Roasting the WORST Setups I have seen – Setup Wars #200

Roasting the WORST Setups I have seen - Setup Wars #200

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Roasting the WORST Setups I have seen – Setup Wars #200”.
So it looks like we have a 19 inch monitor sitting on top of what looks like a desk of some sort for peripherals, [ Applause ]. Ladies gentlemen, welcome to the season finale of setup wars. Season 3: we are finishing up with a potato Edition, which is the most popular edition of setup Wars, believe it or not. But since today is the last episode of season 3, I thought I would do something a little different.

I thought we could do another react style video, so I told Michael to send in the five worst setups that came in and I’m gon na check them out for the first time and roast them. Also, since I’m in a very good mood and I’m feeling a bit nice, every person in this episode will receive $ 100 by default, just for submitting the photos to get roasted in front of hundreds and thousands of people. However, the person with the worst setup will receive another hundred dollars, so total 200 plus for the very first time on setup pores.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the toilet trophy. Whoever wins can claim this beautiful trophy and have it proudly displayed on their setup. They can also request me to sign the toilet seat or the back of the toilet, and this company even offers custom engravings. So I can put your full name on the top here with the episode number.

Roasting the WORST Setups I have seen - Setup Wars #200

That way, you can be constantly reminded that your setup is crappy speed up trophies by the way congrats to Kobe, from episode 198 for winning the 25th seal of approval, with a majority vote of 88 %. Well done even I voted for your setup, an absolutely stunning! Congratulations again toss me an email to setup wars at to claim your awesome plaque Alain’s. You know with that said. Let the roasting begin all right. Starting up the show is a zap looks like he’s from Pakistan and his setup is for gaming and YouTube watching. Okay, here we go so it looks like we have a 19 inch monitor sitting on top of what looks like a desk of some sort for peripherals.

Roasting the WORST Setups I have seen - Setup Wars #200

That keyboard hasn’t seen a disinfecting wipe since it was unboxed or found in a dumpster nearby. I don’t even know how you got that keyboard. To be honest, I have seen toilets in public restrooms cleaner in that keyboard, there’s just so much dust and dirt everywhere this this can’t be healthy for you. How do you even enjoy watching videos or gaming on this thing? You know what, though I will give as some points for using a cleaning cloth as a mousepad, because now we can clean the table and play for tonight.

At the same time, although seeing how clean the cloth is compared to the rest of the setup raises a lot of concerns for me hell, the white mouse is more clean than everything else in your setup, how’s that even possible, maybe the PC will make up for The setup so it looks like we have a dell pre-built, that’s missing a few DVD drives. That’S fine! I’M debating. If I should look inside the PC to be honest, yeah, why the hell not? I mean what did I expect? Let’S be realistic here, whereas a side panel, first of all, and why is there a box on the bottom of your PC? It says fact: Pegu is one of your best friends. You know what should be one of your best friend’s a Clorox wipe.

Roasting the WORST Setups I have seen - Setup Wars #200

Honestly, though, I hope you used a hundred dollars for a month’s supply of air dusters and Clorox wipes, because your setup disbelief means that man forget about buying a new graphics card clean your setup for us, because health is more important than a couple of extra frames. Online sweeper I like that it took one of the fans out of the case and put it in front of them like it’s an air conditioning unit. Do we even want to look at cable management at this point? I have two concerns about this. First.

Why is there cable on the floor? That’S not plugged into anything number two. Why are you using a power strip, that’s bigger than your entire desk? When you only have like fourth plugged into it, I mean he did keep the power step off the ground. So I can give him some points for that. But overall I mean there’s just no synergy.

There’S an organization forget about claiming this and any cable management. There I mean my pubes are managed better than this, but this setup definitely belongs on the episode. Thank you as off for entering Congrats on your hundred dollars and good luck, winning the rest. All right next up is vegan.

The hell. Is this: what he built a set up out of Legos? Why is this even in here did Michael just troll me. You know what, let’s take a look at it anyways. It looks like he’s using a crappy keyboard, probably a razor with the logitech wireless mouse and the popular ikea linman tabletop.

The PC, though, looks pretty powerful. We got an Intel build with two r-tx 2080s and sli. Not bad specs, no cable in sight, so I’ll give you a pass on cable management. But overall I feel like it’s very cramped and a bit too bland for my taste.

There’S no color consistency, no symmetry! You don’t even have any audio and that chair looks really uncomfortable, but you know what I appreciate the time and effort he put in creating this. Thank you for participating and actually just thought of an awesome idea, actually be honest with me guys. Would you like to see a set up Wars? Lego edition, I feel like this can spark a lot of creativity in the gaming community. The person with the best Lego set up will take home five hundred dollars worldwide and I feel like anybody can participate as long as you buy some Legos, so yeah I’ll drop a link to a poll below make sure you guys think about it before you vote.

If that’s something you want to see on the channel, but should be interesting, I think all right, I’m gon na, actually find another setup to replace this one. I don’t think this is this: will qualify so I’ll be right back all right up next is Ethan and his n64 console setup. It’S been a while, since I’ve seen a console setup on setup boys, you guys this is actually pretty awesome.

It looks like it’s built inside of his closet. I mean, if you don’t, have the space to build a set up in your room. You improvise I like that. It’S a fairly basic setup. I mean we have an ancient CRT monitor from the Renaissance era and that’s plugged into the n64, and it’s pretty much it.

I love that he drilled a hole in his wall to pass through that cable, but he didn’t drill any holes in the shelves throughout the n64 cables. There’S Ethernet taste in games. Let’S take a closer look at what he’s playing looks like we got The Legend of Zelda inside the system very nice and we have a couple of games in the background. We got the og Super Mario 64, another great game, any Goldeneye double-oh-seven, which is a classic.

I can’t tell what the last game is, but these three are easily my top five all-time favorite games for Nintendo 64. I’M kind of disappointed I didn’t see Super Smash on there. To be honest, oh here’s, a closer look at the last game, so we’ve got starfox 64. I haven’t played that game, so I can’t really say, but why is there an outlet cover just casually hanging from the side of the wall? I mean overall, it’s not a terrible set up, but it’s definitely a potatoe set up Congrats on your hundred dollars. Ethan and good luck up next is Nurik. That name sounds very our meaning. By the way I knew a couple guys named norik from my high school. So he is 17 from California he’s a lifeguard, and this is the setup that uses for gaming and student. I’M guessing school work. Alright! Alright, let’s see what you got, I mean it’s pretty minimalistic, it’s not bad! Okay, there’s there’s no way! That’S your chair, my man! Nurik is rocking a salon chair.

You can get a haircut in-game at the same time. There’S look how one proportion at this setup is. I mean yet this massive chair and a dinky look in is that even a desk? Can I even call it a desk. Looks like a nightstand, so this setup is being powered by 17 inch laptop and there’s.

There’S barely any room on that desk that poor Mouse doesn’t have any room to play in looks like you use some scotch tape as a mouse bungee, some pretty impressive engineering skills. He doesn’t have a hanger for the headphones, but then again, why would you need one if you can just use the side of the table and, finally, for cable management? I will give you points for wrapping the excess mouse cable on the back of the laptop. But I’m gon na deduct points back for leaving the parish tip on the ground, like that, I get that it’s a laptop setup and you probably take the power brick with you when you’re on the go, but you know at least find the suitable place for it. What you can do is attach some velcro on the bottom of the power strip and then hook it up underneath the desk. So then, when you’re on the go, you can peel it off your desk and bounce. That’S actually a pretty good idea, instead of just leaving it on the ground to gather dust and dirt so yeah what that said, not a terrible set up, but definitely potatoe enough to be on this episode.

Congrats on your hundred dollars in our Ike and Gluck. All right who’s up next peyt furred, Pete furred, pate furred from the Philippines. The setups purpose is watching movies. That’S it! Okay! I wonder why that is.

Oh, I can see why I’m gon na need a minute to figure out what’s going on here. To be honest, I don’t even know where to start. First off that desk looks like it’s something you picked up from abandoned school. I can’t even roast this set up.

This setup itself is already roasted. It looks like something scavenged from a junkyard. To be honest, alright, so we have a single monitor, a basic membrane and mouse. So, okay, obviously the first thing we all noticed – and I just can’t look away from it – is the wall-mounted PC.

Let’S address the elephant in the room, or in this case a ticking time-bomb specs wise. We have an Intel Core 2 Duo with the geforce 8400 GT. I’M actually surprised, there’s a dedicated GPU in here. To be honest, I also love that there is a 1 terabyte hard drive hanging on for dear life.

What happens at the hard drive disconnects from the SATA cables? I’M just curious look, I know you’re an expert on mounting things because you mounted your PC on the wall. You mounted the power strip on the wall and you even mounted the optical drive on the bottom of the top shelf. So why Medusa’s cleavage? Did you not mount the hard drive to the wall or something honestly, I don’t know how much longer the PC is gon na be up there. I would add, maybe a wall shelf or something on the bottom. Just in case you know, I would hate to see your life savings crash and burn like the setup has there’s no point in talking about cable management. I feel, like I mean spider webs in my garage – are managed better than these. Overall, it’s a potato setup for sure Congrats, either way on your hundred dollars. Thank you for entering in good luck, blast and most likely the least. We have Sean from Georgia and his sub for gaming and more than occasional fap session, that’s lovely. I refuse to believe that this is your setup. Thank you by the way for watching every episode you even have notifications enabled, but some part of me doesn’t want to believe this is, will I’ll tell you what I’ll look at all the pictures and by the end of it? If I’m convinced this is a real setup, then I’ll keep you in the episode how’s that I mean a very least I can give you a CD key to activate your windows, looks like it’s not activated, which, by the way, you guys can pick up a CD Key for less than $ 15, if you visit your CD key calm and use the code ts 20 for an extra 20 % off links down below you guys got ta admit that was a pretty smooth transition. Alright round, let’s see what else you got so we have an Amazon box, that’s being used as a monitor riser for the sceptre monitor, that’s actually very clever, and then we got some RGB peripherals, not bad.

Oh, I see you’re using the monitor box as your actual desk. I guess that’s better than leaving them on the carpet. He also has a custom-built PC with the rising 3 1216 gigs of ram in the RX 580. Ok, that’s actually pretty decent PC any of the SteelSeries headset Sean. You have actually pretty good gear to build yourself, a pretty decent setup, the most important thing, which is a desk. How do you even use this setup? You just sit on the floor that can’t be real. That’S the chair! You sit on. Why not use the other chairs that you have in the background those look way more comfy, so I guess he doesn’t have a desk and that this is a temporary setup. Ok, oddly enough, this shot of the setup over here makes sense, he’s actually using the monitor box as a lapdog for the keyboard and mouse. Ok, our game, Sean for a game. You definitely have the gear for a decent setup. It’S just you’re missing a desk either way you are getting $ 100, so I hope you can put it towards a new desk, maybe a housekeeper, because I mean your room looks like it’s been hit by a tornado recently, whatever you do with it, you know congrats On the hundred dollars, thank you Shawn for entering and good luck so yeah out of those five setups, which one do you guys think is the absolute worst and the one worthy of another hundred dollars.

And of course, this beautiful beautiful trophy make sure to cast your vote by clicking on the straw poll link down below because, for some reason, YouTube removed the poll system. So now we can’t vote on the best setups at the end of the episode. I don’t know why he took it out, but now we are forced to use straw poll instead, but anyways I’ll announce the winner on the next episode of setup Wars. If you guys enjoyed the roast.

My setup Edition make sure to toss a like, and I will do more of these in the near future being as much watching as always. I love you beautiful, beautiful nostrils. I will see you very soon in the next one. .