How do Fitness Trackers Work?

How do Fitness Trackers Work?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How do Fitness Trackers Work?”.
The hardest part of sticking to a diet and exercise plan is keeping track of your daily activities in calorie burn. Who am i kidding? The hardest part is obviously staying away from those industrial sized boxes of donuts at Krispy, Kreme or Tim Hortons for our Canadian viewers. But even so, keeping an eye on your workout goals and nutrition can be quite challenging, which is why companies have tried to capitalize on the growing wearable market by selling fitness trackers that you can take anywhere and wear on your wrist. These are very versatile multi-purpose devices that do everything from keep track of what you’re doing cardio telling you how much fat you’ve burned off compared to the last night’s Big Mac and even warned you to get the heck out of the Sun if you’re exercising outside for Too long, so you don’t end up looking like a lobster.

So how does something that size do this much stuff? Well, inside your average fitness tracker, you’ll find tons of components, some of which are standard fare in smartphones such as accelerometers that allow the tracker to tell how many steps you’re taking and a GPS to track distances. But, unlike your smartphone, some fitness trackers, especially nicer ones, have more advanced motion sensors that are not only more accurate but can use positional data to determine exactly what exercise you’re doing that way. It can remember exactly which one you’ve done and track your workouts automatically, but what about heart rate tracking? This is important to different people that want to get their heart beating at a certain rate for conditioning or weight loss.

How do Fitness Trackers Work?

Some trackers use light to figure out how hard your heart is working. They shine light at your skin. That’S powerful enough to light up your capillaries. Those are the little blood vessels close to the skin’s surface and figure out how much blood is flowing, based on how much light is reflected back higher-end models even measure your skin’s electrical impedance, which fluctuates based on how fast your heart beats.

How do Fitness Trackers Work?

This is the same tech used in those heart rate, monitors on gym treadmills, as well as those electronic fat percentage meters that tell you how bad you should feel about yourself. Additional sensors measure everything from perspiration levels to wrist movements in order to track sleep patterns and give recommendations as to how you can improve your sleep habits. So you have enough energy to actually drag self to the gym the next day, as well as special ultraviolet sensors. That only track UV light, so your tracker won’t scream a sunburn warning at you just because you’ve been sitting inside a bright room but as cool as all this sounds one key feature of many current fitness.

How do Fitness Trackers Work?

Trackers still has some room for improvement, calorie tracking, real calorimeters that can give you a precise measurement of how many calories you’ve burned are extremely expensive. So wearable trackers use user input. Data like age weight sex, along with the data from motion and temperature sensors to spit out an estimate. Although these estimates can still give you a good idea of your actual calorie burn, they, along with many other fitness tracker metrics that we have discussed especially stuff, like step counting, should be taken with a grain of salt, especially as they can vary quite a bit between Different models. The good news, though, is that in a recent study it was suggested that fitness trackers tend to underestimate how many calories you’ve burned. So, if you’re trying to burn as much as possible, maybe don’t feel too bad about that extra McDouble you ate in the parking lot, when you thought no one was looking speaking of keeping your body fresh and fit fresh books.

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