the $429 iPhone SE vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Unboxing (2022)

the $429 iPhone SE vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Unboxing (2022)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “the $429 iPhone SE vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Unboxing (2022)”.
My first iphone was the three i think 3s. Maybe i had the round round back. It was like a little turtle. I don’t remember that at all.

You remember that the turtle was like. No that’s what i have yo jonathan here. This is the iphone se3.

In my first 24 hours, but i got a chance to hang out with the incredibly talented, danny and colton aka nico we’ve been working on some stuff in spatial audio and dolby atmos. I got a chance to have them, listen back and react for the first time using the original se compared to the new se3 2022. Whatever you want to call it. That’S the old one right man, i’m in the studio, it’s 2012 and we finna get it poppin.

So let’s go, they didn’t take it of course, shout out music video, which kinda really surprised me so that link as well as the others down below but for now enjoy, but speaking of the og, this was so interesting because this we were just talking about it. It’S so crazy that this used to be something that people were shocked about because, like oh, my god, the screen is so giant, but this literally feels like they went smaller and smaller and now we’re getting the bigger screen. That’S so true, it was like sleek to be small, and then they were like. Let’S get big again. Okay, yes – and this is the iphone se just like og what years or what numbers just the se 2016 2016.16., because a lot of people want a small phone right yeah. I see that yeah, it’s nice.

It feels far too small for me now, but that’s for us we’re like trying to see big screens like i feel like for what we do. It’S easier for me to have my giant screen, which i’m just going to take the big boy right here and we’re going to. I can open this. Oh, are we just freestyling? I don’t know, i don’t know, i’m just going you guys yell at me, okay.

the $429 iPhone SE vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Unboxing (2022)

This is the iphone 13 pro max, which this is not a new phone. This is a new color which, if i do say so myself, very incredible color, but this phone came out six months ago, but not in this color, not in this color yeah, but like super cute, i love this. I would use this and i feel like green. Sometimes would be seen as like a boy color and i say heck that so pull her out.

I’M fake nails, painful right, so yep and then do okay, but careful careful, careful, oh my god, wow wow. Look at that green! No! I’M not gon na lie. That’S actually beautiful it is it’s really nice, oh, you know what actually i don’t know if it’s you holding it by your jacket, but it actually has like a it’s like forest green.

But there’s a really nice like deep teal to it. It does it’s. I don’t know it could be your jacket, it’s super sleek.

Well, no, it’s very different from me. Okay anyway, this is beautiful and also this is like this is the big boy right. This is the big boy, don’t drop it get a case. Oh my god. I know i’m making me nervous, i’m shaking you, ain’t never had no phone to slick. No, that’s! This is stunning.

the $429 iPhone SE vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Unboxing (2022)

This is like this is big boy creator, big boy, storage, big boy or a camera, and this has the same camera from six months ago right. So it’s the um, they do the macro get real close up yep and then this is the mini of the iphone 13, which is the smallest iphone 13. You can get um, which i think the colors are comparable. But can you flip that, over let’s open this one, we’ll whip her out yeah zipper, i’m gon na whip, her i’m gon na do this one, because i feel like a failure but again in the forest, green family and we’re gon na see, i’m not sure hold On oh, i see oh dang, okay, big difference actually now that i’m looking at it oh hold on careful.

the $429 iPhone SE vs iPhone 13 Pro Max Unboxing (2022)

I know i know i’m a matte girl. I am a matte girl, yeah yeah, this one’s beautiful. I feel like that’s a nice pairing with the big boy phone. This is exactly you know that, but just the smaller more compact and oh and it’s the same size as this yeah slightly bigger, but the screen’s bigger – oh, that’s, true, put them on top of each other, because it’s bigger, that’s bigger, it’s bigger, that’s bigger! Okay! That’S bigger definitely definitely definitely but a nice nostalgia moment, because i, like i like the minis for a throwback of like where we came from.

I like to remember that it used to be like fits in the palm of your hand, and that was right from the tiny now we’re here cut it. You can cut it. You need to cut it color wise, i’m this. What would you pick? I mean i just love green green’s, my favorite color, so you don’t have a preference of the matte or the shiny, no cause.

I’M gon na put a case on it. Okay, fair, that’s, fair! That’S a fair! Okay! We have the iphone se, which is the third generation of this guy. Should we open it mm-, so the cool thing about this one is: this is going to be the 13 insides 13. Is these insides, the insides of this guy, but with an eight body with an eight body, so retailing at four four twenty nine which is so affordable compared to because it really is yeah when i hear 10.99 like that, makes me think of taxes, and then it Makes me panic about how much i’m gon na pay? Okay, that too, this is beautiful.

This is sleek for creators for people that need giant storage. This is incredible, but if you’re looking for something that is not going to freak you out when you hear 10.99 like this, is beautiful good for a gift for maybe a child or a parent. Oh, i also love the white. The white to me is classic to me is like wow, it also has the the camera is, is not the same as the three cameras. This also immediately makes me think of my dad because he hated when iphones got rid of the touch yeah to me. This is a good starter phone. This is a good kid phone. This is a good like i don’t know.

Budget has a negative connotation to it. It’S like, if you don’t need all that, if you don’t need all that. But it’s like it’s look at this, but it’s nice.

But it’s nice, it’s still a top-of-the-line phone and it’s got the power of the big boy. Yes and you some might say that that this phone walked so that this one could run that’s what they say. That’S what the kids are saying, also fun fact so fast. Does anyone know what sc stands for because i sure don’t it stands for super califragic picture. Expialidocis is that copyrighted? I don’t know. Oh my god. It is not second edition.

It is not special edition, but it could be fill in the blank super excellent super excellent sexy eggs ew exactly it could be egg salad backwards, salad, egg. Okay, we got to move on right now. Okay, speaking of cases cold – and you were talking about cases hit it and here’s how you open a box, they give you arrows bolted on every box. I never noticed that. Oh that’s, nice. Wait! That’S different than the color of the phone, though right.

This is more of like a that matches, that is, nice together, hold that up together, but that wouldn’t go with that right. Yeah, that’s right, but the pairing of the colors to me, aesthetic! That’S like that’s feeding! My soul, because also that with the darker and the more glossy, because that is like is that, like silicone? Is that what it says silicone? Yes, that’s nice and i feel like this. These kind of cases to me feel like they’re protective but they’re, not like i’m, not gon na throw shade to any other brands, but sometimes you get the bigger, really protective cases and they’re, just protective they’re hideous i’ll, say it. But this color called my name just real fast, because i’m a blue gal gold, lipo, blue and purple a blue and purple girl, i’m so sorry you have to do it so fast nice.

That was a good one. That was really good. Thank you, oh because you know what i just yeah hold on five seconds five seconds. This actually looks really nice with that, does that fit? Are you kidding? Can i put it in? Is that? Can i put it in pop it in there put it in put it on put it in and put it on? That’S what i meant.

Let’S put it on put it on, don’t be saying, i think i’m edited you crazy on the internet. No! Stop! Oh school! 10. – oh my god! Oh my god! Why is that so satisfying to me? Do you never do it again? No one can ever do it again. It’S not ever! Okay, just stay with me because to me this is giving me clouds.

It’S giving me sky. It’S giving me cute, that’s cute! Oh my god, hey that’s cute! I love that it’s nice, this blue, is also really i don’t know what the family of these colors. Is these like deeper tone? I don’t know. I love this because it’s not like the iphone.

I have is like the sky, blue mm-, and i really like it, but this is more sophisticated. It’S sophisticated, yeah, it’s elder wise, shut up. Put that in there put that in there very gently, because i got ta see it. Oh my gosh see.

The thing is before it has a case on it: i’m not allowed to touch it. Do you guys usually make this much of a mess when you’re doing these, or are you more like swap with it? Oh that’s nice. This feels like i’m holding the world in my hand.

I don’t know if anyone else feels that, but oh and the inside, that’s nice. What is that anyone know what that material? Is this microfiber? That’S, nice! Okay! Can you clean the front of the phone to swiping up, they should make that apple. Make that that would be lit. Tell them somebody texts, apple text, them up. That’S pretty nice, like you’re, kidding, yeah like if you’re trying to flex this is i’m trying to flex phone. That’S why i’m trying to flex one for sure i mean feel it. No, it feels and it’s like those credit cards where you hand it and you’re like yeah, yeah yeah. It’S like that’s the one. Oh my making is just .