Graphics Card Settings You Should Change

Graphics Card Settings You Should Change

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Graphics Card Settings You Should Change”.
A while ago we did a video demystifying, all the different settings in your computer’s BIOS, that we think you should tweak., But today we’re gon na take a look at certain graphics cards options that you might wan na fine tune because hey who doesn’t want more performance, You know but hold on a second. I have all my settings the way I like them inside of the games. I play. Isn’t that good enough Well to some extent, but there are other options that you can instead turn on in either the Nvidia control panel or radeon settings that can still make things. Look quite a bit better.. Let’S start with a very simple one.: ( popping sound, ) Resolution., Modern LCD displays have a fixed amount of pixels arranged in a grid, meaning that optimally ( pop sound ). You want your graphics card output signals at the screens native resolution..

Graphics Card Settings You Should Change

If you don’t have that. Your system will have to upscale the image in order to fit into that pixel, grid. And inexact science that will leave your images.

Graphics Card Settings You Should Change

Looking not quite right. So make sure that your resolution is set correctly before doing anything else. And on the subject of scaling. One scaling method that actually will make your images look better is super sampling.. This is essentially when your GPU renders frames at a higher resolution than what your monitor supports and then down scales this image to fit.. It’S essentially a supercharged version of anti aliasing, but do keep in mind it’s very computationally expensive., So it might only work well if you’re pairing, a powerful GPU with a low res monitor or if you’re, trying it on an older, easier to run game..

If you have an Nvidia card, super sampling is called dynamic. Super resolution, while AMD calls it virtual super resolution., And you can force these settings on even if the game you’re playing doesn’t offer them.. A couple of other settings that you can force on outside of games are ambient occlusion and anisotropic filtering.. Ambient Occlusion is a technique that makes shadows look better by examining how bright pixels should be based on geometry and then figuring out, where light should be blocked.. It’S almost like a simpler form of Ray tracing almost.. Meanwhile, anisotropic filtering helps make objects in the distance look sharper.. Although many games do have an option for it. Turning it on in your GPU settings, instead can look better in some circumstances. And it’s also not very hard on your frame rate.. So why not. Another good thing to check is your power management settings.? Typically, your GPU will operate at a fairly low clock, speed and then ramp up when you’re playing a game., And while This usually happens without a hitch, power management has been known to cause issues in some games that shouldn’t be very hard to run..

So if a game like this is behaving strangely, try turning the settings to max performance, though, expect a little more fan. Noise. Moving on one setting that you should probably always have turned on as long as you have the drive space, for it is Shader cache which helps to speed up loading times, especially for larger levels.. If you’re rocking a Radeon card setting it to AMD optimized means Shader, cache is turned on.

And if we’re talking improving frame rates instead of loading times, consider setting vertical sync to triple buffering if you’re using V sync to avoid screen tearing triple buffering, keeps an extra Frame in your GPUs frame buffer, so it’s not waiting around for something else to work on which can result in better performance If you’re having slowdowns with V. Sync, however, do keep in mind it can introduce input lag.. So pick your poison. And speaking of tearing verify that either G, sync or free sync is actually enabled. If you have a monitor and a card that supports these technologies., Sometimes they aren’t active by default. And you obviously don’t want to have spent a bunch of money on a fancy.

Variable refresh rate monitor just to discover that you’ve left the feature disabled for the last six months. And one last thing to check on.. If some of your older games look a bit too dark and there’s no way to fix it in the in game, settings. Try playing with your GPUs gamma options..

However, graphics cards only tend to let you adjust this globally., So you’ll have to remember to change it back once you’re done gaming.. So that’s it. Then what are your best pro tips for are getting the most out of your graphics, card.. Let us know in the comments and feel free to scream if we’ve missed your favorite tweaks.

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Graphics Card Settings You Should Change

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