Setup Wars Episode 189 – Teen Edition

Setup Wars Episode 189 - Teen Edition

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Setup Wars Episode 189 – Teen Edition”.
Whatever you guys, I’m thanks always welcome back to setup or its episode one. Eighty nineteen edition recent matches that set up to get featured on the channel. Do you guys want to participate? You know what to do make sure to watch the video link down below also well quickly. Before I begin a lot of you noticed that I haven’t uploaded in a couple weeks. I did not get the corona virus or anything I took actually some time off to visit the family in Armenia and also film set up makeover season 5, which is coming up in March, so make sure to have notifications enabled but anywho zis with that said, but The setup boys again looking for an easier way to start gaming now. Well, now you can, with the Corsair Vengeance 6100 series gaming PC powered by an AMD risin 3000 series, CPU AMD Radeon, rx, 5700 series, graphics card and Corsair Vengeance, RGB pro memory, every vengeance, gaming PC, comes with a two-year system, warranty on parts and labor with coursers Lifetime 24/7 customer service for more info check the link below starting off the show is San Francisco from Puerto Rico and his pretty dope bedroom.

I’M definitely digging those RGB lights behind the bed and the lightsaber mounted in an interesting location. Why didn’t you mount that? Above your bed instead, I feel like it would have looked a lot better alongside those LEDs so in front of his bed. We have his setup that he bought and paid himself.

Setup Wars Episode 189 - Teen Edition

He said that he’s been working since the age of 11 and slowly been saving up. So he’s been saving for 5 years to build a hybrid setup he’s using a countertop for Mike here, along with an alligator as support very similar to the desk I built for Nathan from season 4 setup makeover in the corner. We got the PC setup with an alienware pre-built cracking the i-5 6400 and gtx 1070 no judgment here. Keyboard and mouse are both from logitech with a coarser extended mousepad, and then we got his audio gear because there void pros hanging underneath the desk and his microphone up.

Top cables are managed pretty good with the help of a Signum rack and a couple raceways. No complaints here as pretty obvious that Francisco is a Star Wars fan and although the setup is lacking an actual Star Wars theme, he did a pretty good job, personalizing it with collectibles. Thank You Francisco for entering up next is Josh from London and his setup that uses for gaming, schoolwork and hentai really well.

He’S he’s honest. The setup consists of two Alex door is supporting the Linderman tabletop. It’S also supporting a single 27-inch, Asus martyr and a few Razer gear.

He Blackwood, I believe, keyboard Mamba Elite mouse. On top of the Goliath s extended RGB mousepad. Do you guys already know what I’m gon na say next, I love that he ran the wires through the desk and into a Signum rack in the back. This always puts a smile on my face.

I think Josh did a great job, spacing the gear on his desk to take advantage of all of that space for audio. He is using the Turtle Beach elite, 800 s and a pair of Logitech speakers. The PC is looking kind of cute in the corner, but we do have the i5 8600 K in here with 16 gigs of ram and the gtx 1066 gigabyte graphics card. You did a great job with the aesthetics, but if you’re gon na spend a little more on RGB RAM and what i’ve gotten at least 3000 megahertz not much also say about the setup, it’s super organized and simple. Thank You. Josh for entering a number 3 is Lawrence from Cali and his interesting setup for gaming and homework.

Setup Wars Episode 189 - Teen Edition

This is literally the first time I’ve seen someone mount shoeboxes on a wall talk about personality. I think it’s clever using the actual shoe box as the shelf, but I can’t help but feel like they’re just a tad bit too high up there. You don’t want a lot of empty space between your setup and whatever it is. You are mounting on the wall. So we have another linman and Alex your combo for the desk, which seems to be super. Popular IKEA is definitely making those fat stacks and it’s nice to see that you are using a different tabletop though so you got a nice monitor hooked up on the desk with a bombtastic mouse and keyboard combo looks like he’s using the ducky one too many any Final Mouse err: 58 in mystic, blue. I’M not sure what custom keycaps you are using, but they low-key look pretty sweet on that keyboard and Friday hope you got a pair of Logitech, Z, 200 species and Sony headphones chilling without a home. I do like seeing people mount their microphones on their monitor arm.

Setup Wars Episode 189 - Teen Edition

Instead it starting to become very common – I mean, after all, you do get a further reach. So it’s closer to your mouth, providing much better audio input. The PC partner setup looks pretty good. It’S got an i-5 80 600 K and these ZOTAC are TX 2060, but there are a few things I noticed in your setup.

First off. The right speaker is completely blocked off by your PC and I get why you push the PC closer to your monitor. You did it to hide the cables, but in exchange you are affecting the sound quality. I would personally swap the PC with a speaker and just use a wall raceway to hide the cables.

Also, I would recommend that you in a desk mount and hook up your monitor to the wall instead, look how much better this setup will look with no desk mount and a wall raceway. Instead, if you do this and swap the PC with the speaker’s your setup, will look so much cleaner. You’Ve got a pretty sweet foundation for a set up. It just needs a few tweaks to improve.

Thank You. Lawrence for entering Martyn is up next, all the way from Satan’s bedroom guys. I can’t stress this enough. Please include pictures of your setup in daylight without any RGB lighting, so that we can actually see what it looks like anyway.

So Martin has been working on the setup for three years and now that it’s done he’s hoping to earn that seal of approval, the desk is homemade along with that giant cable box. Underneath it to hide all the cables, looks like the desk is mounted against the wall with a couple of support legs, so the center’s purpose is gaming and screaming. We got three separate 24-inch monitors with a 55 inch 4k TV up top, that’s mounted on the ceiling of his room. That’S a first for peripherals he’s using the razor chroma v2 keyboard and the exstrophy mouse, but it looks like he rounded the keyboard wire underneath the monitor stand somehow was felt tilting the monitor a triple monitor, setup means no extra space on the desk so marked and Mounted both of the speakers on the wall and he also has a headset as well that he keeps on top of his PC. I really wish there was more light on your setup, so I can roast your cable management, but from what I can see. It’S looking like a spider’s nest, especially the wires from the monitors TV Martin, does game on a console as well. He’S got the ps4 tucked away in the corner, but his PC is what’s powering it all. With an i7 6700 and the a series of GTX 1080, I’m not gon na lie.

This is a pretty badass setup for a 16 year old, especially for screaming just work on those cables and we’re Gucci. Thanks for entering we wrapping up the episode. Strong is Ryan, who is a student from Australia and has setup that he uses for gaming and streaming.

His main monitor is the Acer predator X 34 for gaming, while the 27-inch is used for reading chat while screaming and other multitasking he’s using the corsair k95 Platinum keyboard with the Razer white key caps and the corsair iron claw RGB wireless mouse. I only give you extra points for wrapping the cables to the monitor legs, but I’m gon na have to take that point right back because of the speaker placements. It looks like the vertical monitor kind of pushed the left speaker in an awkward spot when a simple fix to this. What I’ve been to just put it right underneath the monitor another thing you can do to improve the aesthetics of your setup is by running the monitor, cable straight down. Instead of a cross, the gap between the main monitor and the PC is too big, and you can clearly see that cable sleeve. The good thing is that your desk has a backboard, so you can easily hide the wires behind it without much effort. Just look at the difference here: the PC pilot setup has an i7 9700 K with the MSI GTX 1080i and for those wondering how he has 16 gigs of ram, I only using 4 sticks.

Well, here is the secret he’s using the Corsair Vengeance, Pro RGB enhancement Ram set, which lets you fill up. The empty dims loss on your motherboard. It’S basically just a shell with RGB lighting that Corsair sells separately, I’m doubling below, if you guys want to check it out for yourself I. Finally, I noticed that the setup is missing one important piece of tech for streaming, and that is a microphone or headset. I’M not exactly sure how you can scream with just speakers about picking up a boom arm with a microphone is highly recommended. With some minor adjustments and upgrades, you will have a killer streaming setup for a 15 year old. Thank You Ryan for entering, and that is the best episode I’ve set up or is, as always, you guys can vote in the comment section down below on who has the best desk setup or if you’re lazy, you can click on the poll on the top right And cast your vote there. Instead, if you guys want to follow me and check out some awesome, setups not featured on the show, make sure to check out my Instagram and Twitter pages.

I love you beautiful beautiful faces and I will see you guys in the next one I couldn’t think of it kind of thing. What’S that became also for those wondering I did not give up or die. I took two weeks off of youtube to visit and who the hell is calling it what 70? I am thanks to us, welcome back to set up, or its after said, one. Eighty nineteen Edition, where you said mature, says so Caston yeah. I did take two weeks off of youtube to visit the family in Armenia and also work on set up bank overseas in five, which is coming up very soon in March, so make sure to make make sure or if you’re lazy you can just click on the Poll on the top right and cast your vote right there as well, if you guys want to see some cool sneak, peeks and upcoming projects make sure to click on my click on. But what is it going on me today and cast your vote there? Because when I see some cool sneak, peeks and behind-the-scenes, make sure to follow me on my instant and Twitter accounts, Twitter account, I should say which will be linked.

If you guys want to see some other cool setups not featured on the show or behind the Snead’s bc, and that’s it for this episode, but I’ve set up ours as always, if you guys want to, I don’t even know what I’m saying and it’s gon na Give up, I think, I’m just dehydrated. To be honest, I don’t know. What’S going on with me, it’s been two weeks since I’ve actually shot a video. Maybe that’s why I’m just rusty.

I need to get back in the swing of things all right. You got this day and as if it’s episode AB setup warriors, if you guys want to him, Oh can’t even do this, wake the hell up, let’s go, and that is the first episode I have set up boards. As always, if you guys – and that is it for this episode – how to set up warriors as always makes you guys vote in the comment section below on who has the best setup unless you’re lazy, then you can click on the poll on the top right and Cast your vote there, if you guys, want to see some cool behind-the-scenes scenes, and that is it for this episode. What I’ve said before is, as always, you guys can vote in the comment section down below on who has the best desk set up or you can click on the pull on the top right? If you’re lazy and cast your vote there, if you guys want to see some cool setups not featured on the show and behind the scenes, sneak peeks, yes, I got it make sure to click on my .