This PC runs 16 Tesla GPUs!

This PC runs 16 Tesla GPUs!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This PC runs 16 Tesla GPUs!”.
Yeah, you probably think your PC is pretty fast huh, you fraggin all those gamer boys and girls online. That’S what you think well NVIDIA has something to say about that. They just unveiled the HDX to a server platform with 16 GPUs for a combined 500 gigabytes of memory and petah flops of compute power. The chips are all Tesla V 100’s linked using Nvidia Zen V switch interconnects, which allows them to essentially function as a single, enormous graphics card, but you won’t be plugging this into play for tonight. The system is geared towards companies that need to perform AI tasks in the cloud Nvidia actually debuted.

The first machine to use the HD x2 platform back in March called the DG x2, but everyone assumed it just ran on pixie dust and some blessed fragments of Jensen. Wang’S leather jacket, it doesn’t run on that, but I do apparently that’s exciting. What do you do when you make a game inspired by other games and movies, and then someone else makes a game inspired by you, but also inspired by those games and movies as well sue them yep after feigning tolerance of fortnight’s, much more popular battle, royale mode Pub G corporation has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against Epic Games, saying for tonight’s core elements, and user interface were very similar to pub G, but one of the most identifiable things that differs between the two games are fortnight’s lack of vehicles and a few days after The suit was filed, epic added a vehicle to battle royale a shopping, cart bub. She doesn’t have shopping carts.

I think that settles it it’s over. Do you guys think this is a smart move by pub G cor? That’S kind of a corp pub G Corp! That’S kind of a rhetorical question, but let us know in the comments well, I thought I had shaken the hold that Pokemon go had on me, but apparently it’s time to reinstall Nintendo has just revealed three new Pokemon games for the switch Pokemon. Let’S go Pikachu and let’s go. Eevee are based on the original Pokemon yellow, with drastically updated graphics and capture mechanics similar to Pokemon go. Although trainer battles seem to use traditional rules, you’ll be able to link your game to Pokemon, go and even use a pokeball shaped controller that doubles as a Pokemon go plus. The third game. Pokemon Quest is a free-to-play game for both switch and mobile.

That adopts a bafflingly ugly blocky redesigned, hey kids like Minecraft right, let’s do like pokemon minecraft yeah yeah should be good; ahh God kill it. It’S quick bits time brought to you by LTX 2018. No, that doesn’t stand for a llama training.

Experience like that one. It’S our sick, meetup and tech event on July 14th, at the Richmond Olympic Oval here in BC, you’ll be able to do things like meet the team from Linus Media Group. Do a blind, cable management challenge with cable mod, have a show you how to deal it. Your cpu throw a PC case around for some reason play VR things, compete in the iBUYPOWER LAN tournament check out the 12k ultra wide gaming station, and that’s only the tip of the tulip tickets are 35 bucks, Canadian, so get em at the link below or at Ltx Expo com, James, is excited. He wants to meet you. German researchers brought up security issues with AMD’s epic server chips, but AMD has responded.

This PC runs 16 Tesla GPUs!

Saying they’re on the case and multiple analysts have pointed out. You need administrator rights to actually exploit the issue. So that’s kind of like saying someone hacked your computer when you left your Facebook logged in. So it’s ok, all of our epic chips that we have are safe.

This PC runs 16 Tesla GPUs!

Don’T worry about your epic server chips that you have yet another Tesla has collided with another vehicle. This time crashing into a stationary police car in California, Tesla, I feel like you – should rename autopilot to something more sensible. Like sucky autopilot, there we go if you’re looking for a phone to fill the cheap, but still good. Category left kind of vacant by 1 plus nokia has 3. The 2.1, 3.1 and 5.1 are all priced at under 250. Bucks cos with decent specs and stock Android.

This PC runs 16 Tesla GPUs!

Although whether you’ll be able to find them in North America is questionable with the burns today, researchers from the University of Michigan and jajang University, I’m sorry have demonstrated sound based attacks that can cause hard drive and system crashes in pcs. Sc words can hurt if they’re set at ultrasonic frequencies did you did you hear that I think I just got heckled ultrasonically whoa dolphin man, yes and HP unveiled a number of gaming products this week, including the mindframe gaming headset, which uses a thermoelectric device to shunt Heat from the ear cups to the exterior, so your little precious ears stay frosty. It’S like the opposite of earmuffs neat. Well, that’s it for tech Link, Tara body subscribe to the website and click the bell icon, even though that might not do anything anymore, but you know sometimes when we’re down going through the motions helps I well technically, that’s true. I’M wearing shorts, see ya. .