PC WARS Is Back!

PC WARS Is Back!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “PC WARS Is Back!”.
Yes, the title is correct, ladies and gentlemen, and bringing back PC Wars from the graveyard, so starting in January, PC Wars will alternate with setup Wars, so every other Monday will be set up Wars and then the Mondays in between that will be PC Wars. So if you guys want to participate, this is the video you need to watch. I will be doing worst PC Edition as well: every 10 episodes. So if you’re watching this with a potato PC, you can also participate for a chance to win $ 100 and, of course, the viewers get to vote all right so to interpret PC Wars.

You’Re gon na need to submit photos of your PC, make sure they are shot during the day with plenty of light and make sure they are done in landscape mode. Please make sure it’s not in vertical the better the quality. The pictures are the higher the chances of you getting accepted. The first set of pictures should be of your PC while it’s off and please label each picture. So it’s easier to organize picture number.

One should be a front view of the case. Picture two should be the back side with all the cables disconnected picture. Three should be a 45-degree angle of your PC with the side panel on picture. Four should be a top view of your PC picture.

PC WARS Is Back!

5 should be a side profile of your PC. Looking inside without the side panel picture 6 should show the cable management on the opposite side. Obviously, without the side panel picture 7 should be a close-up of your CPU and RAM, and picture 8 should be a close-up of the bottom half of the PC, including the GPU. Now, if your GPU is located on the other side of the case like mine, then make sure to take a picture of that. These next set of pictures should be with your PC. Powered on number 8 would be the front view of your case. Number 9 would be a 45-degree angle with the side panel on number 10 would be the same exact picture, but with the side panel off number 11 is a side profile of your PC with the side panel off and finally, number 12 would be a picture of Your PC in the actual setup with everything turned on, and this is optional, but if your PC has lighting, you can also send a video of it. If you think it looks cool, feel free to send an extra pictures of your PC.

If you want the more the better sending in pictures with the PC on in a dark environment are also a plus, especially if your build has a lot of RGB. Now, before you submit your pictures, I would need proof of the specs on your piece and the easiest way to look that up is by hitting the Start menu and then typing in DX diag and hitting yes take a screenshot of this first page. It will show you the CPU RAM and motherboard and then go ahead and click on the display, tab up top and take a screenshot of this page as well, which will show me the GPU. After all, the pictures already visit we transfer comm and attach all your files there and in the notes, write the following information listed on the screen. You can copy and paste the template in the description section, so it’s easier for you guys, but just make sure to write down PC Wars on the top. So I can separate this from my setup Wars. Submissions after you submit your photos to setup words at gmail.com. You just have to wait and see if it gets accepted. If it gets accepted, I will download them within a week and you will get a notification. If not the link will expire for several reasons.

PC WARS Is Back!

Either the picture quality was bad or the PC itself isn’t exciting enough to be featured on the show either way you will get a notification from wetransfer letting you know if the submission was downloaded or not. I’M really excited to relaunch the series and share some awesome. Pcs with my subscribers, so if you’re watching and you have a dope custom rig or a potato PC for that matter, feel free to send in your submissions at the end of the year, I will take the winning PC of every episode and you guys get to Vote on the best PC of the year and that person will receive a custom-made plaque from me. It’S pretty much it then you have so much for watching good luck to ever enters and I’ll see you guys soon. .