Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working?

Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working?”.
It’S happened to all of us, you’re in the middle of a raid, trying to submit an assignment five minutes before it’s due or about to watch an important penalty, kick when everything just freezes and that little yellow icon says no internet connection frustrating as it may be. Unless there’s been an infrastructure failure outside of your house at least you know, a relatively easy fix go over to your router, which probably has some indicator lights. Blooping that there’s a problem unplug. It wait a few excruciating seconds and plug it back in, although you’ve probably missed something critical in the interim you’re at least back online now, but why does this seem to happen so often, seemingly out of nowhere? Well, here’s the deal, although we think of a router as a simple little box that sends your internet connection to your devices.

Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working?

There is a lot going on under the hood, just like a full blown desktop. Pc routers have their own CPU memory, mainboard, IO and even operating system, all of which help it manage data traffic deciding what needs to be sent where and these components of a router can get overloaded. Similarly, to how having 40 browser tabs multiple HD video streams and a game running at the same time might bring your laptop to its knees.

Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working?

Pushing tons of data through your router to lots of different devices can also slow it down, sometimes to a screeching halt. Further complicating matters is the fact that most home internet connections use what are called dynamic IP addresses you see. Internet service providers typically assign IP addresses, which are like street, addresses to help Internet traffic find your devices to each of their modems only for a certain period of time.

When this period expires, your ISP will give you a new one. But if your router is very busy, it might not latch on to the new IP address and continue trying to use the old one which is kind of like trying to receive mail at your old apartment. Your router might be yelling as loudly as it can for.

Google to deliver that darn Chinese food order, but no one down at the city wok can hear it scream and while we’re on the subject of chicken fried rice, your router also might be cutting out because it’s as hot as a wok, many of us are guilty Of this but shoving your router in a corner somewhere where it’s ventilation, holes might get blocked by cables or dust can cause it to overheat. So be sure to check that if your router is crammed behind a piece of furniture, it can actually breathe. But there are other problems that aren’t necessarily caused by a router malfunction if you’re on a Wi-Fi connection. Sometimes the airwaves just get very crowded, especially if you’re on the common 2.4 gigahertz band, where noise from common household devices, like microwave ovens and baby monitors and even signals from other nearby routers on the same frequency, can overlap and make it difficult for your receiving device To hear what your router is trying to say, if this is the case, which you can actually find out by downloading a mobile app to look at nearby networks, try going into your router settings and changing the channel or switching to the 5 gigahertz band. If your router and your device is supported, it not only delivers data more quickly, but it also offers many more channels and is less crowded overall and if changing channels making sure your router has cooled off and the time-honored tactic of turning it off and on again Doesn’T help will see if your routers manufacturer has a firmware update available? Sometimes intermittent connectivity problems are a result of buggy software that can be solved with an easy download and a quick round of everybody’s favorite game RTFM fun time and finally, while remembering this handful of tips, we’ll use ensure your routers never out of commission for too long. If it does happen, we’ve got a great tip to help.

Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working?

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