How to enter Setup Wars – Updated 2020

How to enter Setup Wars  - Updated 2020

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How to enter Setup Wars – Updated 2020”.
So you want to participate on set up wars and show off your awesome setup for the world to see. Well, you click on the right video i’m going to guide you guys and girls on exactly what you need to do to get on the show. I can’t begin to tell you how many people we reject, simply because they don’t follow the rules, so please pay attention to start off. You will need something to take pictures with. You can use your smartphone a professional dslr, whatever it is just remember. The higher the quality of the pictures are the higher the chances of you getting accepted, always remember: quality and quantity, while you guys are taking these pictures.

Okay, so a few things to keep in mind so that your submission doesn’t get rejected number one: please: label each photo in numerical order. This is gon na make the editing process a lot easier for me. Number two keep your hands as steady as possible. If you have a tripod, i recommend using that, but it’s not required the more you shake your hands while taking a picture the more blurry the image will come out. So please keep it as steady as possible.

How to enter Setup Wars  - Updated 2020

Number three make sure you’re taking these pictures with as much light in your room as possible, so the pictures come out crisp and clear. I prefer you guys do this during the day and not at night number four. I can’t stress this enough, but landscape, landscape and landscape, please, for the love of god tilt your phone to the side while taking these pictures do not send me any vertical pictures. Number five, while you’re taking pictures, make sure your setup is turned on with rgb lighting and that you have wallpapers on all of your monitors. It just looks better this way. Alright, so here are the pictures that you would need to take picture number.

How to enter Setup Wars  - Updated 2020

One should be a direct frontal shot of the setup make sure the entire setup is visible from side to side and top to bottom picture number two should be a 45 degree angle of your setup without the chair picture 3 should be another 45 degree angle of Your setup, but from the opposite side number 4 should be another 45 degree angle, but including your chair. It doesn’t matter which angle you choose just make sure to pick one that looks the best with your setup. Number five should be a top view of your keyboard and mouse within frame get as close as possible, while keeping the keyboard and mouse with the mouse pad in frame number six should be a picture of all of your monitors. You can take these at any angle. You feel will look great or you can include one of each angle if you like it’s up to you, but please remember to keep the object. You are taking a picture of in frame all the time.

How to enter Setup Wars  - Updated 2020

This applies to the monitors and everything else that you’re taking a picture of number seven should be a shot of behind your monitors. I want to see what’s going on behind them, how you manage the cables and how you mounted it to the wall or to the desk. The braid should be a below the waist direct shot of the setup, showing everything underneath the table at eye level. This is very important make sure the entire setup is visible from left to right.

Number. Nine should be a close-up shot of underneath the desk so that we can take a look at that sweet, sweet, cable management feel free to take extra pictures of the cable management. If you have a lot going on there, pictures 10 to 15 should be a shot of your pc. While it’s on your setup, you don’t have to move the location of your pc if you don’t want to, but make sure to take some pictures with the side panel on and off in different angles.

Picture 16 should be a shot of the pc from a distance, while it’s off without the side panel picture 17 and beyond, should be pictures of stuff that you have in your setup, whether it’s speakers headsets consoles collectibles controllers, whatever you have laying around in your setup That you want to share with everyone watching whatever you do, do not bring the camera up. Super close the gear. Please make sure it’s from a distance.

You can even send pictures of everything else in your room. You want to share with the audience. This could be anything from a couch gaming setup in the living room or extra tvs you have laying around, maybe even a pet.

If you have one as a bonus, you can send me pictures of your setup in low light. So if you have a bunch of rgb lighting that you want to show off that looks really cool at night, then by all means send those pictures as well. And finally, this is optional, but you can send a video and 1080p showing off your setup. Maybe you integrated the lighting of your setup with a voice assistant, and you want to show that off to us – or maybe you just want to give us a pen of your entire gaming room, whatever it is, feel free to send up to three videos, at least In 1920, by 1080p resolution, once you have all your pictures, it’s time to write down your gear list, go ahead and open up a notepad and copy and paste the text.

I left for you guys in the description section of this video and begin filling everything out. Please be as detailed as possible for the gear list. If your desk is made up of different parts list, each of them individually, along with any custom, work or modding, you did to it. If you’re rocking a keyboard with custom keycaps, please let me know what keycaps they are and switches of the keyboard.

If you have anything else in your setup not listed in the text like headphone, hanger, boom arm, rgb, strips or smartphone stand make sure to list those under the miscellaneous section. The decor slash art section is for anything that provides personalization to your setup. It could be wall paintings, funko pops, figurines, collectibles, etc and finally list the specs of your pc. If you did any type of custom, work or modding to it, make sure to list it underneath the specs as well.

You can even put overclocking specs here as well. If you like, once you’re done filling out the gear list, go ahead and visit and drag and drop all of the files on there double check and make sure everything is correct and that you have all your pictures and the gear list in there, because sending Duplicate emails will affect your chances of getting accepted once you’re happy with everything hit the transfer button. So let’s say you submitted the photos and a couple months later you decide to upgrade your setup. Maybe you got a brand new keyboard mouse or maybe a brand new pc, and you don’t want to lose your place in line well, you guys can send in a brand new submission or additional pictures. Just let me know in the notes that you are adding to a previous setup or that this is a brand new submission, so that we can disregard your previous one and still keep you in cue. The current wait time to get on setup. Wars is anywhere between one to six months, so please be patient after submitting your photos, however, if you’re an active member on my discord server, you do get bumped up to the top of the queue so feel free to join us. If you guys are interested i’ll drop a link to it below, i know it’s a lot of information to take in, but you know, there’s a reason why this is the most popular setup show on youtube.

Currently, i have very strict requirements in order to maintain the quality of the show. I do this for you guys. I don’t really care about the quality of the pictures. You guys are the ones that are watching.

So i want to please your eyeballs. If that makes any sense so yeah with that said, i hope to see you on the show. Thank you so much for watching and i’ll see you guys in the next one. .