UV Light as Fast As Possible

UV Light as Fast As Possible

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “UV Light as Fast As Possible”.
Ultra Bartlett Kanna sounds like the name of a metal band, but most of us know it primarily as that stuff from the Sun. That makes you look like a lobster if you spend too much time at the beach, but even though ultraviolet or UV light is the scourge of vacationers the world over. There are plenty of Awesome things that it can do as well and I’m not just talking about tanning beds, but what makes it so useful, well UV light like regular light, is a form of electromagnetic radiation which moves through space in waves. But ultraviolet waves have a shorter wavelength and a higher frequency than visible light. Hence the name ultraviolet as UV light has a higher frequency than violet light, which has the shortest wavelength of any visible color higher frequencies mean higher energy, meaning UV light.

Has lots of effects that regular light just well doesn’t, for example, sunburns happen because UV light from the Sun has enough energy to damage the DNA in your skin. The subsequent burn and sensitivity are part of your body’s attempt to repair your DNA and shed heavily damaged skin cells, but if you’re exposed to a lower level of UV light, this will trigger your body to release more melanin which absorbs UV light before it can damage Your skin, this results in a suntan making UV rays crucial if your goal in life is to look like Christiano, Ronaldo or Snooki. Exposure to small amounts of UV can also actually have benefits, as it causes your body to make more vitamin D, but you’ve E’s high energies have plenty of applications, even if you don’t spend all of your time outside artificial UV light bulbs use the same. Dna damage effect to kill bacteria, meaning you can find them everywhere from water treatment plants to bathrooms, where people keep their toothbrushes under a UV lamp and speaking of gross stuff under a UV lamp. Uv tech is also used in black lights.

That are user reveal stains. Molecules that make up proteins can absorb UV light, allowing them to contrast with the background enabling you to see things like blood stains, pet urine, stains and other questionable fluids. In fact, some companies even make travel sized UV lamps.

UV Light as Fast As Possible

So you can, you know, see whether housekeeping at your hotel has missed anything. Higher powered UV bulbs are used by police, even when investigating crime scenes for the same reason, and because UV is indeed a form of light, some kinds of animals can see it. Even though we unfortunately can’t including insects like house flies which are drawn to UV light, making UV bulbs a popular feature in bug zappers, but if you’re more interested in electronics that are a little bit more high-tech UV is used in a process called photolithography. Where UV light helps to form patterns on silicon wafers that CPUs are made from, you can learn more about this.

In this article, we’re also seeing UV light use more and more in the world of identity security, as things like ID and credit cards are printed with patterns that only react under UV light, which are quite difficult to forge or counterfeit. No word yet on whether we’ll see UV authentication on pokemon cards, however, tao clean, aura, clean system, ships with one toothbrush, three clean brush heads a base station and a charger, and the claim that it is the cleanest toothbrush in the world. It has two speed modes to deliver up to 40,000 strokes per minute, much better than just your hand, and it even removes things like plaque and delivers a superior clean. That’S all bundled with a two-minute timer for brushing time with interval alerts for when to change brushing zones.

The station also contains a UVC light that eliminates 99.9 % of bacteria and keeping the brush handle on the base station ensures that it’s protected, while also drying the breast charging it and while cleaning it. The stylistic design and choice of two colors, either black or white, mean that it can go along with your elegantly designed bathroom. If that’s your thing, if you want to see more check it out in the link in the video description down below alright guys, if you liked this video, let us know in the comments down below what more things you’d like us to cover hit the like button And get subscribe, if you disliked it, don’t dislike it, don’t be a jerk, I’m kidding anyways, you can do whatever you want and check out channel super fun because they do fun things and stuff. I think I’ve been on there in months, but I’m sure they’re still doing entertaining things you can report back to me.

UV Light as Fast As Possible

If you want on that and yeah I’ll see you next time. .