I’m gon na judge your PC building skills. Do your water cooling, build skills? Obviously yeah, I’m not gon na hold back just cuz you, my cousin. Obviously, I’m gon na go ham I’ll, be giving some constructive criticism as well, and I also point out the positives. You know what you did well in the system, so I think it’s gon na be an interesting project to say the least. Are you excited nervous or fifty fifty a little bit a little bit of both yeah? That’S the one. You know: mess up your parts at issue using here ethics, but you’re, learning this day at the expense of my part. So speaking of parts anyways, I told you to go around the office and pick some parts out they’re gon na be using in the build we’re gon na be building inside the Rancho tech Ennio case, which is this massive Tower, which actually can support two systems inside. But we’re only doing one PC inside obviously now to make things easy for Bob we’re gon na be using a water cooling kit from Ragan tech. This is called the four C’s. I think that’s how you pronounce it and it has everything in here to build your water cooled system.

The Worst Water Cooled PC I have Seen

It’S got a CPU block in there pump reservoir combo a three sixty millimeter rad with some fans and fittings. It also has ptg tubing. So, basically, as all the parts you need for the system now, here’s the challenge – Bob you’re – only allowed to use the kit inside here to do your water cooling build along with the rest of the parts on here. Of course, if you were to succeed a slight chance, you were 260 hey thanks for that confidence. I’M just kidding you do fine. If you were to succeed and you’re able to build a PC I’ll, let you take it! Oh really I’ll just take it home and he’ll upgrade the old piece you got back.

The Worst Water Cooled PC I have Seen

I don’t which is giving you problems on my videos and stuff like that, so you would would you think this is a nice upgrade, but you this is leagues beyond these. Beyond all right, all right, very nice don’t get too happy. Yet because let me fly the parts and if you find the parts then so that’s pretty much all the parts we’re gon na be using or he’s gon na be using in his water-cooled builds. I’M very excited to see what you’re gon na come up with.

The Worst Water Cooled PC I have Seen

Hopefully you don’t burn down the office building a PC or flooded or flood it or flood it. Exactly, though, try not to make a mess in here. Yeah! Good luck to you, man! How long do you think you’ll take for you to build this system? It’S a few days few days, yeah, it’s kind of late today so probably make tomorrow tomorrow, but I’ll bet cool, so I’m gon na leave. Obviously, once you’re done shoot me, a text I’ll come over, make sure you cover to the PC that way.

I don’t see it when I walk in and then I’ll reveal it and judge it for the world to see no pressure. It’S only a few million judge. Yeah, hopefully it turns out, you can take home a brand new PC.

All right, great good luck, I’ll see! You see you today, hey. What follows. Is a brief construction? Montage you several days later this? Is it huh yep? Are you proud of it? You know even the only kids their mother goes, so what it’s a PC, only a mother could love, and I am technically its mother from birth to completion.

So so something something’s telling me you’re not happy with the build all right. Peel off the band-aid, see what you get you want to do it. Okay, you do ready, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be Bob. Let’S see what you got mine this case is huge, though I’m not gon na burst and start speaking.

So you know it’s. You know I we didn’t go, I didn’t do the full Bend, oh, it doesn’t even turn on properly what this happens. Give it a some territories.

Oh my god, Frankenstein were to build a PC. This would be the PC. I feel like my grandma could do better.

Benz than this dude, our grandma could do better bends in this. The rest of the bill is, it looks good, I’m not gon na lie, but what on earth like seriously is going on over here in this area? You know you can just use that the 90-degree angle adapters, you don’t have to do any bends. Why did you do bends? Well, you know it looks better with the bends. I wish I would have done more bends and useless to the fittings all right.

So look: the challenge was to get it to boot right without any leaks on my check for some weeks and if it works flawlessly, so I’m gon na blow it up a game. Does you download a game or something we can test assist you? Okay, did you overclock this? It’S like three point. Eight three point: nine. Okay, the Rams on oh yeah. I just notice using 64 gigs, you use both of my 32 gig kits, I’m taking 32 gigs back by the way.

That’S I’ll! Let you choose I’ll. Let you keep the gold one or the silver one. How about that fair enough? I would call it soldier go so no, you have to pick either gold or silver.

Also the GP was sagging pretty bad, like it’s it’s sagging downwards and it’s sagging 180 TI. I can, are you sure you put this on the right way? Well, you know one thing about this case: is this GPU wouldn’t fit in cuz? You know the the back bracket yeah. I was touching the back of the PC case.

I put extra stand off, so the motherboard was a little further away from the back of the case. Oh, are you serious yeah? The GPU wouldn’t thought that is funny. It is like two standoffs. I don’t know if that’s cuz of the GPU or enough, that’s because of the case design. I’M not sure. I have never seen something so trophies before Bob.

I’M sorry, man, I’m sorry I mean this is this is crazy. You could even tell other bands like you. Let you probably left the heat gun.

Well, actually, no, you didn’t you didn’t heat the the to being enough and you started bending it and started kinking to tell on the side. That is was a kinked and it was hot. So but you know I put my finger there and I try to write and round it out you just your finger yeah. It was pretty hot yeah kind of fixed it alright.

So what are your final thoughts on using the kit? Did you run into any issues at all building this mm- a few issues, one package side, one hardware side, so the cable that comes from the bottom of the pump that attaches to the header, the pump header on the motherboard. It’S not sure, I’m sure what is it it’s pretty sure I mean from there. It would have reached the header right here. So what’s it Celestin, that’s impossible.

It’S probably like four three four inches, pretty short three four inches for the pump header cable from the pump yeah. So let’s take a long walk yes like! Why would they make it that short? That has to be defective? That’S be an issue there, yeah overall rating! Well, you know I can’t unsee this. I just can’t that’s it. I don’t know what’s going on there, man, but I don’t have to put take off a lot of points from that everything else looks.

Good system is quiet. I’M gon na put some games on it. So you’ve actually been stable, but I would give it a solid six out of ten, but let me know what you guys think raid Bob’s build feel free to give him any constructive criticism in the comment section, you could take it as demo. You’Re, not gon na.

Look in, oh, I don’t know what dude you got yourself, a brand new PC, so I think it was the quote like a shrug. Lift criticism was worth it in the end. Okay, so congrats on your PC enjoy it honestly. The reason I’m giving it to you is because I don’t want this anywhere near the office.

Thank you. I can’t I can’t keep looking at this thing. Is it like that family member you keep away from the house parties yeah pretty later, but anyways? That’S it for this video hope you guys enjoyed I’ll drop, a link to all the parts that Bob use the down below. If you guys want to check it out, if you guys enjoyed the video, I want to see more types of this videos on the channel.

Make sure to hit that like button, and let me know in the comments section what you thought of Bob’s PC .