There’s ANOTHER Version of USB 4

There's ANOTHER Version of USB 4

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “There’s ANOTHER Version of USB 4”.
No not again, are you telling me that there’s now a second version of usb4 which already carried over the super confusing naming scheme from USB 3.? Well, I guess here’s another tech Wiki, where we explain why it’s not just called usb5 or SD USB 4.1 or something. So what do you need to know? Unsurprisingly, it’s fast like really fast usb4 version 2.0 tops out at a whopping 80 gigabits per second twice as fast as the existing USB 4 gen 3×2. And yes, I’m getting a headache just saying that that works out to just under 10 gigabytes per second. So it’s actually faster than that PCI Express 4.0 X4 connection.

The nice SSD inside your computer is probably using and that’s wild because the USB implementers form hasn’t yet published the full specification. There aren’t many details at this time as to how they pulled off this speed. Increase other than a vague statement about a new physical layer architecture, but we did find out from our friends over at Cal digit that the main way they did this was by switching over to a signaling scheme called Pam. No, not the cooking spray. Pam basically means that, instead of two possible digital signaling levels to represent a 0 or A1, there are four signaling levels that can represent zero, zero, zero one one zero or one one, so you’re moving twice as much data.

There's ANOTHER Version of USB 4

At the same time, there still will be dedicated active 80 gigabit rated cables, which USB, if confirmed, are aimed at folks who need to have longer cable runs. But to reiterate, you do not need a new cable to get the higher speed over shorter distances. Pretty good. This is great news for folks that need to move lots of data around quickly, although this might make you think of people that shoot lots of high-res video.

There's ANOTHER Version of USB 4

The use cases potentially include everything from multi-function docs to external GPU enclosures to high performance displays. It’S no coincidence that USB 4 version 2 has the same maximum bandwidth as the latest version of DisplayPort 80. Gigabits per second is enough to drive three 4K screens at 90 frames per second with HDR support, So as displays that offer High resolutions and HDR become more common along with tent and games that can take advantage of them.

There's ANOTHER Version of USB 4

This latest USB revision could get us closer to a one cable for everything future, instead of having to use separate, HDMI and DisplayPort connectors and even more impressive, is that instead of running USB 4 V2 in the default mode, which provides 80 gigabits upstream and 80 Downstream, You can instead run 120 down and 40 up, which could allow even higher resolutions and refresh rates, but this isn’t yet an official part of the spec. So it remains to be seen how widespread support for it will actually be, and not only does usb4 version 2 carry DisplayPort 2.0 signals. It also continues to support PCI, Express and Thunderbolt. That’S how it can support an external GPU, but how soon will it actually be available? We’Ll tell you right after we thank team group for sponsoring this video team group is currently giving away an exclusive set of their 32 gigabyte Delta. Rgb 64 megahertz ddr5 Ram sounds tasty.

It has support for Intel’s XMP 3.0 for Ultra fast speeds and a single click, and it features 120 degrees of ultra wide RGB lighting with a clean, geometric silhouette team group will also be releasing a new Gen, 5 SSD and an all-new AIO liquid cooler that will Cool your CPU and your m.2 SSD at the same learn more about the giveaway and their Delta RGB ddr5 Ram at the link below it’s not exactly a big secret that the theoretical maximums of USB and other high-speed interconnects have so far outpaced. How the vast majority of people use them keyboards and mice require very little bandwidth. Flash drives often aren’t used for much more than a few photos and documents, and most of us these days only use the USB ports on phones for charging. Given this, it shouldn’t be surprising that the USB promoter group has come out and said that the update is being released mostly for the benefit of developers at the moment, even if it does seem useful to run several high bandwidth devices off a single port. It’S hard to find mainstream laptops that even have any usb4 version – 1 ports, as you mostly have to look at the higher end of the laptop Market. If you want to be on the bleeding edge, so usb4 V2 won’t exactly be consumer ready for the holiday season and there isn’t yet a timetable for when you’ll be able to Fork over a ton of money for a computer and or a display.

That actually supports it. Think of this more as a small step towards a more simple future. Without a boatload of connectors, though there are absolutely no signs that the usbif is interested in a future where the names of our USB connectors are equally simple. You know what is simple, though me thanking you for watching this video hey like the video, if you liked it dislike it, if you disliked it check out our other videos, comment below with video suggestions and don’t forget to subscribe and follow the techwiki, it’s simple: you Should be able to do it? .