Safe PC Temperatures as Fast As Possible

Safe PC Temperatures as Fast As Possible

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Safe PC Temperatures as Fast As Possible”.
This is a question. I’Ve been asked a hundred times and based on a quick google search. It looks like there are quite a few other folks who want the answer: how hot can my PC run before it’s not safe, anymore? Okay? Well, let’s start with why you would care how hot it runs. Some lots of reasons. High temperatures can cause all kinds of stuff in semiconductors.

It increases the electrical resistance, reducing efficiency. It can speed up the degradation of electrical pathways within the component, allowing errors that cause data corruption, and it can, even if the proper safeguards weren’t in place, caused the low-temperature solder that is sometimes used to completely melt all righty, then that’s very scary. Can you give me the answer now well hold on? Let’S start with some information from the websites of a couple of computer hardware manufacturers, you may have heard of the T Junction temperature, the point at which it will turn down its own speed to preserve its life. For the intel core, i7 4770k CPU is a hundred and five degrees Celsius. The out of the box standard operating temperature of 95 degrees Celsius for AMD s r9 290x graphics card is to quote AMD perfectly safe, while powered on a WD red hard drive can operate. It anywhere from 0 to 70 degrees which, in their testing, produces no unrecoverable errors and a GTX 780 Ti ships at an 80 degree.

Maximum and NVIDIA theoretically allows up to 95 degrees, but we found that they actually limit it to around 86 degrees Celsius. So those are super scary, high temperatures Linus, my friend said it should be lower. Are they misinformed if it says it’s okay, directly on the manufacturers website? Why is there so much confusion out there about this? Because it’s not quite that simple, unlike the engine in your car, which uses a thermostat to maintain itself within a very narrow range, usually with between 90 to 100 degrees Celsius, most PC parts don’t have moving parts that rely on tight, manufacturing, tolerances and high performance lubricants. To keep them functioning so don’t they don’t really have an optimal operating temperature.

Safe PC Temperatures as Fast As Possible

That means that, while the hard drive with moving parts specified a maximum temperature for the other stuff, a maximum specified in a minimum is not because you can pretty much run it as low as you want and it’ll be happier than a pig and split with. That said, lower is better if you’re, taking the appropriate precautions for most people, you’re not going to want your temperatures to drop any lower than ambient or the temperature of the surrounding air, because below that temperature, water droplets forming on your components do condensation becomes a major Concern water is worse for your hardware than high temperatures, so here’s the summary first check out the manufacturers product page then take that information with a grain of salt. If you’re, one of those people who believes in taking really good care of your stuff – and you want to be sure that your hardware will last and be reliable, keep in mind that the way manufacturers rate their products is based on the way they expect. Most people will actually use them, they’re not expecting you to still be using that CPU graphics card or hard drive in ten years time, and they certainly aren’t giving you a warranty that lasts that long.

So they build some buffer into the numbers, but they don’t worry about those fringe cases too much so for added assurance, take their number and build in your own buffer. That makes you feel comfortable speaking of fringe cases, the people who think trekking to the store and finding the last employee who actually still works on the sales floor of a grocery and drug chain to unlock a cage. So you can spend $ 20 on a package of freaking razors only to burn through them and realize that now you have to do it all over again, the preceding run-on sentence is brought to you by Dollar Shave Club, join Dollar Shave Club today, with the link Below and enjoy the convenience and savings of the teen, great razors and blades that they deliver straight to your door. Once a month with the precision of a clean-cut machete-wielding man throwing a box that would have presumably a net in a bear costume, but could also be a bear who ate a person and then took over control of the bear from the inside and applied for a Job at a pretty cool company that ships bathroom supplies to their thousands of customers who, okay, sorry, I got a little distracted there anyway. Your first order contains the handle that you’ll need for the rest of your subscription and the rates are under $ 10 a month for even their most luxurious shaving experience of the executive. If that sounds great head on over there and tell them, I sent you oh and don’t forget, to check out their shave butter and one wipe Charlies as well.

Safe PC Temperatures as Fast As Possible

The shave butter is for your face. It smells really nice. The one wipe Charlies are for your butt and they smell nice too. Initially, thanks for watching this episode of fast as possible like and share this video, if you liked it dislike it, if you disliked it and leave a comment, if you have any feedback for me or the rest of the fastest possible team and as always guys don’t Forget to subscribe .

Safe PC Temperatures as Fast As Possible