SSD Controllers as Fast As Possible

SSD Controllers as Fast As Possible

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “SSD Controllers as Fast As Possible”.
If you’re in the market for an SSD or solid-state drive chances, are that you’re thinking about things like capacity and speed. If you’ve ever read a more in-depth review of an SSD, you’ve, probably seen talk about Drive controllers and how they have the potential to make or break a drives overall performance. But what exactly is a drive controller? Well think of it. This way, if you were to go to the local hardware store and just buy a toolbox, it’s not very useful unless you’re putting stuff in it and while it’s possible to use your toolbox despite dumping stuff in it, willy nilly you’ll get a lot more out of Your general toolbox experience by sorting your pliers and nails and whatnot into the little compartments, so it’ll be easier to find stuff when it comes time to tackle your next big project. This process of sorting your stuff in a storage container is very similar to what an SSD controller does just like a toolbox can’t sort the tools itself. The flash cells on your SSD that store data need something that can fill them up sensibly with ones and zeros and talk to the rest of your computer. The SATA data connector on your SSD is wired directly into your SSDs controller, which processes the data and then sends it to your drives flash memory.

SSD Controllers as Fast As Possible

So because the controller is responsible for actually putting data onto the SSD, lower-end ones can create a bottleneck or even be less reliable due to hardware and or firmware differences. Unfortunately, the reasons behind why one controller is better than the other aren’t always clear, because manufacturers treat controller designs like trade secrets, so it’s a little hard to analyze, sand forces, signature blend of 11 herbs and spices compared to Samsung’s secret sauce. That actually just turns out to be Thousand Island, but what we can tell you is that nicer controllers in higher-end drives are connected too many memory cells at once for faster throughput, a little bit like how GPUs contain many compute cores that work in parallel to help You get higher frame rates, but what are some of the other important ways? A controller keeps data flowing smoothly. Well, one of these is we’re leveling on like a traditional mechanical, hard drive that will generally last until the moving parts wear out. Ssd, flash cells can only be written and rewritten so many times so imagine a shelf instead of always putting data on the lowest easiest to reach one. The controller will try to write all cells evenly to extend the usable life of the drive as a whole controllers. Also handle a couple very important features, called garbage collection and trim, unlike hard drives, where data can just be overwritten at will SSDs store data in blocks that must first be erased before new data can be written. Garbage collection handles this by marking certain parts of data within the block as stale, if they’re ok, to be replaced with newer data moving the remainder of the still good data to a new block, then, finally erasing the old one.

The problem with this is that when you go to delete a file, garbage collection doesn’t mark the deleted data as stale, so garbage collection actually keeps copying these data to new blocks needlessly using up write cycles. This is where trim comes in an operating system command. That tells your SSD controller, which pieces of data within a block are actually parts of deleted files, so they won’t stick around both improving performance and increasing the lifespan of your drive, which is critical. If you want your SSD to last the four years it needs to.

SSD Controllers as Fast As Possible

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SSD Controllers as Fast As Possible

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