NEVER Forget to Charge Your Phone Again

NEVER Forget to Charge Your Phone Again

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NEVER Forget to Charge Your Phone Again”.
We’Ve all had that moment. You just lie down after a hard day of work and realize Oh hamburgers, I forgot to plug in my phone, if only I could just magically charge it somewhere near my charger. Well, that’s actually a thing, but how in the world, do you get electricity to travel over distances further than while you get with current wireless charging pads that your phone has to physically sit on well to start off? It helps to understand why something like Qi, charging or even electric toothbrush charger has to have a gadget, basically touching it. In order to transfer power. These types of chargers work using a principle called an electromagnetic induction. You see when you plug in a wireless charger.

It creates a current in a loop of wire inside the charging pad. This current in turn generates a magnetic field that can actually cause current to flow inside another nearby coil, such as the one inside the charging spot on your phone or that electric toothbrush, and although this isn’t too difficult to implement the issue, is that it only works Over very short distances, in fact, the distances between the charger and the device has to be much shorter than the diameter of the coil in order for it to work properly. We’Re talking like millimeters, maybe even less here, so one form of distance charging, takes the induction mechanism and improves it by creating a resonance coupling. You see. Currents connected to a capacitor like inside a wireless charger, naturally have their current change direction due to the charge flowing from one end to the other, going through the coil and then accumulating in the other end. Making the current then reverse itself. This is called oscillation and the circuits have a natural frequency at which they lost late. So due to some pretty complicated physics, that’s like way beyond the scope of this video. If you have two coils that oscillate at the same frequency, they will resonate and that energy will actually travel more directly between them, rather than just kind of going all over the place like with a regular inductive coil. This means, instead of having to place a gadget right on top of the charger. The charger would instead work over a distance of several centimeters, even up to tens of centimeters with larger coils working over longer distances. Let’S go prove useful not only for charging phones and laptops by putting them into a charging basket, or something like that. So, even if there’s like a nearby charger and it’s on your desk, it still charges perfectly fine, but also for keeping low power objects such as wireless mice, smart home devices. All of that could just be perpetually powered with no wires at all and because of their improved efficiency, resonant coupling can also be used to charge gadgets more quickly. If you don’t mind setting them atop a charging pad Dell actually has a resonant charging pad.

That can put out 30 watts of power to charge one of its laptops, making it almost as fast as just having a plugged into the wall. Resonant induction is also being incorporated into a Mercedes sedan where the car can just basically Park over a coil in the ground and start charging without any need for those messy wires. But if you want distance charging that works efficiently across, say an entire room, RF charging or infrared charging might be a better bet. You know how you can put power in your home using light waves from the Sun or how you can use microwaves to heat up. Last night’s leftovers, except for pizzas, that’s better cold. Well, they both work using similar principles, except without the risk of sunburn or being boiled alive. Rf uses lower frequency radio waves, like your existing Wi-Fi router and can transmit just a few milli watts of power. One company energies is hoping that their own RF charger will catch on and is marketing to be able to charge at distances of up to 15 feet.

NEVER Forget to Charge Your Phone Again

But just like the light from a flashlight RF charging attenuates, that is to say it gets weaker over a distance. So, placing a gadget near the edge of an RF chargers range means that you probably won’t be getting enough power to charge your phone, although a smaller device like a keyboard or a SmartWatch, might be fair game. As for infrared charging, we actually collaborated with a company who is working on this tech we charged in a recent video where they showed us that, even though IR can be used to transmit more power, even several watts making it suitable for distance smartphone charging their handshake Protocol stops transmission outright when it detects an obstacle like a human hand or your eyeballs, which help to get approved for organizations. It’S like ul and FDA. There’S still a lot of progress that can be made at this time. There are many devices that have the necessary receivers built-in for either RF or IR, but if the technology matures, we may be headed to a much more Wire free world in the not-so-distant future, hopefully Apple will build in support for one or both of these standards, giving Others, the courage to adopt them and we’ll start seeing compatible products on the market over the next few years, but until then take a second to plug in your phone before bed. There’S no telling what you might miss on. If you don’t well, you could be missing out on is ting.

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NEVER Forget to Charge Your Phone Again

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