YouTube Red is DEAD…YouTube Premium

YouTube Red is DEAD...YouTube Premium

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “YouTube Red is DEAD…YouTube Premium”.
If there’s one thing that gives me, the numbing is in my tummy, it’s eating nummies. Actually, it’s tech news, YouTube red is dead, long live YouTube premium. Google has announced that they are killing the YouTube red service and replacing it sort of with YouTube’s premium and YouTube premium music yeah, it’s exactly as confusing as it sounds. So here’s the rundown with a $ 10 per month, YouTube music subscription huh.

YouTube Red is DEAD...YouTube Premium

Dad hadn’t even mentioned that one before you’ll get ad free music on YouTube with continuous play. Even when you switch apps or turn the screen off and the ability to download music for offline consumption, but pay $ 12 a month for YouTube’s premium and you’ll get those same features for every YouTube. Video, not just music as well as access to YouTube red originals, which I guess are now YouTube’s premium originals.

YouTube Red is DEAD...YouTube Premium

Also, if you already have Google Play Music which isn’t going away or YouTube red you’ll automatically get YouTube premium. So it’s it’s good to see that Google is really streamlining their services, making everything less confusing. That’S sarcasm just just like their chat, apps call of duty black ops 4 has been officially unveiled with multiple trailers and attempts at using relatable memes. Just as everyone expected, the game has ditched the single-player campaign, opting for an all multiplayer game design style. Whatever I’m off script, so I’ve lost track of what I’m supposed to be saying. So I guess we will not get any backstory for why, in a futuristic setting with robots and laser guns, people are still throwing axes at each other to make other people more dead. Black ops 4 will have three zombie modes where the Titanic map like Titanic the boat, a remastered version of the model of the Dead map and a Roman Coliseum mode, with only melee weapons, black ops there’s something they’ve, also added a battle, royale style mode called blackout, Which will incorporate a larger number of players and drivable land, sea and air vehicles, but you’re not going to get me to switch off my favorite game for at night? Unless you add the shoot dance, I don’t even know what the shoot dance is. The other news net neutrality has gotten a second chance at life, thanks to the Senate, voting 52 to 47 in favor of reversing the FCC’s repeal of the previous regulations, which is to say that they voted to bring net neutrality rules back. It was a double negative before their FCC Chairman Ajit PI.

YouTube Red is DEAD...YouTube Premium

It’S a cheap high right pay high. Whatever you know what screw that guy, I don’t even care what his name is and broadband lobbying groups are decrying their vote. They are D crying it which, by the way, means crying about it, saying that as they stepped towards a less open Internet.

Now the measure will go to Congress, where Republicans have a 236 to 193 majority and are likely to strike it down, but hey. At least we try and by we I mean other people that aren’t us, because we’re Canadian and we don’t live in America now it’s time for non quick bits, because Linus doesn’t like them brought to you by this shirt again guys time is running out to get Your hands on one of the most premium, classy shirt experiences that has ever existed. Also, you can buy this one there’s only five days left, but if you do miss out, there’s also a whole new line of tech linked merch that you can check out, including t-shirts. Hoodies and fun little stickers check the link in the video description to check it out now. It’S time for AHA, I’m not gon na say it. Take that Elon Musk gave us a bunch of updates on the status of his boring company Tunnel, saying that a ticket to ride in a pod and avoid soul, destroying traffic will cost just one dollar he’s also selling bricks made from the dirt being removed from the Tunnel quote: they’re, really great bricks greatest bricks.

You can like build houses with them and things brilliant. I ad libbed of the greatest bricks part. It just reminded me of a certain someone.

Microsoft has unveiled the adaptive controller to make gaming more accessible with remappable buttons and for connecting just, I was just laughing about the previous byte. Anyway, it’s got a ton of inputs for connecting modular accessories to help those with limited mobility. You can’t make your joke about the slightest, won’t know it.

Oh it’s even in the script. No, I wasn’t. It wasn’t a joke. Okay, the makers of boosted boards are announcing a new ride-sharing startup called skip, but instead of bikes or cars, you can rent a little electric scooter and scoot off to your next playdate, a little Scootaloo yet fully autonomous cars from drive dot. I are now on the roads of Texas, so as a society, we have now moved on to autonomous helicopters with Aurora flight sciences performing successful tests with AI power choppers delivering supplies. Personally, I’d still stand a little further away from the landing pad than if it was a Hyun. Oh, what I’d just be farther away from the landing pad in general, you know what don’t stand near choppers that are taking off or landing. Google, it’s reportedly developing an augmented reality, headset similar to the hololens using qualcomm chips, codenamed, the google, a 65, that’s catchy and that’s it for tech links. Guys thanks for watching hit that subscribe button hit that Bell icon, don’t hit it too hard. You don’t want to break it, but oh don’t hit us, because that’s all the tech news that we have today, I promise there’ll be more coming soon: okay, okay, right now, they could hit us in like a good way like mmm yeah.

Do it again way? You know .