Misconception Mashers – Episode 1 – PC Components

Misconception Mashers - Episode 1 - PC Components

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Misconception Mashers – Episode 1 – PC Components”.
Isn’T it just the worst when you’re having a conversation with someone that turns into a heated debate, because the other person is clinging fast to a misconception you know, isn’t true, I mean how many times can you tell someone that General Tso’s chicken didn’t actually come from China, before you’re, ready to just give up and walk away, maybe to a nearby Panda Express. So then today’s tech quickie, where we discuss some of these common misunderstandings about PC hardware, will be right up your alley. This is the debut episode of misconception mashers, where we well, we mash common misconceptions. We actually had another name in mind, but our legal team advised us that some other guys already took it bastards. First up. Let’S look at this statement. Non reference.

Graphics cards have better cooling than reference designs. Now this one isn’t completely untrue. As many of these open style, beefy. Looking cooling solutions are capable of dissipating more heat from your GPU.

However, they aren’t always the best choice for your system. You see reference cards and some board partner designs often come with blower style coolers, in which air is forced out the back of the card and out of your case instead of circulating it around and in smaller, builds such as mini ITX systems, a blower style cooler. Can be a superior choice as a card with an open cooler can dump so much heat back into the case that it could cause thermal issues with your other components like your motherboard and CPU another one. I hear a lot.

Is it’s dangerous to set your motherboard down on the bag? It came in some folks. Do this as they’re installing core components like a CPU or RAM and are promptly warned against it by enthusiasts who have heard that the outside of a motherboard bag is electrically conductive, which increases the chance of static discharge frying your whole board. Now there is some truth to this once again, older ESD bags in particular were metallized and could be conductive enough to cause an electrical short or other problem, but generally speaking, a motherboard you buy today will come in a bag with very high electrical impedance, meaning that You could build on it if you really wanted to, or if you want to be on the safe side, you could just use the motherboard box. As I don’t see, many people lining up to tell me that cardboard conducts electricity while we’re on the subject of electrical power. Let’S tackle this next one, you need a high wattage power supply. If you have multiple graphics cards, this generalization actually used to be true, but the three-way and four-way graphics configurations that did require a thousand plus watts of power have fallen out of favor due to compatibility issues, and you also need to understand that what’s considered high wattage Today is more than double what would have been available in the very early days of SLI and crossfire, and while power supplies have become more powerful, the actual power consumption of graphics cards and especially CPUs, has plateaued.

Misconception Mashers - Episode 1 - PC Components

This means that it’s unlikely that you’ll even crack 800 watts under full load with a pair of GTX 10 ATT is a high-end, overclocked processor, multiple hard drives and RGB case lighting on the subject of overclocking. Another common misconception is that you need lots of power phases on your motherboard to overclock. You can tell how many your motherboard has by the way, by counting the chokes around your CPU socket, go. Try it it’s fun! This one is another case of used to be more true than it is today not too long ago.

Misconception Mashers - Episode 1 - PC Components

There was typically a correlation between more power faces and more stability, while overclocking, but see Q, power, efficiency and motherboard. Build quality have improved by leaps and bounds over the past seven years or so to the point, where you’re unlikely to experience any difference between a low-end board with four phases and one with 32, unless you’re one of these guys. So I guess the overall theme of this inaugural episode of misconception: mashers has been more expensive solutions, don’t always make more sense. Instead, save your money for some nice RGB peripherals steam games or a trip to the Chinese buffet down the street and don’t forget to leave a comment below telling us about some of the tech misconceptions that drive you crazy, maybe you’ll see them in our next episode. You know what else you might see in our next episode tunnel bear VPN s the sponsor they are such great supporters of this channel and they’re. Just awesome guys in general tunnel bear is an easy to use VPN that lets you tunnel through one of 20 different countries allowing you to browse the internet and use online services as though you’re in that country and it’s available for like everything, they’ve got iOS, then You’Ve got Android they’ve got: does he really have PC and Mac in his pocket? No, he doesn’t, but they’ve got that too and they’ve even got a Chrome extension just press. The button watch as your connection gets encrypted with AES 256-bit encryption and all your traffic gets anonymized. So your isp can’t see exactly what you’re doing and you are off to the races.

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