Setup Wars Episode 220 – Roast Edition

Setup Wars Episode 220 - Roast Edition

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Setup Wars Episode 220 – Roast Edition”.
The setup has more plastic than kim kardashian, what’s happening, guys that source from tech welcome to center. For it’s episode, 220 potato edition today we’re gon na be roasting, some more setups, which is everyone’s favorite series of setup warriors because after watching, we tend to feel a little better about our own setups. Of course, this is done for fun. Please do not take anything. I say in this article seriously: in fact, they hosted an event on discord where we all got together and roasted setups together. It was so much fun. In fact, i said i would even feature some of the best roasts in this article. Also, don’t forget that the person with the worst setup will take home a hundred dollars in cash and this beautifully crafted toilet trophy, which can be custom engraved in the bottom and signed in the back by yours. Truly so yeah.

It’S up to you guys to vote at the end of this episode, so with that said, sit back and relax and let the roasting begin what’s happening. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s your boy ed from techsource, welcome to another episode of setup montage, but before we jump into the episode, i’m gon na give a huge thanks to for sponsoring today’s video pc, gamer dot buzz, is kind of like an alternative to reddit, with Some neat features it’s a message board platform that offers the ability for users to generate revenue by posting and sponsoring posts. For example, if i make a post about cheap cable management items and someone finds it helpful, they can click on the sponsor button up top and sponsor the post. This allows the users to post quality content on the website to earn revenue, but the person also sponsors quality posts early gets a piece of the revenue as well.

It’S a pretty neat website that is just starting out whether you’re looking to share pics, ask questions or learn something new. This is a platform to do it. I did create a section on the website called setup tips where i’ll be hanging out for a while and responding to some of your setups that you guys post there with tips and tricks. So if you haven’t had a chance to get on the show yet then make sure to click the link below and sign up for a free account and post your very own setup.

Setup Wars Episode 220 - Roast Edition

I might even sponsor a few good ones that i see all right. I’M feeling pretty good about this episode, since i got my mcdonald’s coffee with me. So let’s do this all right starting off the show is clark from the philippines and his awesome cheese, grater setup. I think he wanted to buy the new mac pro but couldn’t afford it, so he went with the cheese grater style desk that he probably picked up from an abandoned playground.

Setup Wars Episode 220 - Roast Edition

At least the desk doubles as storage. He can store all of his gear in there. In exchange for leg room, i mean it’s pretty simple, for the most part, he’s got a single monitor, a budget keyboard and mice. It looks like some of the fonts on the keycaps have been faded, just like how i get on the weekends, i’m not sure if putting your pc on the top shelf was such a great idea, because it’s looking a bit unstable kind of like my last relationship. I know i was making a joke earlier about the imac pro, but i’m starting to think he’s an apple fan, judging by the apple sticker he has on his pc. Maybe if you didn’t spend your money on the hello kitty clock items you could have bought a decent pc. Thank you clock for entering and good luck.

Setup Wars Episode 220 - Roast Edition

All right. Next up is dan. Clearly, not the man from florida and his unusual gaming setup. First off. I have to say that it doesn’t matter if you have a wallpaper of my face on your monitor or if you have my channel pulled up on your screen.

No amount of sucking up to me is gon na save you from the roasts in the notes. He states that he uses the setup to watch setup wars, but i hate to break it to you. It doesn’t look like you are active on the channel. Maybe if you watched more setup wars you would actually have a better setup.

I don’t even know the worst part of the setup, the giant 42 inch tv up close to your face, the cringy rgb strips that you mounted around the tv or the laptop cooler you’re using for your keyboard. Is your keyboard really overheating that bad that you need to use a cooler for it or is it for your sweaty hands? I know you’re not sweating in games because you don’t have a gpu, so i’m really curious. Why that’s there in the first place? Also, i’m not sure what kind of desk you’re using, but it looks very similar to my first grade teacher’s desk.

It even has the same bowing in the middle when she used to sit on it. The only decent thing about the setup is probably the cable management, specifically underneath the desk. It does look like you did put some effort in wrapping the wires to one of legs, but the excitement pretty much ends there.

I wish you put the same amount of effort with those cables for the rest of the setup, but thank you for entering and good luck. Oh, my lord, coming in all the way from my aunt’s storage closet is danielle and his unbelievably organized gaming and editing setup. If i’m being honest, i couldn’t find his setup at first. It was like where’s waldo, but setup was edition, and then i spotted the monitor. That is for some reason placed on a bookshelf. My guy doesn’t even have a proper desk in this storage closet or whatever.

The hell this is so he’s forced to put the keyboard and mouse on his lap, it’s kind of like a couch gaming setup, minus the couch and the setup. I don’t get it. Why don’t you just move your pc and the monitor to that glass desk? You have by the window, wouldn’t it make more sense there instead of torturing yourself. I think that looks like a bible in one of your shelves.

I hate to break it to you, man, but god can’t save you or your setup. I think the worst thing about the setup is not even the setup itself, but the poor pc, that’s suffocating in all of that dust he’s rocking a gtx 1070 in there without any side panels, like literally both side panels, are off of the case, which explains the Amount of dust in this pc, this pc, has more dust than my great grandmother’s urn. I also find it fascinating that my man, daniel, is rocking 300 pair of qc35s.

Surely if you can afford that, you can afford a decent desk. Thank you for entering, and may god be with you jesus, how many daniels do we have on this episode? Daniel number two is up next from he didn’t really specify in the notes and probably for good reason. If i had a setup like this, i wouldn’t want to be seen either it’s so bad that even his pc is a shame. Then it’s facing the wall hell even as imac is joining the party. My anxiety levels are through the roof.

Just by looking at this picture like, why is the tv so close to the edge like that? But, more importantly, why is it still on your desk? I don’t think i’ve ever seen a setup that uses a tv as a secondary up. That close, this is the first. I love that he’s using a coat hanger for his headphones.

That is either big brain moves or hilarious. I can’t really tell at this point to be honest, but i will give him some extra points for using books as a monitor. Riser, i think this guy is destined to be an engineer, so the pc power in the setup actually looks very impressive. Not only is he running, six ram sticks, but it’s also got dual gtx 295’s in sli. I’Ve never heard of these gpus before, but there are two of them, so it has to be powerful right.

You know at first i was wondering why the pc doesn’t have a side panel again, but then i realized it has a dedicated cooler for it. Once again, big brain moves by daniel he’s actually using the side panel to kind of help direct the airflow inside the case from a distance it looks like the fan is secretly doing dirty things to the pc. I think the coolest thing about this setup is that dope looking desk lamp that his mom probably got for him. What can i say daniel this setup is atrocious, but you have impressed me with the ingenuity.

Thank you and good luck up next is dionard. Coming from what appears to be a serial killer’s basement, we have our very first mobile, laptop setup. You guys it’s built on a cart that you can roll around wherever you want, so pretty cool. Actually, maybe you can roll it straight to the trash bin where it belongs.

I’M not sure what that old crt monitor is doing behind the laptop, especially since it’s not being used, but i do have to say it matches the theme of the overall setup, old and nasty. I didn’t think this setup could get any worse until i saw the landline phone which doesn’t even look like it’s working. I think that phone is older than half the people watching this video. Sadly, i don’t even know what on earth is happening in this corner of the room over here, but honestly, i don’t even want to know. I haven’t seen such a mess like this since i shaved my pubes last week, excellent mobile setup, dionnard. Thank you for entering and good luck. What in batman’s crotch is this? Is this even a setup? My man is using a plastic chair, that’s the same height as the table. We got the hunchback of notre dame over here.

The setup has more plastic than kim kardashian. At least he was smart enough to use a shoebox to lift up the keyboard, but you literally left no space for the mouse. By the way, your daycare called they want their kids table back like what in the world is that power supply doing outside of the pc? Oh wait, that’s no. The power supply is actually on the top of the case.

I almost had a heart attack there. You know what’s so funny: everyone that has a pc on carpet is adding a nice piece of wood or object in between the pc and the carpet. That way, it doesn’t, you know, get a lot of dust, but emanuel over here is doing the complete opposite. He ditched his hardwood flooring and intentionally added fabric under the pc.

Why would you do that? I can’t begin to tell you how bad that is, especially since your pc doesn’t have a side panel. Also, what is it with pcs and no side panels? Is this a new trend i’m missing out on? I just noticed you have a bottle of hand. Sanitizer on your desk. I like that. I like that you’re trying to stay germ free, but you’re gon na need an entire bottle. Unfortunately, jerry’s up next, oh no, jerry jerry! No, why you got ta! Do this to yourself man, they threw poor jerry into a closet.

This man really wanted a setup so badly that he was willing to make one in his tiny closet. The entire desk literally takes up the full size of the keyboard, leaving no room for that mouse. I mean, there’s barely any room to move that chair. How is that even comfortable? I’M getting claustrophobic just by looking at this picture? Imagine playing at night and you forget the call of duty posters there and then you turn and see some guy staring at you like i’d freak out at first. I was wondering why he mounted his pre-built pc on the wall, but immediately after it made sense. He clearly had no room anywhere else to mount it, that poor, pc isn’t even mounted correctly.

It’S practically crucified, all of its guts are hanging out. I don’t know how much longer the pc can survive like this. Considering the psu is hanging on for dear life. Honestly, this isn’t even a setup, it’s a tiny bunker, ready to go up in flames any day.

Now, if i were you jerry, i would have a fire extinguisher on standby. Clouds is up next from latvia. Where is latvia located? Oh okay, so it’s between estonia and lithuania wow welcome to the show clubs. It’S awesome to meet my very first latvia contestant on boards and your setup is getting roasted. How wonderful! So i don’t know who that girl is on your wallpaper, but it looks like she’s daydreaming kind of like how you are, if you think a girl is gon na. Like you for this setup, maybe you put a picture of a girl on your wallpaper so that you don’t forget what they look like since it’s been a while that one has talked to you. If that is somehow magically your girlfriend, whatever you do, do not let her see your setup. Trust me, i’m saving a relationship.

It feels like i’ve been dragged back to the 1900s with all of these brown and yellow colors, like even my grandmother’s. Living room is more modern than this. I do have to give you some credit in attempting to manage those cables. It looks like you use some tape to group them up.

I mean the effort is cute, but you could definitely do better. Also, would it kill you to grab a vacuum and just clean your floor and, while you’re at it might as well clean your pc as well again, it’s got no side panel. This setup is so bad that termites don’t even want to eat it. You know what collabs you seem like: you have a fun personality, but your setup shows something completely different get yours together. This is certainly not the way you want to represent latvia, but thank you for entering okay.

I don’t even know where we are in the notes. He states he is from the philippines, but honestly it’s more of a dungeon than anything. It is so dark here and unsanitary.

When is the last time you picked up some disinfecting wipes dude. There is so much dust and dirt everywhere. I’M pretty sure kobit started right here in this room: the anime character on the wallpaper, pretty much sums up everyone’s reaction to this setup. Let’S move on, shall we i don’t want to see any more of this setup. I need to actually bleach my eyes real, quick i’ll, be right back! Thank god. This episode is almost over so last, and certainly the least we have carlos carlos sorry coming all the way from egypt.

He says the setup is used for college and it’s practically falling. Apart, looks like he built the setup in between these dressers, but why did you keep the pc on the floor? I feel like there’s a lot of extra space on the desk for it once again. It doesn’t have a side panel and because of that, it’s filled with dust and dirt. I don’t think we need to get into the cable management either. It’S looking like my grandmother’s life support system. Well, look on the bright side, carlos at least you can save money on the condoms and spend it towards books for your college, because this setup isn’t going to get you any girls already.

I think that is all the roasting i can dish out for today. Now comes the hardest part of the video deciding which of these is the absolute worst setup, so make sure to click the link down below and cast your vote, because that person will take home a hundred dollars and this beautiful toilet trophy signed by techsource. If you guys enjoyed the worst setup edition, you want to see more of it, of course, make sure to toss a like before heading out and consider subscribing. If you guys are new here thanks so much for watching.

I love your armpits and i’ll. See you very soon in the next one .